A Bunch Of Random Things, With Pictures

I wanted to tell you all about the two yoga classes that my fit friends and I hit this month (Take that, Fit Club Fail!) (Spoiler: Neither one was Bikram.) but I am just crazy busy this week. Instead, I present to you some things I am doing and loving and thinking about right this second, along with some pictures. In other words, a completely self-indulgent blog post.

First- this arrived at my house yesterday.

photo 5-7

We visited the tasting room for Thumbprint Cellars on our 5th anniversary trip to California a few years ago, and this Christmas, J gifted me with a membership to their wine club. This is chardonnay, and they even sent a bar of chocolate. It’s like they know me.

Second- it is Girl Scout cookie time and I am eating all the cookies. My friend sent me one of those cat meme pictures that says “ATE 4 BOXES OF THIN MINTS. NOT FEELING VERY THIN.” That cat is my soul sister, you guys. I mean, really- could those cookies be any more delicious? And the scouts are just too cute to deny-

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Alright, so that is my adorable kid. (You may think she is channeling Vanna White here at our cookie booth, but that is really her Elsa pose. She does it for all photos these days. Don’t you want to build a snowman? And buy some cookies?) I’m her troop leader, so I really can’t say no, but next year I am buying two boxes and donating the rest to the military. Remind me, okay?

Our council is one of the test councils for the Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread and I bought a bag for one of you! I’ll be posting a giveaway for that soon.

Third- A Fresh Market opened in my city and it’s a Very Big Deal. I popped in last week to check it out and took home this bag of popcorn-

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Which might taste better than Boom Chicka Pop. LE GASP. But really. Black pepper! It’s delightful. (It has an odd smell though, which I can’t figure out because the ingredients are normal, non-chemical-y things. But still. Tasty. Just don’t stick your nose in the bag. Which would be a weird thing to do anyway.)

In non-food related things that I love this week, my daughters are now proud owners of Nike sneakers.

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They’re very excited to be “matchies” with me, and now beg every day to go for a run. I know I gave birth to them, so I have to think they’re adorable, but really. SO ADORABLE.

More on the topic of running- Tonight, I get to hang out with THE MOTHER RUNNERS. Well, not “hang out” so much as listen to them talk about running at a local fitness store. But yay! I love their books and the way they inspire women, and well, I’m also looking forward to the swag bag.

And finally, this weekend is the Glass Slipper Challenge! Sara and I are working on our matching costumes (we’ll be dressed up as the same character that our daughters did for Halloween this year. That’s all I’m sharing for now.), and I’m making plans to see Vic and Heather. There will be lots of squeeing, hugging, merriment and pictures of it all.

I’ve been doing my long runs with my friends, Sara and Dorothy, and this weekend will be Dorothy’s first half marathon and Sara will most likely PR in both races. Even though I won’t be setting any personal records, I’m really excited to see my friends reach their goals. As much as running is a solo sport, it can also have the feel of being on a team. We’ve all worked hard, and we’ve done it together. On Sunday, I’ll be as happy for them as I would be if it were my own personal victory.

On a completely superficial note, I cannot wait to have that shoe medal. Because SHOES.

So…favorite wine? Favorite Girl Scout cookies? Favorite expensive health food store snacks? Talk to me! Who is running Disney this weekend?

Avoiding Comparisons

The last Monday of the month is reserved for breakfast at my MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) meetings and this week’s discussion, on avoiding mother comparisons, fed me better than the french toast and hash brown casserole.

We talked about what made us feel inadequate when we’re faced with other moms- personally, I’m never the mom with the tidy house, and I usually feel like we’re arriving to school or ballet or the playdate late and a bit disheveled. When a mom seems to be able to do it all; drop the kids off at school in nice clothes and perfectly styled hair instead of mom-o-flage, volunteer, exercise, keep a clean house, have dinner on the table at 6 and then spend time with her husband, I seriously wonder what the heck I’m doing wrong. I’m always the one rushing around in a ponytail, with a million things to do, and wishing for more hours in the day!

These comparisons are almost impossible to avoid, in motherhood, and in running too. Even though this is a solitary sport, everything is about the numbers. How many races have you done this year? What’s your average pace? How many miles are you running?

