Welcome, welcome, one and all. This weekend I tackled a ridiculous feat…
The semi-annual cleaning of the running drawer. (It should really happen more than it actually does but let’s not make too big of a deal about that!)
I’m assuming that everyone has a drawer like this. It’s as messy as a “junk” drawer, but there’s NO JUNK in this drawer. It’s all gold, my friends, and it’s all extremely important when it comes to running.
Okay, so let’s get down to the good stuff!
I’m a big fan of the cinch bags that some race series give out at their expos. I use these bad boys to bring things to Track and Field practices and meets for the kiddo and at other races (way to publicize!). And every time I use one, much like a race shirt, it takes me back to that race. Memories, like the corners of my mind.
I’ve got gadgets and gizmos a’plenty! Need a spoon on a string (and who doesn’t)? Check! That was from the Jog ‘n Hog this past summer.
Foot Rubz ball? We’ve got two; Jay has the other one squirreled away somewhere. I use it after every. single. race. Stickers! Blister Treatment! (Knock on wood, I haven’t had any blisters lately.) And of course, my trusty Road ID. Okay, well, the Road ID box. The actually Road ID itself doesn’t usually make it back into the box because I use it so frequently.
Ah, the cold weather gear. How necessary yet how unfortunate that it’s necessary. In my perfect world, I’d not need these. It would be lovely fall weather all the time. Alas, such is not the case here in New Jersey and it’s already getting to the time of the year when we have the windows down, heat up.
When I began running Vic took me to Target, pointed out the men’s hats and told me to stock up. When you spend a couple of bucks on a hat or a dollar on gloves, you don’t get too broke up if you need to throw them to the side if you get too warm while running. The Lululemon ones? Those don’t get tossed (added bonus: they were a gift from Jess).
I have a socks drawer but that’s not where my long socks live. Oh no, they have a special place of honor in my running drawer! And each time I pull out a pair of the socks, it brings me back to when I got them and where I’ve worn them. (My mind likes to retain random information that is pertinent to exactly nothing.)
And finally…
I’ve got fuel! I’ve got arm warmers (that are actually Baby Legs)! Tissues! Safety pins! Handheld water bottle! SPIbelt! These are the things that float around the drawer, usually toward the top, because I need them more often than most.
It should be noted that the drawer stayed neat for maybe a day and a half before it got all messed up again. Yep.
What’s in your running drawer? Or where do you keep all your “Stuff” with a capital S?