April 2020 – Allstate Hot Chocolate 5k, Here I Come!

Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Allstate Hot Chocolate 5k race as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!

It’s the end of August, and you know what that means?

People are pushing for it to be FALL. I mean, there are a few of us who are holding on to the last weeks of summer (we’ve still got a month to go, folks) but I’ve seen more and more Facebooks posts/memes calling for Halloween and pumpkin spice.

I get it, I really do. The heat/humidity have been beyond brutal and while I do love summer, I can appreciate slightly cooler temps and the love of fall.

And since we’re pushing things right along on the timeline, can we talk about April 2020? I just registered for my fourth Allstate Hot Chocolate race in Philadelphia!

2019 BibRave crew – Ken, Ryan, Joe, and me

I can’t wait to be there again and I know my BibRave buddies Ken, Becky, Ryan, and Dodie are looking forward to it too!

One of the reasons I love the Allstate Hot Chocolate races is because it’s always a good time. There are always a ton of friends there and it’s always a good time. This race always falls on my birthday weekend so I basically think of it as a huge party for ME!

My friend Ana has been my Hot Chocolate partner in crime for the past couple of years (2018 and 2019) and we can’t wait until 2020. So bring it on, fall. Winter, be kind. And spring? I’ll be waiting for YOU.

If you’re planning on registering for the Philly Allstate Hot Chocolate race, be sure to use code BRHCPHILLY19 and get your free Hot Chocolate running hat with registration. Remember prices go up as time goes along so save yourself moolah if you’re definitely going to be there!

Road Tested: Science in Sport Gels and GIVEAWAY (closed)!

I received Science in Sport (SiS) Gels to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!

It’s mid-July and while nutrition and hydration is important year-round, it’s particular so during the summer months. It’s hot, it’s humid, most of the time, it’s downright stifling.

I’m always looking for the right combination of products to carry me through a long run or grueling workout, which is why I jumped on-board for the Science in Sport (or SiS for short) Gel opt in through BibRave.

Originally I thought we’d only be getting a few packets to try so I was surprised, and happy, to see that we received oodles of gels and even more so when we were encouraged to share with our friends/run groups. I knew just who to bring them to…

Run 856 Turtles

Over the past month I’ve had the opportunity to try SiS gels, flavors Apple (Isotonic Energy), Lemon Mint (Isotonic Energy), Salted Strawberry (Go Energy and Electrolyte), and Espresso (Go Energy and Double Caffeine).

First let’s talk about consistency. SiS gels aren’t heavy, they go down easy and sit well in my stomach. That important when running, especially in the summer when the heat can sometimes hinder how you feel.

SiS packaging is a bit on the larger side. I’d usually consumed one before I’d workout or if I knew I’d be carrying it with me, I took a larger fuel belt.

Within the past few months I’ve tried them all and far and away, my favorite is Salted Strawberry! It has a smooth consistency and light flavor. The Salted Strawberry GO Energy + Electrolyte Gel is designed to take alongside of fluids.

The Apple and Lemon Mint Isotonic Gels are able to be taken without water and provide a quick boost of carbohydrates for exercise. I especially loved the Lemon Mint flavor.

If next level extra pep in the step is needed, Espresso is the gel of choice. GO Energy + Double Caffeine. The flavor of this one is STRONG and a little overwhelming if you’re not ready for it.

Fellow BibRave Pro, Andrea, suggested chilling these to make it more palatable and it made all of difference for me. I took this about an hour before the gym and I benefited from that caffeine boost. As someone who isn’t a regular coffee drinker, it was especially apparent!

Click to enter Rafflecopter Giveaway!


Now for a bit of fun for YOU! The folks over at SiS have offered to do not one, but TWO giveaways with every single BibRave Pro who tried their products for their followers. How awesome is that? As such, I’ve decided to spread the love and do one here one the blog and one over on Instagram.

If you’d like to enter here, click on the picture above and enter via Rafflecopter. Giveaway ends Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 11:59pm EST. Winning entry will be verified. For another chance to win, stop by this post on Instagram! You may enter either one, the other, or both. US residents only.

If you don’t win the giveaway, use code TRYSIS25 for 25% off at Science in Sport. It works on all items on the site except clearance items.


ChristineJessicaAndreaBeckyJennStephanieKimAlastairLissaEricaBen KenLindaScott


Want to Know About Being a BibRave Pro? Then this VLOG post is for YOU!


I wear my BibRave orange proudly and have done so for the past 2.5 years. The only thing I regret about BibRave? Not getting involved sooner!

Think you might be a good BibRave Pro? Click here for the application.

Then check out a few of my fellow Pros videos as they share what they enjoy about being a BibRave Pro.

We Love You! Race Codes and Discounts!

Disclaimer: I received free entry to the Mushroom Cap Half Marathon race as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

Love is in the air!

First off, registration for the Mushroom Cap Half Marathon opened today! I just registered and I’m super stoked for everything this race has to offer. From the half zip pullover swag to the beer garden at the finish of this SATURDAY race (I love a Saturday race!), this is looking amazing.

Of course, the course description says that there are “rolling hills” and we all know what that means.

Also, they’re funny and I like funny.

They’ve got an awesome one day pricing schedule so if you’re in the PA area, you should seriously considering joining me at this race in Kennett Square, PA.

However, if you miss the fabulous pricing, they’re a BibRave partner so you can use code “brmushroom19” for $10 off! Why? Because we love you!

But wait, there’s more. You can always find race codes and gear discounts on ScootaDoot. But if you’re click shy (I don’t know, is that a thing?) here are the current codes. This list is always changing and updating so if you’re looking to save moolah, that link is a great place to swing by and check before you purchase!

