Chatting with Aga and ESPNW

Last week, I had a coveted weekday off. And what did I do? Lunch with a friend, shopped for groceries, and oh, I chatted with tennis pro Aga Radwanska.

Say what?

Yep, you read that correctly. Last month I won the opportunity to chat with Aga, through ESPNW’s 98 Days to Shine contest. Let me just say, I love so much about this contest. It combines my love of photography and with my love of sports.

But more than anything, this summer I’ve enjoyed watching how it gave women athletes a forum to showcase their strength, beauty, courage and determination, and to support one another.

My photo submission back in July depicted a hero, and I featured an image with Joan Benoit Samuelson, a pioneer in women’s distance running. (See below)


My prize was a spiffy ESPNW shirt, and a google hangout with Aga.


We’d been trying to coordinate for about a month, but everything came together late Thursday and with help from technology-savvy friend, my Google hangout chat with Aga moved forward Friday morning.

For those who don’t know much about Aga Radwanska, she’s a 24-year-old tennis phenom from Poland, who has taken the tennis world by storm. She’s currently among the female players in the world and was runner up to Serena Williams in in her first grand slam championship match at Wimbledon last year.

This week, Aga is playing at the US Open in New York. We chatted face to face – well, via computer screen anyway! I was armed with a listing questions, but knowing she was facing one of her biggest matches of the year, I asked her how she prepared for the big week.

Don’t be surprised: she relaxed! Aga and her younger sister Urzula, also a tennis pro, spent time in New Haven, CT. Aga said Connecticut was “nice and calm” and allowed her to take time off the court in the days leading up to her next Grand Slam match, in the hustle and bustle of New York.

“My biggest goal is always The Grand Slam,” she said. “Of course wherever you go you want I win.”

She’s quite proud of her accomplishments but knows hard work nets results.

“On one hand, it’s hard to get to the top, but it’s harder to stay there,” Aga said.

She trains hard. Aga said she spends about five ours each day training – two hours of tennis in the morning followed by 90 or so minutes of fitness training, then another 90 minutes of tennis each afternoon.

“It’s still fun, but sometimes it is hard,” Aga said. “You’re tired, exhausted, but you know you have to do it. Sometimes you just have to push yourself.”

We chatted about my sports history – swimming, rowing and running – and how they molded me int who I am today. We also chatted about her background, her love of exercising with her sister and how she prepares for the “big match.”

Spoiler: She tries not to think about an upcoming match, but instead listens to music before playing.

I also asked Aga about her image in the 2013 edition of ESPN’s The Body Issue. I you haven’t seen it, click here. To me, its such an incredible photographic feat each year and features images of elite athletes in the buff. Always tastefully done, the issue leaves me mesmerized by the athletes’ bodies, and inspired to improve my photographic skills and to head to the gym.

When asked to participate in the 2013 issue, Aga said she she needed to consider it for several days before accepting. She said she enjoyed the experience – and would do it again if asked. And, Aga said, she appreciated how supportive her family was of her decision.

Leading up to a match, Aga said she tries to put then task at hand out of her mind. Instead, she said, she plugs in and listens to music.

And as I write this, Aga’s US Open journey is well underway! Aga already won her first two rounds of play as she strives to win the US Open title next week. Her third round is today! Good luck Aga!!

Her advice to all aspiring athletes? Work hard. Set goals and work steadily toward those goals.

What questions would you ask Aga? Have you participated in ESPNW’s 98 Days to Shine contest? It’s not too late as it ends this weekend!

New (School) Year’s Resolutions

Tell me I’m not the only one who makes these? I doubt it.

September is almost upon us, folks. And I, for one, couldn’t be happier. While I love the beach and family vacations and cookouts, every year I am blissed out beyond belief when I see the first signs of Fall.

I love cool weather. I love hot coffee (especially if said coffee is pumpkin flavored). I love baking things. And I love pulling on a hoodie and going out for a walk and coming home NOT SWEATY.


In addition to loving ALL THINGS FALL, I also love the feeling the new school year brings. It helps me to refocus and get things organized. When you have a full time job, two kids with school and activities and a September full of birthdays, organization is your BF4EVA. Seriously. I’ve spent the last three weeks printing out schedules for the fridge, creating school year contracts for my kids and looking at what needs changing.

I spent the better part of this summer being pretty lax in terms of diet and exercise. There were many nights where we hit Dairy Queen after dinner. Heck, there were a few nights where we hit Dairy Queen FOR dinner. And our Dairy Queen doesn’t serve actual food, so I think you can guess what dinner consisted of. I rarely cooked (in part due to the ridiculously disgusting heat that was July), I barely exercised (completely due to the ridiculously disgusting heat that was July… oh and also to an extreme case of the lazy), and I’ve been a pretty unorganized mess since June.