With my first post-pregnancy race looming closer, it’s hard to think about the numbers. I’m running well right now- a lot better than I thought I’d be, if I’m being honest- but it’s not my personal best. Most of the time, I’m okay with that, but then I see someone else’s pace on daily mile or facebook or a blog post and I can’t avoid it. I know I’m a middle of the pack runner, and I’m happy with that. I don’t have the body, or the natural talent, or the time to train to be more right now. If ever. I run for me- it’s one of the only things I get to do that’s solely for me. But sometimes, when I hear what others are doing, those feelings of inferiority creep in.

I suppose there’s no real way to avoid this, short of selling my garmin, deleting facebook and not racing. Which, really? Not going to happen. I’m competitive and I like to best myself. (It’s all very “This is between me…And me!”)

And just like I do with the mommy doubts, I’ll remind myself that I’m doing the best I can, hopefully being the best me that I can be.

Avoiding comparisons…any advice? Favorite Thanksgiving episode of FRIENDS?

It’s Training Time

My oldest girl started kindergarten last week. Watching her smooth her dress down before entering the class, and smile shyly at her new teacher reminded me of all my years of back-to-school butterflies. Will I like my teacher? Will I make friends in my class? Of course, it only took one day; she’s already found a new buddy in class, she adores her teacher and she’s excited to tell me about her day every afternoon. 

While she fretted about going to a new school and meeting new people, I experienced some anxiety of my own. Half-marathon training began for me this week, and the thought of adding an extra day of running, and increasing my mileage is daunting, to say the least. It’s a busy time of year- sure, two of my kids are back in school, but with that comes dance class, soccer, homework, making lunches, and car lines. (Times two and across town from each other, natch.) I’m also taking on a new volunteer opportunity and joining a couple of baby playgroups. And have I mentioned that Little Dude doesn’t sleep through the night? (I have. I know. Take a nap for me, okay?)

When I trained for my first half-marathon two years ago, I ran on the treadmill on weekdays, once the girls were in bed. This time around, we no longer have a treadmill (boo) and now I have a laundry list of chores to complete once my littles are asleep (Oh! Laundry. I should add that to the list.) I’d also rather spend my evenings relaxing with a book. Or my husband.

Remember the girl who loved her treadmill? Well, she’s left the building, folks. I’ve moved on (mostly) to pavement and jogging strollers and running with friends. I’ve become a morning runner, and I plan to keep it up through racing season. Running right after I wake up will give me more time with my family and more time to accomplish everything else.

I’m pretty nervous about doing it all. I know there will be times when the dishes don’t get done before I go to bed, or I trade time with my kettlebell for a nap. I know I will probably miss a blog entry or two because I just don’t have time to write. I also know that I can do this. I’m excited to run longer distances. I’m excited to see my friends in November. I’m excited to run hard and do my best. For now, I’m just going to enjoy that flutter of anticipation in my belly because I know it’s leading to something amazing.

Parental Advisory (Explicit Content Requested)

When my youngest brother was three, my aunt gave him a mix tape with only one song, repeating over and over. Front AND back. His favorite song; Blue’s Traveler’s Runaround. At the time, I thought it was hilarious and adorable. Now that I’m in the car with my kids for a good portion of the day, I fully understand what fresh hell it must have been for my mother.

Here’s a tip: if you like a song, do not play it for your children. Kids are song ruiners. They take such delight in hearing a song they like (even more so once they learn the words) that you will have to listen to that song again and again, and again and again, until you hate it. At that point, they will ask you to play it, “Just one more tiiiiiime, Mommy!” before they acquiesce and allow you a turn (“But nothing slow, okay?”) And know this- you will only get one selection before they ask for THAT SONG again.


Just a few tunes I used to enjoy before my kids loved them:

Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
Firework by Katy Perry
A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
The entire Wicked soundtrack

I’m in the car quite a bit with my littles, and the older two (mostly) control our radio. This Spring, we listened to the Sophia the First soundtrack for three months straight. Awkward is your husband walking into the kitchen as you belt out, “I’m not ready to be a princess, I don’t have what it takes…” while washing dishes.

Right now, they’re in a Kidz Bop phase. I used to let them listen to actual pop songs, but they started repeating some unsavory lyrics. (Not curse words, but not appropriate for children either, you know what I mean?) For those lucky people who aren’t familiar with Kidz Bop, let me fill you in. The Kidz Bop kids cover popular, Top 40 music, but alter the lyrics so that all songs are kid-friendly. In “California Gurls”, for example, Katy Perry croons, “Sun-kissed skin, so hot, we’ll melt your popsicle…” while the KB kids sing “Sun-kissed beach”, and voila! No worries when they sing that one in the grocery store checkout line.

