Well, after a spur-of-the-moment 3.5 mile run with Sara yesterday (we were supposed to be walking) and an hour long strength session with Trainer Jen this morning, I guess I’ve recovered from Disney’s Princess Weekend. Victoria and I participated in the Glass Slipper Challenge- running the 10k on Saturday and the half-marathon on Sunday. It was a weekend filled with girl time, running and not nearly enough sleep, and concluded with the award of three gorgeous medals. (Victoria’s weekend also included some vacation time! She’ll fill you in on that soon.)
Let’s back up a bit though- to Thursday afternoon (for Vic) and Friday morning (for me), when we visited the race expo.
Disney doesn’t do small- even the expo is a Major Event. Tons of shopping, seminars, and even a beer cart! It’s very well organized, and also has some of that Disney magic we all know and love.
Here are some expo moments we captured-

Run Disney nutritionist Tara Gidus and the mother runner authors; Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea speak at a seminar.
Favorite booth from the Princess Expo? I bought a few new Sweaty Bands and a six pack of cupcakes from the Yum Yum truck. Victoria got the very last Glass Slipper Challenge Sweaty Band.