So, with Labor Day weekend coming right up, I’ve got a plan in place and I’m ready. (I’m SO ready, you guys). It’s time to get back to health and fitness. I’ve got a half marathon in 220 days. Heck, I’ve got an obstacle 5k in 8 days! And I’ve got a lot of weight to lose.

So, tomorrow I’ll be headed back to Weight Watchers. I’ve been paying for the monthly pass since June, but curiously, that alone doesn’t help you lose weight. WHO KNEW?

And Tuesday, I’ll be strapping on my running shoes and getting back out there.  In the cool air. Looking at the pretty leaves. And enjoying the lack of ridiculously disgusting heat.

I’ll check back in a few weeks and let you know how it’s going. Wish me luck!

Disclaimer: This post was going to be filled with pictures of my schedule covered fridge and my basket of organic apples, but my phone died this morning. Sigh. 

Do you guys make Fall resolutions? Are you sad to see summer go? Or are you like Bec, running around her yard, yelling VIVA LA AUTUMN? 

More “Chick on Chick” action: The Jess Chronicles

Ready for the fourth installment of Chick-on-Chick interviews? I am!

In case you missed earlier installments, you can rewind (and click on the names) to learn more about Brooke, Meri and Bec.

jessicaJess and her Bug

Jess and I haven’t actually met in person…yet! But Meri has never led me wrong with a friendship connection, so when she suggested I chat with the lovely Jess, I did. A beautiful friendship was born!

Vic: You’re a new mom! Aside from the handsome boy we all adore, how has your life changed since he was born?

Jess: Gosh, how has it NOT changed? Besides the obvious things, like weekends filled with play dates, early mornings (and really early bedtimes!), and needing to attend to his needs 24/7, I think my perspective has completely shifted. I don’t get hyped up about the little things quite as much, which I think is a good thing! I can be high strung, so it’s good to have him as a reminder of what’s really important.

Vic: What do you like to do when you ultimately get some time to yourself?

Jess: I love to shop! I go down to Union Square and get an iced coffee then kind of wander around. Inevitably I’ll come home with something for Bug. Baby Gap owns me!

I get a couple hours to myself when he goes to bed, too, so I’ll catch up on celebrity gossip and DVRed shows, or cuddle with Mister Jess. Or read! Reading is up there, and I don’t get to do it often enough anymore.

Vic: Time seems to fly away from me too. Which chick did you meet first and how did you meet her?

Jess: Meri was the first chick I met. We started talking online due to a shared love of writing and then met for real at Comic Con down in San Diego in 2010 (which is kind of hilarious because we are definitely not the Comic Con demographic). But I remember that moment of seeing her in the airport and running toward her clear as day! We hugged for about ten minutes. It was very romantic. 😉

Vic: That sounds so dreamy. And I have had similar encounters with Meri in airports. By the way, am I the only one you haven’t met in person? We must rectify that!!!

Jess: I haven’t met Bec either! But yes, we must rectify it SOON!

Vic: Tell us more about your love of dance! Did you train and take lessons as a child? What is your fave dance style?

Jess: I did take lessons when I was little. I did ballet with my cousin, Charity, and dabbled in tap and jazz. But I think when it comes to dance, I’m just a free spirit. As much as I would love to be an accomplished dancer prancing around on the stage of “So You Think You Can Dance”, choreography and I just never really mixed. I have to do my own thing!

But dancing makes me happy, in any capacity. I have such a strong emotional connection to music and I think dancing is an extension of that.

Vic: Aw, I love it. How did you meet your husband, Mr. Jess? Through dance? How long have you known each other?

Jess: We met online in an AOL chat room. Seriously! This was eleven years ago before Match and eHarmony and basically any other kind of dating website. And neither of us were there to date anyway. It was just all very random and kismet-y, right place at the right time, etc. I have an entry in my journal from that first night we “met” where I said I was going to marry him, and lo and behold, I did!

Vic: That was so meant to be! You have what many fashionistas would consider a dream job! Please tell is about what you do and why you love it.

Jess: I’m a product developer for a makeup company, which basically means that I get to create some of the makeup shades and kits that people eventually see on shelves (and hopefully buy). It’s what I went to school for, although I focused on apparel there. Then I did an internship at another local cosmetics company and fell in love with the industry, and eventually ended up at my current company.