They each have favorites (Oldest likes “Girlfriend” by Avril Lavigne, while my middle girl prefers “Who Let the Dogs Out”. Yayyyy), and there are so many songs they enjoy that we aren’t falling into a pattern of requesting the same song ad nauseum. Yet. (And only because the Kidz have, like, 25 albums. Note to my Chicks, we should totally form a Momz Bop group.)

My husband and I took them to see Kidz Bop in concert last Sunday. (Yep, they tour. Who knew?) Watching my girls dance and sing their little hearts out was the best part of my weekend, even if I had to endure a KB cover of “Ho Hey”.

Singing like Taylor Swift!

Singing like Taylor Swift!

So, you can understand that during my time “off”, which is pretty much my running time, I like to listen to adult music. Give me the big butts, the rump shaking, sex on fire, Slim Shady, and all the words I wouldn’t even type here.

Recently, I got a new iPod shuffle, and asked my girls for some dirrrty tunes for my workouts:

Crazy Bitch – Buckcherry
What’s Your Fantasy- Ludacris and Lil Kim
Tear You Apart – She Wants Revenge
Closer – Nine Inch Nails
Work It – Missy Elliott

Big Poppa – The Notorious BIG
HAM – Kanye West and Jay-Z

We Run This- Missy Elliott

Thanks, Chicks!

Share your favorite PG-13 and rated R running tunes with me. Please? Or tell us what songs our Momz Bop group would cover. 

BOB’s Your Stroller

Actually, BOB’s my stroller now. Or it will be once it makes its way from Chick Meri’s house in New Jersey to mine in California. What started as a conversation with me whining about the cost of jogging strollers and how much I wanted one but dude, expensive, turned into Meri shining up her much-loved but no-longer-used BOB Revolution jogging stroller.

That’s right, people, this beauty is about to become mine all mine for the cost of FREE (plus shipping).


Do you know how stoked I am about this stroller?  I am designer-handbag-on-super-sale stoked! I can’t wait to get this bad boy in my greedy little hands and take it for its first spin on the West (Best?) Coast.

As I’ve blogged about ad nauseam, I’ve yet to really get back into the swing of running. Part of it is that I’m tired and out of shape and kind of lazy and someone is stealing all of the hours in my days. But the other part of it is that I’ve got a kiddo at home who I don’t get to see a ton during the week. And with our weekends often filled with laundry and errands and family and tummy time – his and mine – I just haven’t been able to fit running into the picture.

But now that I’ve got a jogging stroller, all of that is about to change. Because now I can take the kiddo with me. Now I can take Mister Jess with me! The couple who runs together actually runs, I’ve found. I know that I’m more motivated to get out there when I have someone poking me in the arm about it. Mister Jess is a great arm-poker. 

All of this means I’m officially out of excuses. I have to run now. And I’m super excited about that (who am I?). In fact, I’m already planning some of our dates. We’ll go to Crissy Field:



Maybe run along the Embarcadero (stopping at Gotts Roadside for breakfast sandwiches, of course):


We’ll just generally explore the streets of San Francisco:



Er. Maybe not all the streets.

Regardless, I can’t wait for my new (to me) jogging stroller to get here. It’s had a great life in New Jersey and I hope it’ll have a great one here, too.

Hey, BOB? I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Any stroller aficionados out there want to give me tips on how to get started? I’d love advice, even if it’s just “Strap Bug in and GO, Jess!” 

How to Exercise When Your Kids Are With You

Summer, summer, summertime. Time to sit back and unwind.

Or get up at 6am every day because, “Hey mama, it’s light outside! Can I have breakfast now? What are we doing today?” We’re two weeks into summer vacation here, and so far it’s going well, even with the early mornings. We’re hanging out with friends, working on our sight words, reading new books, swimming, and I’m even getting to the gym. With the kids! Some workouts are better than others, but you know I’m all about making it work, no matter what. Even twenty minutes is better than sitting on the couch. Or by the pool, if you’re the Fresh Prince.

Parents, I’m going to tell you my tricks for working out with your kids in tow. Usually, I’m at the gym, but these work for a jogging stroller too. (It’s just crazy hot unless I go at 6am. Maybe that’s why my youngest girl wakes me up…)

Taking my little alarm clock on an early morning run

Taking my little alarm clock on an early morning run.

