Things that I love*:
1. ice cream
2. running (right now I’m actually really digging it. I KNOW, right?)
3. my Dude (hopefully he’s not offended that he’s under running and ice cream. Actually, he’s not reading this so to quote Cartman, “WHATEVER! I DO WHAT I WANT”.)
4. my friends, both old and new
5. the Philadelphia Zoo (and more specifically, drinking at the zoo)
6. wooing on Twitter
7. lists and plans
*that are relevant to this weekend. My kids/dog aren’t on the list because they’re going to Camp Grandparents!
Back in March of this year, right after we launched Scoot a Doot, the Jog ‘n Hog folks found me on Twitter.
It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m a HUGE fan of ice cream. If, by some random chance, I could only eat one dessert for the rest of my life… ice cream. Cake, cookies, trifle, cupcakes; I can pass by without so much as a second glance. But when I hear Mister Softee’s alluring song off in the distance? I can and I will push my children out of the way so I can get to that truck first. (Not really.) (Okay, maybe that’s happened on one occasion.)
Furthermore, as listed above, I love when race organizers or companies interact with their potential/current clients via social media. I think it’s brilliant and awesome. I like attention and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
Kudos to Jog ‘n Hog for engaging and wooing (it didn’t take much but let’s pretend) with your promises of ice cream and running.

Found this little piggy at the end of the Broad Street Run in May. Like I said, the Jog ‘n Hog people know how to do it!
We’ve steadily picked up steam, excitement, and team members over the past couple of months. There’s been planning (MY FAVORITE!), tweets, emails, Facebook messages, shirt orders, OH MY!
Team Scoot a Doot has members from PA, NJ, NY, and DC and we’ll all converge at Shady Brook Farm in Yardley, PA. Finally, FIN-AL-LY, the weekend of the much anticipated Jog ‘n Hog has arrived.
In addition to the Jog ‘n Hog, it’s the Summer Ale Fest at the Philadelphia Zoo on Saturday night. This is a ritual for Dude and myself; we love wandering around the zoo, trying local ales, and seeing the zoo residents in the evening hours.

One of my first pictures on Instagram. I’ve since embraced the “no filter” rule. Guess it’s safe to say that I didn’t like that particular beer – I’m sort of picky.
Let’s review, shall we? Drinking beer for dinner on Saturday evening. Eating ice cream (and running) for Sunday morning’s breakfast. Go big or go home!
Months of planning have been leading up to this weekend and I am super duper excited! Like puppy with a new toy excited! Like seeing awesome friends that I haven’t seen (or, ahem, met before) excited!
In April, we introduced you to some of Team Scoot a Doot for the Jog ‘n Hog. Since that post, the team has expanded! With that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to Kimberly and Kyle. Kimberly was our Philadelphia Chocolate Tours winner back in May and along with their tour, they decided to join us for the Jog ‘n Hog. I can’t wait to finally meet these ladies!
Kimberly – Strategy: leftovers. If leftovers were a way to rule the world, I’d be all over that. So instead of losing my ice cream all over the course, I’ll bring some back for the post-race party. You won’t see me wasting perfectly good ice cream!
Kyle – Let’s be honest, I’m too innately competitive not to go hard. I’m gonna run for two miles. Then I’m going to eat as much ice cream as I can. Then I’m going to run back. (Then I’ll finish the ice cream I have left.) I have yet to experience exercise-induced purging. No time like the present to tempt fate!
So, there you go. Some of my favorite things are all happening within one weekend and I say, with much enthusiasm, BRING IT ON. The past couple of weeks have been tough and I’m more than ready for a weekend of friends, indulgences, and Philadelphia.
What are your weekend plans? Have you ever done one of these non-traditional races or gone to a zoo brew/ale fest? Just want to say hi? (I love saying hi back!) Comment away!