Sometimes I look at my job from afar and think, “whoa, this is pretty cool!” It’s definitely a unique industry, and I also love that it’s female-dominated. Seeing so many successful women around me really inspires me.

Vic: That is pretty inspirational. 🙂 What feat are you most proud of in your post-college life?

Jess: I’m proud of the fact that I left home at 19 to go to college in a different state (my mom is probably crying reading this, haha. I love you, Mom!). I’ve dealt with anxiety and panic attacks for most of my life, so looking back I’m like, “how the hell did I do that?” I’m proud of the fact that I got through some of my roughest years anxiety-wise, and that I didn’t give up on staying in California with Mister Jess. Just overall, given the (often self-imposed) obstacles I faced, I’m really, really proud of the life I’ve built.

Vic: As you should be! So… what fitness accessory can you not live without and why?

Jess: My Fitbit! This will surprise no one, as I have mentioned on the blog and our Twitter how obsessed I am. I freaking love that thing and I get upset if I forget to put it on. It’s so fun to see how many steps I’ve taken at the end of the day, how many calories I’ve burned, how many stairs I’ve climbed. I feel like such a bad ass!

Vic: You ARE a bad-ass! But what, if anything, would you change about yourself?

Jess: Definitely my anxiety. I mean, it’s certainly taught me things and I think I’ve grown from my struggles with it, but I feel like even when I have no reason to be anxious, the thoughts just pop up and I can’t control them. That’s the most frustrating part about it, that thoughts just come without permission and then they kind of take root there. I think about when Bug gets older, is he going to see me struggle with it? Will that affect him in any way? I want to protect him from it, but at the same time it’s such a part of me that I know I won’t be able to 100%.

Vic: You’ve definitely grown over the years. We all do! Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Jess: Given how fast this year has gone, that’s right around the corner! I don’t know where I’ll be…maybe in the ‘burbs. Hopefully I’ll be writing. I’ll be the mom of an almost-10-year-old (ack!). Still dancing, of course. And happy. I definitely see myself being happy.

There you go! That was the chronicles of our own Jess. Is there anything more you’d like to ask Jess? Anything you want to know for future Chick interviews? If so, let us know in the comments!

It’s Training Time

My oldest girl started kindergarten last week. Watching her smooth her dress down before entering the class, and smile shyly at her new teacher reminded me of all my years of back-to-school butterflies. Will I like my teacher? Will I make friends in my class? Of course, it only took one day; she’s already found a new buddy in class, she adores her teacher and she’s excited to tell me about her day every afternoon. 

While she fretted about going to a new school and meeting new people, I experienced some anxiety of my own. Half-marathon training began for me this week, and the thought of adding an extra day of running, and increasing my mileage is daunting, to say the least. It’s a busy time of year- sure, two of my kids are back in school, but with that comes dance class, soccer, homework, making lunches, and car lines. (Times two and across town from each other, natch.) I’m also taking on a new volunteer opportunity and joining a couple of baby playgroups. And have I mentioned that Little Dude doesn’t sleep through the night? (I have. I know. Take a nap for me, okay?)

When I trained for my first half-marathon two years ago, I ran on the treadmill on weekdays, once the girls were in bed. This time around, we no longer have a treadmill (boo) and now I have a laundry list of chores to complete once my littles are asleep (Oh! Laundry. I should add that to the list.) I’d also rather spend my evenings relaxing with a book. Or my husband.

Remember the girl who loved her treadmill? Well, she’s left the building, folks. I’ve moved on (mostly) to pavement and jogging strollers and running with friends. I’ve become a morning runner, and I plan to keep it up through racing season. Running right after I wake up will give me more time with my family and more time to accomplish everything else.

I’m pretty nervous about doing it all. I know there will be times when the dishes don’t get done before I go to bed, or I trade time with my kettlebell for a nap. I know I will probably miss a blog entry or two because I just don’t have time to write. I also know that I can do this. I’m excited to run longer distances. I’m excited to see my friends in November. I’m excited to run hard and do my best. For now, I’m just going to enjoy that flutter of anticipation in my belly because I know it’s leading to something amazing.

A little ‘Chick on Chick’ action – Part 3

Ready for the third installment of Chick-on-Chick interviews? Join us as we ask questions and sing “Getting To Know You” – but not at the same time. Missed the first two interviews? Just click here and here to get to know Meri and Bec!