1. Bring a bag of toys. Now, my gym has a playroom that works great for my 3 and 5 year olds. However, if I’m on the treadmill, I can’t see the room or hear them, because of the gym layout. I’m not too comfortable with that, so when I run, they sit next to me. That’s where the bag of toys comes in handy. We have a bag packed at all times for doctor’s waiting rooms, restaurants, church, etc., and it has saved me many times!

I rotate the contents, but it’s usually coloring pages and crayons, stickers, a card game (my girls LOVE the Eeboo Go Fish cards) and magnetic paper dolls. I usually bring the ipad too, just in case they get tired of coloring (that always happens when I have ten minutes left to go, you know?)

Little dude gets his own toy bag, and I give him one toy at a time. He’s only 6 months old, so he needs a new toy every five minutes to stay happy. Ten if I give him the package of wipes, which he LOVES. (The simplest, non-toys are always the most entertaining, aren’t they?) I bring a lot of toys for him and just keep trading while he sits in his stroller. If all else fails and I’m almost finished, we play peek-a-boo. I think of it as an extra cardio blast.

Sometimes they even sit next to me when I do the elliptical. We're all very attached.

Sometimes they even sit next to me when I do the elliptical. We’re all very attached.

2. Bring snacks. This may seem obvious, but I’m telling you anyway, because I always need more snacks than I bring. Snacks are super important.

3. Make it a playdate! I like to invite a friend and their kid(s) to meet us at the gym because it’s a win-win for everyone. I’m more likely to go in the first place, because I’m meeting someone there (and hello, adult conversation), and my kids are happy because they get to play with someone else. And hopefully, that kid’s toys too.

4. Let your kids be a part of things.
When I lift weights at home, I ask the kids to count my reps. When I stretch, they stretch with me. They love yoga, so we do that together. It helps to keep them entertained, and they see that being active is important.

Post-run stretch with my girl.

Post-run stretch with my girl.

5. Be flexible and realistic. I know my kids won’t want to stay more than 30-40 minutes, so I don’t push it. With the baby, sometimes he’s done after twenty. I don’t get mad; I just try to do something during naptime or make it up another day.

Starting him early (or mama has one set left).

Starting him early (or mama has one set left).

Parents, do you ever bring your kids to the gym? What’s your favorite quiet, stay-busy toy?

Everyone, what’s your favorite way to relax and unwind during the summer?  Mine is definitely reading a book by the pool or at the beach. Bliss.

Let’s talk about sleep, baby

Everybody does it. Some of us get more than others. And if you’re getting a lot of it, well, I’m giving you the stink eye.

That’s right, people, I’m talking about sleep.

I like to think of myself as a sleep expert, in that I love it and I did it a lot. I took copious naps on the weekend. Mister Jess and I slept in until 9, sometimes 10 in the morning. Sleep was something that fell from a proverbial sleep tree into my lap.

(For those who are wondering, sleep trees are like money trees, only great sleep falls from them instead of hundred dollar bills. Also, they are fictional, but bear with me.)

I am sad to say that my sleep tree has withered away. The leaves are dying, the bark is looking rather sallow…and I’m out of metaphors. Suffice it to say, I don’t even know what sleeping in is anymore. It definitely isn’t 5:30 AM, which is when my beautiful little angel of a baby decides it’s time to get up and party. And when people ask if he’s sleeping through the night, which he largely is, I want to shake them and say, “forget about him sleeping through the night, what about ME?”

Hey, I am nothing if not selfless.

I’m obsessed with sleep and the fact that I’m not getting it for good reason. Besides being completely awesome, sleep is an important part of our overall health. There have been dozens of studies about sleep deprivation and its negative effects on the human body and mind, but let’s focus on the good stuff, shall well? As The National Institutes of Health points out, a good night’s sleep every night boosts your memory, improves your ability to learn new skills, and makes you an overall happier you.

I’m about 18 years away from sleeping through the night, if my calculations are correct, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. Those who cannot do, teach. So, I looked up some tips and my good friend The Mayo Clinic has some great ones to get you started on the road to sleep success.

1. Stick to a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends and days off. It’s all about consistency where your bod is concerned!

2. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Don’t stuff your face right before bed, but don’t go to sleep starving either. It’s also best not to drink a huge glass of water before bedtime either. It’s safe to say that alcohol, caffeine and nicotine will also interrupt a great night’s sleep.

3. Create a bedtime ritual. This is a great tip for babies and adults alike. Bug gets a warm bath, a nightcap, and sometimes a song before he hits the hay. Relaxing activities help your mind switch into sleepy-time gear.

