This time of year, there seem to be graduation related events every weekend. Driving around town, I see all the cars decorated in blue and white proclaiming that “Seniors Rule.” Clearly, the Class of 2K14 is the best ever! Hail the graduates!
We’ve all been there. And we’ve got the pics to prove it! So, Throwback Thursday style, may we present to you the Scoot A Doot Class of 2014!

Bec and her hair were quite a pair!
Name: Rebecca
Nickname: Becci, Speckles
Year of Graduation: 1992. Hair was big, Bill Clinton ran for President and won, MTV changed the face of television with the introduction of The Real World, 90210 was on every Thursday night and my prom song was the epic “End of the Road” by Boyz II Men.
School Mascot: Pirate. Arrrgh.
Activities: Yearbook, newspaper, Peer Leaders
Sports: Ahahaha. You’re funny. No.
Favorite movie: Wayne’s World. This came out February of my senior year and I lost count of how many times I saw it in the theatre. And Pretty Woman. And Dirty Dancing. And, as always, The Breakfast Club.
Theme song: Baby Got Back (Oh my God, Becky, look at her butt.)
Favorite subject/class: English, Government, Psychology
Favorite high school memory: Any time spent with my friends. Whether we were taking the train into Boston, making late night runs to Taco Bell, hanging out in my friends’ den watching Breakfast Club or seeing how far we could get the car to coast from my house, I loved my friends so much.
Senior Superlative: Best Mom? I totally mommed everyone, so probably that. Or Tallest.
Dream job: Writer, Interior Designer, Speech Therapist, ASL Teacher, Hairdresser. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. I’m still not.
Quote: I had to look mine up, I honestly couldn’t remember. I was going to use the oft used Helen Keller quote about letting things go, but a good friend of mine wanted to use it, so I went with this. “Only as high as I reach can I grow, Only as far as I seek can I go, Only as deep as I look can I see, Only as much as I dream can I be.”
Post high schools plans: Undecided. (Literally, I left high school with no idea what I wanted to do, or where I wanted to go, knowing only that I wanted to go somewhere and do something. And I did.
Young Cam has serious curls!
Name: Camille
Nickname: Cam, Camoozle, Mo, Mojo potato, Camel, Cammyzoo (and those are the nice ones.)
Year of Graduation: 1998 – Grunge is God!
School Mascot: The Steeler Man (So lame, I know)
Activities: Drama Club – I participated in every theater production my school had from 1994-1998. I was also Historian. My senior year, I had 3 out of 6 classes in the drama room.
Sports: Um, drama club?
Favorite movie: Playing by Heart. And Good Will Hunting. And Romeo and Juliet…And like 50 others. I was really, really into movies. Also, I was a HUGE SNL fan.
Theme song: Creep by Radiohead
Favorite subject/class: Literature and Set Design
Favorite high school memory: Ditching class to play hide and seek at Target. Also, we would toilet paper houses a lot. This one time we papered this guy’s house. Then came back the next night, took the paper out of his outside trash can, and toilet papered his house again. At the time, it was the most hilarious thing I’d ever experienced.
Senior Superlative: Most Dramatic
Dream job: Writer, archaeologist, marine biologist, theater actress, psychologist…I changed my mind daily
Quote: “Try not, do or do not. There is no try.” – Master Yoda
Post high school plans: Riverside Community College, here I come! But first, the best summer ever.

Jess isn’t really camera shy. We just come from an era before all pictures were digital.
Name: Jessica
Nickname: Kiki
Year of Graduation: 2001. Boy bands were hot, fashion was questionable, and I drove a yellow Mustang.
School Mascot:Thunder (how is this even a mascot? It’s a sound)
Activities: Hanging with the BFFs, flirting with boys. This took up most of my time.
Sports: HAHAHA.
Favorite movie: Ocean’s Eleven
Theme song: Anything by *NSYNC
Favorite subject/class: English was my jam
Favorite high school memory: really anything involving my best friends. I can’t pick just one! Mainly because those memories are too incriminating.
Senior Superlative: I was voted Best Eyes, but if I’d had my druthers, I’d have been Best Booty.
Dream job: I’m pretty sure it was to be a writer. That’s always been my dream job.
Quote: I don’t think we did these. Mine would’ve been “after the show it’s the after party/and after that it’s the hotel lobby.”
Post high school plans: community college, mainly because I was so scared of germs that I didn’t want to live in a dorm room with someone and contract bacterial meningitis (this is a true story). But it all worked out because I decided to go to fashion school instead!
Mid-90s Meri
Name: Meridith
Nickname: Mer or Meri
Year of Graduation: 1995 (O.J. Simpson case, Forrest Gump won best picture, All Sheryl Crow wanted to do was have some fun.)
School Mascot: Braves
Activities: choir (sang The Star Spangled Banner in four-part harmony at graduation), band (flag squad captain), flute, theater (The King and I… I was a wife in the harem. Yep.)
Sports: um, no.
Favorite movie: Empire Records, open ’til midnight
Theme song: I don’t think I had one… but I just watched this best songs of 1995 video!
Favorite subject/class: Favorite subject was English and favorite class was Peer Counseling
Favorite high school memory: Dancing in car headlights with friends, playing on the playground instead of going to prom, eating lunch in the hallway between the theater and music rooms with people who made my high school experience so much more fun (and not having to go to the cafeteria).
Senior Superlative: Mostly likely to grow by leaps and bounds once she gets to college
Dream job: Broadway performer
Quote: I swear to the Lawd, this was mine. “People of the earth listen to the warning. The prophet he said for soon the cold of night will fall summoned by your own hand.” – Queen

Vic, looking classy and classic
Name: Victoria
Nickname: Toria by my family (this I love) and Vicki by my friends (this I hate.) Seriously, if you call me Vicki, expect retaliation. I loathe this name, but am usually too polite to tell people.
Year of Graduation: I graduated in 1995, when my hometown band Live was dominating the national airwaves and flannel shirts were all the rage. Heck, front-man Ed Kowalczyk even picked out one of my fave flannels at our local mall.
School Mascot: Blue Streaks. Yep, I’m talking about a blue lightning bolt. And our rival school had a mascot that was a Tornado.
Activities: I played the tuba and was in marching band, concert band, orchestra and loved to sing. And (surprise!) I was on the school newspaper staff, literary mag staff and was a photographer for the school yearbook.
Sports: I was a competitive swimmer through high, middle and elementary school (and on two winter teams in high school). I also ran cross-country my senior year.
Favorite subject/class: English, photography, ceramics and sewing. I took four – count them FOUR- English classes my senior year (including two AP-level classes). I loved to read and write and even voluntarily wrote a term paper on school uniforms for a creative writing class my final semester.
Favorite high school memory: There was no feeling like walking across the stage to receive my diploma at graduation. That’s a milestone that remains sharp in my mind. I also fondly remember gathering with friends before school each morning in a random stairwell, literary parties with my favorite high school English teacher and classmates, and running (barefoot and dripping wet) into the snow with some swimming friends after a practice one winter.
Senior Superlative: Klutziest. I kid you not, I trip over air.
Dream job: I didn’t have a dream job but knew I wanted to write, in one form or another.
Quote: “Never cut what can be untied.”
Post High School Plans: Graduate from college, (preferably the biggest college I could find – I wanted to get lost in the crowd.) Also – become a writer, have a family.
We hope you enjoyed this walk down our memory lanes. And we would very much like to encourage your to share your senior pictures with us. Especially if you have really epic hair!