Jess on Brooke

Screen shot 2013-08-15 at 7.55.38 PM


Brooke and I met a few years ago and hit it off right away. We have a ton in common: we are mega girly-girls, huge readers, love to shop, and our adorable boys were born within weeks of each other. Needless to say, it’s probably a good thing that we are on separate coasts or I’d be at her house every day wanting to hang out! She is sweet, funny, has a killer smile and is basically just all-around fabulous.

Want to get to know her better? Of course you do. Read on!

Jess: You’ve got some of the cutest kids in the world. What’s your favorite thing to do with them?

Brooke: Awww, thanks! I think they’re pretty cool too. I love to do art projects with them. We have an art cart that is loaded with paints, pencils, crayons, markers, oil pastels-you name it, we’ve got it. They love to draw and paint, and it’s neat to see what they create when they have free art time. Of course, I organize projects for them too. A friend and I co-hosted “Messy Art Mondays” this summer, and we had a lot of fun with that. 

Jess: And what’s your favorite thing to do when you have that oh-so-coveted “me time”?

Brooke: Sleep! Go to yoga (which I get to do this weekend). Read. It’s hard with the baby- he’s still nursing frequently and sleeping on me. We do attachment parenting, so I don’t get a lot of alone time, and if I do, it isn’t a very long amount of time! That’s why hot yoga is difficult to schedule; the class itself is 80 minutes long, plus a 35 minute drive there, and then home, at which point I have to shower because I’m literally drenched. 

Jess: Ah yes, I love trying to time activities between nursing sessions and/or naps! It’s the ultimate ticking clock.

Jess: Do you have a favorite tradition from childhood? Is it something you’ve implemented with your own kiddos, or have you made new traditions as a family?

Brooke: My childhood traditions were centered around holidays. We always went to sunrise service on Easter, which we started doing two years ago (before that it was way too hard to make a 6am church service). We watched “A Christmas Story” on Christmas Eve, which we don’t do yet because the kids are a little young. My husband’s family always had an Easter egg hunt, and we do that still, with my in-laws (and we grown-ups hunt for eggs with money in them!). 

One of our new traditions is a holiday party the day before Christmas Eve; we have a group of friends and family who come over for tacos and margaritas. 

Jess: Christmas Eve would be one of the times you’d find me on your doorstep. Tacos and margaritas are two of my favorite things.

Jess: We’re both big shoppers. It’s one of the first thing we did together when we hung out, and I adore your style! What do you have your eye on these days (so I can add it to my own list)?

Brooke: I love your style! That was before we had talked a lot online, and we clicked right away, over shoes and make-up at Nordstrom. I can’t wait to go back to SF so I can see you again. 

I really want these boots: Anthro has some pretty shoes this season! 

Jess: You need to come back soon! My wallet would disagree, but what does it know? I love those boots, by the way. I always think of you when I go to Anthro.

Jess: You can only watch one movie for the rest of your life. What is it?

Brooke: Oh geez, that’s a tough question. Probably Sleepless in Seattle or maybe Clueless or Mean Girls. Those are movies I’ve watched over and over again and they never get old. 

Jess: Tell me about your best date ever.

Brooke: Ever?! Hmmm. You know, I dated a very romantic boy in high school who took me for a picnic on the beach. He came up with the idea all on his own, and that was the first time I felt really wooed, you know? Of course, my first date with Josh would have to be labeled the “best ever” since he became my husband and my best friend and the love of my life. We met to hear some live music at a local bar- ten years ago this month, actually. 

Jess: Awww. You two are adorable. A beach picnic in high school is pretty romantic, too, especially for high school!

Jess: When it comes to fitness, what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of?

Brooke: My PR half, definitely. (1:57:52) I hope I have a faster time in me but if not, I know I worked really hard to achieve that time. 

Jess: You are a rock star, B!

Jess: This interview wouldn’t be complete without a book-related question. It’s how most of us Scoot chicks met, after all! So, tell me: what’s a book you could read over and over again?

Brooke: Any of the Pigeon books by Mo Willems, haha. I do read those over and over already. Probably Pride and Prejudice. I adore Mr. Darcy!

There you have it, the fabulosity that is Chick Brooke! Did I miss any questions? Anything you want to know for future Chick interviews? If so, let us know in the comments!

Road Tested: Sweaty Bands

Folks, I have a problem. For the life of me, I’m not able to keep a headband on my head.

I know, I know. This is what we classify as a “first world problem”. Alert the media! Sound the alarm! Ring the bell!

sweatybandsbeehiveThis is a dramatic reenactment of what usually occurs when I wear a headband while working out. Notice the large and in charge beehive-like bun on my head that catches the headband as it slowly works its way off my head. Most of the time I’m so caught up in whatever I’m doing (usually running or strength training) that I don’t realize the band has slid off until it’s too late. I’ve lost more than one headband in this manner.