4. Get comfortable. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and the right temperature. A comfy mattress and pillows are important, too.

5. Limit daytime naps (I cannot recommend this personally, but I guess Mayo Clinic is pretty legit). Long daytime naps can mess up your sleep for later. If you do decide to nap, try to limit it to 10-3o minutes. Good luck with that.

6. Include physical activity in your daily routine. Regular physical activity helps you sleep better, longer, and deeper. Scoot your doots, people!

7. Manage stress. Our lives are crazy, and sometimes when you lay your head on your pillow at night, your brain decides it’s a great time to think about all of the things you have to do the next day, or the things you should’ve done today. Write it all down and then set it aside so you can get some shut eye. It will be waiting for you in the morning. Trust me.

8. Have your newborn go live with Grandma and Grandpa for the first year.

One of those is mine. I’ll let you guess.

How much sleep are you getting at night? Do you have a nighttime ritual? Do you love sleep and naps as much as I do? Let’s talk about it in the comments. Parents of babies, we can cry together there. 

Stocking The Milk Bar

Happy Wednesday, runners! So, I guess it’s (unofficially) boob week for the Scoot chicks. Today, I’m going to talk about breastfeeding. If you aren’t a nursing mama, or planning to be a nursing mama, this might not be very interesting to you. Just giving you a heads up!

Also, I am neither a lactation consultant nor a doctor. All advice is based on my own experience. If you have any nursing issues, please see a lactation consultant or a doctor.

Before I had my first baby, I set a goal to nurse for one year. We made it there- and beyond- and I was lucky, it was pretty easy. (Not a lot of sleep, but the breastfeeding part? Easy peasy.)

With my second girl, my goal was to nurse for as long as I had for the first- 17 months. I know it’s silly, but I wanted them to be equal. It was trickier at first (hello, latch issues), but nothing would stop me. Even though my pump broke on a cruise, which sent my supply on a downward spiral, we still did it.

With this little dude, my goal is the same; 17 months, at least. And to find all the adorable nursing-friendly clothing that Anthro has to offer. (Which is a lot! Strapless maxi dresses, friends. They’ve all found a home in my closet.)

I love breastfeeding. It’s an awesome way to bond with your babe. It’s amazing to see them grow and know that you are responsible for nourishing that development. It makes you feel good and for some (me, at least with the first two babies), it helps you drop all pregnancy weight and then some.

Nursing plus exercise, though? That was something I wasn’t sure about doing. I’d always heard that exercise could affect one’s milk supply, so with the Little Miss (my oldest), I proceeded with caution. I didn’t begin exercising until she was about seven months old, because my supply was well-established by that time. Turns out, my fear was unfounded. I’m sure there are mothers who see a supply dip when working out, but research shows that breastfeeding and exercise can mix with no ill effects to one’s supply. YAY!

Still, I have a few strategies for maintaining a healthy milk supply while working on my fitness.

Eat a healthy diet. I’m not talking about dieting. I’m talking about eating well-balanced, healthy meals and snacks. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein. I try to start my day with oatmeal because some say it can boost milk supply. It definitely doesn’t hurt it. (And I love oatmeal.)


Triple berry oatmeal. My favorite breakfast!

Drink a lot of water. Not a problem, because nursing makes me thirsty ALL. THE. TIME. I carry my water bottle with me everywhere.


The back of this bottle reads “Because I really really really like dessert.” YEP.

Nurse before and after workouts. I nurse on-demand, and all the kids were/are frequent nursers (snackers, ha) so this is an easy one for me. I also think it helps to prevent clogged milk ducts, that might start to form from my compression sports bra.

Yep, this happened. I'm a multi-tasker. (Or I forgot to do my wall sit before I started nursing.)

Yep, this happened. I’m a multi-tasker. (Or I forgot to do my wall sit before I started nursing.)

Let’s all enjoy this magical, sleep-deprived time. Drink your water, get your run on, and trust me, get to Anthropologie.

Sources: Kelly Mom and La Leche League

Any nursing mamas out there? What helps you maintain your milk supply while staying active? Where have you found cute dresses for Spring (nursing-friendly or otherwise)?

Back in the Saddle Again-ish

Here’s how I imagined it: I’d lace up my sneaks, head outside, warm up with a brisk walk and then get to jogging. Maybe I’d do a twelve-minute mile, work up to my pre-pregnancy 10:30 average, and come back home feeling accomplished and limber.

Look at me, world, I’m a runner again!