If I don’t lose them, they still don’t last very long into a run. When I actually feel slippage occurring, rather than losing the pretty band, I just rip it from my head and put it away in my trusty SPIbelt. Such was the case at runDisney’s Princess Half Marathon in 2012 – if you look at the pictures you’ll see that both Brooke and Vic are wearing their awesomely sparkly headbands. My SPIbelt was wearing mine.

So, when I had the opportunity to check out Sweaty Bands, let’s just say that I was a bit nervous. Because, really, who wants to admit defeat and publicly say “my head just doesn’t want a headband on it!” However, the Sweaty Bands tagline is “OMG… they don’t slip!” And guess what…

OMG… they really don’t!

sweatybandgreenSweaty Bands has a plethora of designs, colors, sports teams and even Greek letters, ripe for the picking. They graciously provided a Sweaty Band for me to check out and review.

There were two in the package; the black and chartreuse matched the dress I planned to wear for a cousin’s baby shower so naturally I imprinted on it (the other one? Well, stay tuned for its fate). If the Sweaty Band could stay on my head for a four hour shower, it might have success during a crazy intense work out.

sweatybandstryoutRoad Test #1 – Cousin’s baby shower

Hair was down for this one (top picture). I considered this a warm up for the actual Road Test. Because, really, how sweaty do you really get playing Baby Shower Bingo and Guess the Number of Chocolate Kisses in the Bottle? Not very. However, I did get many compliments on the band and it stayed put the entire time. The material on the inside of the band is velvety and once I pushed it back a bit, it stayed right where it was placed.

Sweaty Bands recommends that you wear it closer to the hairline when working out so that was the plan for the work out.

Road Test #2 – Tuesdays with Ron

Tuesday morning I woke up at my regular 5:10am. Got dressed in the clothes I’d laid out the previous night and threw my hair into a ponytail before placing my Sweaty Band at the hairline. Snapped the selfie (bottom picture) and off I went.

Two mile warm up on the bike, two mile run and then an hour of deadlifts, cleans, push press, bench press, walking lunges, situps, repeaters on a tire, and tricep dips, just to name a few. I kept patting my head, checking on the Sweaty Band and sure enough, it was still there. Sitting pretty! Naturally, I was a hot mess and the Sweaty Band was… sweaty. But absolutely awesome!

Washing the Sweaty Band is easy peasy lemon squeezy – hand wash (I used a bit of Woolite) and drip dry. I’m definitely bringing this bad boy along with me to Florida where I’m assured I’ll sweat even more than I do here. I’m not sure that’s physically possible, but at least I’ll look cute!


Click the pic to enter!

Sweaty Bands was awesome enough to provide one for me to test out and one for Scoot a Doot to give away! If you’d like a chance, check out our Rafflecopter giveaway by clicking on the picture or swinging by our Facebook page.  This contest runs from 8/15/13 – 8/22/13.

Disclaimer: I received one Sweaty Bands headband for review. All words and opinions are my own. Giveaway prize donated by Sweaty Bands.

Nuun – flavored hydration

I guzzle at least a gallon of water daily. Crisp, cold, refreshing — and oh so necessary in the summer months.

So when I heard other runners rave about Nuun, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I loved my water. And really, I didn’t see the need to replace it.

Last spring, I first sampled Nuun at my local running store. Employees put it out instead of water after a Saturday morning group run. It quenched my thirst, but I wasn’t used to flavor as I usually just drink plain, old water. I liked it, but promptly forgot all about it.

Months passed, and a few friends mentioned Nuun. They loved it, they raved about it, they wanted more. I knew I had tried it, and didn’t hate it, but remembered little else.

So in June, I ordered a variety pack of Nuun tablets. I’ve been sampling ever since.

A few of the chicks decided to test it out with me. Here’s what the chicks had to say about our taste test experiment.


Hydration is important for any athlete, especially one who lives and in Florida. As my daughter would say, “It’s soaking hot,” even when one runs in the early morning.

I used to use Nuun regularly after my long runs. My favorite flavor is the Tropical Fruit, which I actually purchased because I liked the color of the tube. I’m a big water drinker, but sometimes, it’s nice to have something with a bit of flavor.

I hate to admit this, but I’ve also found that Nuun can help a hangover. We used to host a fiesta on Christmas Eve, with tacos, my mom’s fabulous enchiladas and margaritas, natch. Well…tequila and Santa do not mix, friends. My husband and I were exhausted. Lucky for us, the kids were a little too young for Christmas Morning Excitement and Nuun helped us feel much more festive. (And we’ve since moved the party to a couple of days before Christmas, haha!)


Nuun chatter is everywhere! I first heard rumblings about it on Twitter and it quickly spread to blogs that I enjoy reading. Now personally, I’m a water drinking gal, but curiosity got the best of me and I had to give it a go. The kiddo and I made our way over to the local running store (you know the cartoon characters that have dollar signs in their eyes? That’s what happens when I walk through the door) and checked out the flavors they had to offer. After chatting with the employee, I settled on tri-berry and lemon-lime.

nuun1Meri’s Nuun stash

I’m a big fan of the tri-berry and will be picking more of it up soon. You’ll notice in my picture that the tube’s gone. Yeah, used that all. Lemon-lime is decent but not my favorite. The watermelon was a gift from Victoria. Who gives tubes of Nuun as gifts? These running nerds, that’s who!

And friends, the watermelon is my favorite favorite (so good that it deserves two favorites)! Since my running store doesn’t have it in stock, I’m going to have to order more. I’m heading south to Florida soon and plan to use my Amphipod handheld bottle with Nuun during my runs down there. I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous about hitting the pavement down there but I think that the Nuun will help keep me hydrated and balanced.


As I’m sure you already guessed, I’m a watermelon Nuun girl. I’m actually drinking a glass as I write this.

I first tried a few flavors from a mix pack. I expected to love the fruit punch flavor…you know, because I love fruit punch. Yeah. Not so much. I enjoyed the grape (it’s not purple, folks!) and was surprisingly wooed by tropical fruit. I don’t like tropical fruits, how can this be? The only thing I like about pineapples is chopping them up!

I was thrilled to find tubes of watermelon at my local running store. It was love at first sip.

You want to know more about Nuun? So did I.

According to the product info on the Nuun website, Nuun is packed with electrolytes, light flavor, no sugars or carbs, and is portable.

Nuun comes in tubes, 12 tabs are inside each tube. You drop one tab into a pint glass of cold water and watch it dance!!


We three chicks are sold! And there are many more flavors to try. (But not lemon-lime. Thanks for taking that one for the team, Meri.)

But don’t worry, we still love our good, old water. It’s not going anywhere.

Have you tried Nuun? What flavor are you obsessed with? What flavors do you want to try? How do you hydrate?

Let’s Get R.I.P.P.E.D.

A couple years ago, my sister asked me to come with her to a workout class our friend was teaching.  Exercising in public has never really been a positive thing for me.  For one thing, I sweat.  A lot.  Like enough to cause concern.  “No, I’m not going to pass out.  I’m fine, I promise.  I have overactive pores!”  Second, I’m clumsy (See exhibit Ninja Down).  Jumping around in unison with a large group of people usually ends badly for me (See exhibit Interpretive Dance).  Third, I don’t look good in a leotard.  Group exercise immediately conjures up the image of Jane Fonda in this little striped number and there’s no way I could pull off this look.


Needless to say, I was skeptic.  And out of shape.  I had just recently grown a human and my body jiggled in all the wrong places.  The last thing I wanted to do was go out and make it jiggle in front of others.  But I had to do something and I’m easily persuaded by peer pressure so eventually, I found myself at a R.I.P.P.E.D. class.  I had no idea what to expect.  Just that I needed weights and a yoga mat.  And lots of water. I eventually discovered I’d also need a towel for sopping up the fruits of my labor.  Oh, how naive I was that first class.  Minutes into the warm-up, I was already winded.  And then came the jumping.  And the squats.  And the push-ups! Oh, all that is holy, the push-ups!   By the ab section at the end, I was on the verge of vomiting.  That class kicked my ass like no other. I lumbered over to the front desk, trying not to dry heave, and promptly bought a thirty-class pass.

My sister, Sarah, our instructor, Amy, and me demonstrating R.I.P.P.E.D. at a 5k race.

My sister, Sarah, our instructor, Amy, and me demonstrating R.I.P.P.E.D. at a 5k race.

Over the next few months, I attended class two or three times a week, sometimes running the three miles to the gym before. I felt myself getting stronger and stronger, until I could actually do real push-ups.  And yet, R.I.P.P.E.D. didn’t get any easier.  I couldn’t understand!  After 6 months, I was stronger than I’d ever been but I still left my workouts completely drenched in sweat and hardly able to walk the next day.  I even got certified to teach R.I.P.P.E.D. but the program continued to challenge my endurance.  Turns out, that’s the way, uh huh, uh huh, they like it.