Er, yeah.

Here’s how my first post-baby attempt at running went: I laced up my sneaks, headed outside, walked for five minutes (look at me, world, I’m a runner again!), attempted to run for sixty seconds and had to stop because I was pretty sure if I didn’t that I was going to fall over.

Let me repeat – I attempted to run for SIXTY SECONDS.

I limped back to my building, dragged myself up to the apartment – in the elevator, of course – and tried not to throw my iPod at Mister Jess’s face when he said, “You’re back already?”

World, I am not a runner. I am not even much of a walker right now. I’m not sure which hurts worse, the stitch in my side or my pride, but they are both rather pained at the moment.

Me and running during happier times.

Me and running during happier times.

Have I underestimated the havoc pregnancy wreaks on the body? Sure, it’s been a good nine months since I’ve even thought about running, but shouldn’t it be like riding a bike? Shouldn’t the memory of running kick in? “Hey, I remember this! Let’s go, Jess, weeeeeeeee.”

Guess not, because my body remembers nothing about running: not how to do it, nor that at one point we kind of liked it. And though I have a good excuse for being out of shape, part of me can’t help but be a little POed at my body for failing me this way. I don’t think I’m expecting too much from it to run for sixty seconds without crying “Uncle.”

That’s the drill sergeant part of me, though (which has gotten bigger since I became a mom. Coincidence?). The kinder, more understanding me realizes that it will take time to get back to where I was before. And maybe I never will get back to where I was before.

That’s one of the lessons of parenthood: everything changes. It’s impossible to get back to the life you had before your little bundle of everything entered the world. So you adjust, and along the way you occasionally mourn The Way Things Were, because now sleeping in means 7AM instead of 10, and weeknights are for feeding and bottle-washing and wrangling your kiddo to sleep instead of sprawling out on the couch and watching “The Voice.”

With all of that in mind, I’m going to approach my return to running in the same way. I’m going to adjust. I’m going to give myself some slack, remember that my body did some pretty crazy things not too long ago and this is its way of saying, “Hey, lady, I need some time.”

And if my husband ever says, “You’re back already?” after a run again, I really am going to throw my iPod at his head.

Have you ever had to start training all over again? Give me some tips (and encouragement, please!) in the comments. 

Don’t Call It A Dreadmill

Have you ever checked out the #whereirun photos on instagram? You can see some breathtaking images from runners across the globe. Sneaker tracks on a thick bed of snow, pink and orange sunsets, lush green trails…you get the picture. (Haha. Sorry, I had to. But seriously, go get the pictures. Find the tag on instagram.)

What you won’t find though, are any of my running photos. Because where I run, it looks like this:


Picturesque, right? Or not.

And I’m okay with that. I actually love the treadmill. And not just because I get to look at this guy for most of my runs.


Here’s why:

  • The treadmill is easy. I like that I can hop on, set my pace and get to work.
  • It’s safe. I don’t have to keep my music low (or off) so I can hear oncoming cars or people, and I don’t have to think about why I need to use a Road ID.
  • There’s air conditioning. I trained for the majority of my first half-marathon on the treadmill; yes, even some of the long runs. Florida is hot and humid, y’all.
  • The dashboard is great for holding a book. When I was pregnant, I would walk and read for an hour or so every other day. Now I read email during my warm-up.
  • I like the mental quiet. My life is chaotic and most of the time, I’m being pulled in several directions at once. One child is nursing, one wants to paint with watercolors, one wants me to read to her. The dogs want to go outside, the dogs want to come inside. I need to start dinner. I love my crazy house, but sometimes it’s nice to be alone with my thoughts. Or zone out and think of nothing.

Currently, I’m using the treadmill to build up my running base again. I’m not running regularly yet, because we aren’t on a sleep-schedule and the little dude can’t ride in a jogging stroller, so I’m fitting it in when I can. My main post-pregnancy goal was to run for 30 minutes, 3 days a week. My goal now is to run 3-4 miles, 3 days a week. I’m getting there!

Here’s what my treadmill workout looks like right now:

5 minute warm-up
10 minutes at 10 minute mile pace
20 minutes at 9:40 minute mile pace
10 minutes at 10 minute mile pace
5-10 minute cool down

Sometimes, I spend more time at a faster pace, if I feel really good. Other times I spend the entire 40 minutes at 10 minute pace. For now, I’m just taking it slow and trying to get my fitness back.

Where do you run? Treadmill- love it or hate it? What is your running goal right now?