Getting certified!

Getting certified!

R.I.P.P.E.D. was designed to be plateau proof. It incorporates six elements of fitness: resistance (which is basically arms), intervals (cardio), power (large muscle groups i.e. squats), plyometrics (agility), endurance (kickboxing), and diet.  There’s also an ab section but they didn’t include it in the acronym because RIPPEAD wasn’t as catchy.  These sections can be taught in sequence or out of order for an added challenge.  There are 13 seasons now and the instructors like to mix and match the routines so that the class never gets boring.  And a 50 minute R.I.P.P.E.D. class can burn between 750-1000 calories.  That’s an insane amount of calories!  The best thing about this type of exercise?  I know what’s coming and I know how much further I have to go.  Each section is about 6-9 minutes long and I can push myself as hard as I want to.  Or I can ease up a bit when I’m not feeling so hot. It’s the only workout I’ve experienced that has truly transformed the shape of my body.

And it’s time to get back to it.  My workout needs a reboot and R.I.P.P.E.D. is just the program to do it.  Since running has become my main focus, I haven’t spent much time in the R.I.P.P.E.D. gym but I recently started going back.  Running can only do so much when it comes to definition, especially with regards to upper body.  It’s time to get ripped!

Do you have a “go to” workout regime?  Do you loathe group exercise?  Any classes I should try?  Tell me all about it in the comments!

A little ‘Chick on Chick’ action- Part 2

We told you last week that we’d be conducting Chick-on-Chick interviews on Fridays, so that you could get to know us better. Here’s our second installment!

Brooke on Bec


Bec and I have known each other for about two years and while we haven’t met in person- YET- we’ve read books together (she was “with” me when I finished The Fault in Our Stars and had to hide in the pantry for a cry), planned Thanksgiving desserts together and encouraged one another in reaching our fitness goals. I think she’s pretty rad, and I know you will too.

Brooke: I know you enjoy shaking it at a good zumba class. Do you prefer group fitness or solo exercise?

Bec: Definitely not solo! I don’t need a big group, although for Zumba, a large enthusiastic group makes for an awesome class. But I don’t like to be alone, especially when I’m running. It allows me to be in my own head too much. I find it much more enjoyable with someone to chat with (especially my running partner, Sara) and the time/miles fly by so much faster. 

Brooke: I’m going through a phase where I haaaaate to run alone. And my running partner is named Sara too.

Brooke: We’ve chatted a lot about our mutual love of baking- especially pies! What is your best pie? And what’s your favorite to eat?

Bec: I love that you are my baking buddy! Can we open a bake shop? Call it B&B? Pie is a personal favorite of mine. To make, I’m a traditionalist. Apple. It tastes like fall, and I love that whether you tweak it with funky ingredients (ginger, cranberries, etc) or go strictly traditional, it always turns out wonderfully. To eat, definitely my great aunt’s Walnut Pie. Think Pecan, but darker and richer in the filling. It’s absolutely sinful. Every year, that and a big cup of coffee are my day-after-Thanksgiving breakfast. 

Brooke: I would like to try Walnut Pie. We’d definitely serve it at B&B!

Brooke: You and I read books in a similar fashion, in that we like to be completely consumed by them or it almost isn’t worth it. What makes a book good, in that can’t-do-anything-until-I-finish-this way, in your view?

This is such a hard question, seriously. Sometimes, I read a book and it’s fine and good and whatever. And then I read a book and it’s MAGIC and I’m ruined for other books for a while. What makes that magic? I wish I knew. Because then I’d only read books that have it. Or write my own. But, what it comes down to, is I want a book that will make me – make me cry, make me laugh, make me think, make me feel. Those things can’t be optional for me to consider a book great. I don’t want to feel like I might cry. I want to cry because I can’t stop myself. I want the characters to feel like my friends, my family. And I want to be left wanting more, without there actually being more coming. Does any of that make sense? Probably not, but I think you know what I mean. Also, kissing. Lots of kissing. 

Brooke: I know exactly what you mean. It’s weird because you crave that experience with every book and it doesn’t always happen. Which doesn’t mean you wouldn’t enjoy it anyway, but for me, it’s hard to keep reading. And kissing! I know I’ve sent you texts complaining about the lack of kissing in a book, haha. It’s a dealbreaker for me!

Brooke: What did you do for your birthday last year?

Bec: We usually keep my birthday pretty low key. It’s three weeks before Christmas so everyone is always super busy. This past year, I took the day off, went and had a facial, bummed around the house for a while, went and grabbed lunch and an AMAZING coconut cupcake with my mom and then had dinner with my family. It was pretty awesome. 

That sounds like a perfect day.

Brooke: You’re an accessories girl, like me. Tell me about your current handbag.

Bec: OH. It’s so pretty. It’s the Coach that I hardly ever use, because the colors don’t go with that much. But I switched to it a few weeks ago and I don’t want to switch back because I’m loving the pink! My standby is my pewter Kate Spade. I love bags. And shoes. This is just one of the many reasons we’re friends. 

You’re an awesome mom to an elementary age kid and a teenager. How do you find time for yourself between their activities? (Help me, please!)

Bec: It ain’t easy, I can tell you that much. I thought once they were older, time would be easier to come by, but with my teenage daughter being a three season high school athlete who also takes modeling classes and my son’s swimming lessons and homework and doctors and dentist and time with friends, I’m in my car a lot. What helps? I’ve got an amazing husband who helps me a lot. If they’ve both got an activity, we can split the difference, and I’ve come to love the hour we spend sitting together on a soccer field watching a game together. When I want truly ‘alone’ time, I usually take a weekday off from work and just chill or spend it with my bffl. 

Brooke: I’m tired just hearing about it. Yay for amazing husbands and best friends!

Brooke: What’s your favorite thing to do on a Friday night?

Bec: Takeout and movie night. It’s almost every Friday and it’s the perfect way to end a week. 

Brooke: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? (yes, I stole your question to Meri. It’s a good one!)

Bec: It’s funny, when Meri said ice cream, I was like YES. But then I thought about it some more, and while I love ice cream, that’s not my pick. Cheese. Definitely cheese. 

I totally thought you would say cheese! My husband would pick cheese too.

Brooke: Who is your book boyfriend and why?

Bec: B, these book questions are HARD. I have a few. I read a lot of Young Adult fiction (although I’ve branched out into contemporary adult fiction some recently). There are a lot of swoony boys in YA. Four (Divergent trilogy) because he’s smart and strong and a badass who is also sensitive. Alex (Delirium trilogy) because he’s the kind of boy you fall in love with, even when love is forbidden. Adam Wilde (If I Stay/Where She Went) because “Please Mia, don’t make me write a song.” Adam (Shatter Me), Cricket (Lola and the Boy Next Door). And at the moment, I’m falling hard in love with Jase in My Life Next Door (which you should totally read with me, B!)

Brooke: Can Gayle Forman write an amazing guy, or what? And you know I love Four. And I’ve read My Life Next Door! Those characters are great.

See? I told you she was cool. Next week, we’ll have another interview. In the meantime, if you have any questions for Bec, or any of us, please let us know in the comments. We’re a chatty bunch.

Flying high

I am thrilled and honored to announce that I’m part of the flock.

That’s right, I learned last week that I will be part of the 2013-14 Oiselle running team. And I couldn’t be more excited to be amongst this group of inspiring and amazing women.

Meri actually introduced me to the brand earlier this year when she surprised me with an Oiselle 50/50 tee. It was love at first wear. (Thanks again darling!)


Oiselle is a Seattle-based running apparel company founded BY women and FOR women. The clothes are cute, comfy and fit wonderfully! (hello Winona tank and game day shorts, I am talking to you!)

When I started penning a wish list last spring, I came across Oiselle’s Voleé Team, a group of 150 women who run for the company. I looked to see who might be near me and met Jen, who lived around the corner from me until last month.

Jen’s talented, down-to-earth and an all-around amazing person. (Plus, she’s got the darn cutest 3-year-old on the planet! Hi Currie!) Like everyone I’ve met on the team, she’s also incredibly humble. (Jen’s on the elite team – Haute Voleé, which means “high flyer” in French.)

I love the brand and the women behind the brand. They are strong, inspiring, fierce, beautiful and incredible.

I am so honored to be calling Jen, my new(ish) friend Hollie and all of the other amazing women of Oiselle my teammates and sisters.

Plans are in the works to meet up with a few birds in the coming months. (Who else is running the New York City Marathon this fall? Rochester Marathon? Let me know!)

Thank you to the entire Oiselle team, for believing in me and welcoming me with open arms as one of 250 on the Oiselle Voleé team. I can’t wait for the day I race in my Oiselle singlet. Maybe I’ll be able to inspire others as the past team members have touched me.

Until then, Head Up, Wings Out.

Do you have any Oiselle apparel? What’s on your wish list? Tell us in the comments!