February 2019

2/16/2019 – Hot Chocolate Nashville – Nashville, TN

Use code “BRHCNashville” for a free phone armband!

2/17/2019 – Hot Chocolate Atlanta – Atlanta, GA

Use code “BRHCAtlanta” for a free phone armband!

March 2019

3/2/2019 – Back on My Feet Mardi Gras Chaser 5K/10K – Chicago, IL

Use code “BR5OFF” for $5 off either distance!

3/2/2019 – Scottsdale Giant Race presented by Alaska Airlines- Scottsdale, AZ

Use code “WERUNAZ19” for $10 off!

3/3/2019 – 305 Half Marathon & 5K – Miami Beach, FL

Use code “BIBRAVE305” for $10 off the half and $5 off the 5K!

3/3/2019 – Livermore Valley Half Marathon & 5K – Livermore, CA

Use code “BRLIVVIP” for 10% off!

3/3/2019 – Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon – Napa, CA

Use code “19NVMRAVE10OFF” for $10 off.

3/3/2019 – Hot Chocolate Seattle – Seattle, WA

Use code “BRHCSeattle” for a free phone armband!

3/8- 9/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series  – Texas Lost Pines – Bastrop, TX

Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!

3/15-17/2019 – Portland Shamrock Run – Portland, OR

Use code “SHAMROCKBR10” for 15% off!

3/17/2019  – Tobacco Road Marathon & Half Marathon – Cary, NC
Use code “trmrave19” for $20 off!

3/24/2019 – Oakland Running Festival – Oakland, CA

Use code “OaklandRave19” good for 10% off!

3/24/2019 – Hot Chocolate San Diego – San Diego, CA

Use code “BRHCSanDiego” for a free phone armband!

3/24/2019 – Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K – Chicago, IL

Use code “2019SSBIBRAVE” for $10 at this link: http://haku.ly/66b5ed9c

3/30/2019 – Hot Chocolate Indianapolis – Indianapolis, IN

Use code “BRHCIndy” for a free phone armband!

3/31/2019 – Philadelphia Love Run Half Marathon – Philadelphia, PA

Use code “LOVEBR10” for 10% off!

I’ll be at the Philly Hot Chocolate 5k!

April 2019

4/6/2019 – Hot Chocolate Philadelphia – Philadelphia, PA

Use code “BRHCPhilly” for a free phone armband!

4/6/2019 – Milwaukee Marathon – Milwaukee, WI

Use code “RUN15” for 15% off any of the three distances!

4/6/2019 – Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Run & Mud Run: Phoenix – Phoenix, AZ

Use code “RUN10” for 10% off!

4/6/2019 – Publix Savannah Women’s Half & 5K – Savannah, GA

Use code “BIBSAV20” for 20% off!

4/7/2019 – Statesman Cap10K – Austin, TX

Use code “BibRave2019Cap10K” for $5 off!

4/13/2019 – Tar Heel 10 Miler & Fleet Feet Sports 4 Miler

Use code “TARHEELBR10” for 15% off!

4/13/2019 – Blue Ridge Marathon – Roanoke, VA

Use code “BLUERIDGEBIBRAVE” for 20% off!

4/13/2019 – Hot Chocolate Minneapolis – Minneapolis, MN

Use code “BRMINN19” for a free phone armband!

4/14/2019 – Hapalua – Hawaii’s Half Marathon – Waikiki Beach, HI

Use code “BR-HAPALUA” for 10% off!

4/14/2019 – Rutgers Unite Half Marathon & 8K

Use code “UNITEBR10” for 15% off.

4/20/2019 – Rugged Maniac 5K Obstacle Run & Mud Run: Florida – Dade City, FL

Use code “RUN10” for 10% off!

4/25-27/2019 –  IL Marathon- Champaign-Urbana, IL

Use code “bibraveillinois2019” for $5 off!

4/27/2019 – Hot Chocolate Brooklyn – Brooklyn, NY

Use code “BRBKLYN” for a free phone armband!

4/28/2019 – Ravenswood 5K – Chicago, IL

Use code “RAVENSBR” for a FREE item!

4/28/2019 – New Jersey Marathon – Oceanport, NJ

Use code “NJMBIBRAVE19” for $5 off any distance (5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Marathon Relay).

4/28/2019 – Silicon Valley Half Marathon – San Jose, CA

Use code “BIBRAVE” for 10% off!

4/28/2019 – Delaware Marathon – Wilmington, DE

Use code “DelawareRave19” for 10% off!

May 2019

5/3-5/2019 – Wildflower Experience – Bradley, CA

Use code “WILDBR10” for 15% off with these links:

Run Link: https://wfexp.com/bibrave

Tri Link: https://wfexp.com/bibravetri

5/4/2019 – OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini-Marathon – Indianapolis, IN

Use code “JoinMe2019” for $5 off (good thru 4/5/19).

5/4-5/2019 – Eau Claire Marathon – Eau Claire, WI

Use code “Bibrave10” for $10 off the Marathon, Half Marathon or 4 Person Marathon Relay

Use code “Bibrave5” for $5 off the 5K & Kids’ Run

5/4-5/2019 – Cinco De Miler – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRCINCO19” for a FREE ITEM!

5/10-11/2019 – Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon (Destination Races) – Solvang, CA

Use code “SBBR10” for 15% off!

5/18/2019 – Harper’s Ferry Half Marathon – Harper’s Ferry, WV

Use code “BIBRAVE5WV” for $5 off!

5/19/2019 – Byline Bank Chicago Spring Half Marathon – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRCHISPRING19” for $10 off half/$5 off 10K!

5/25/2019 – Run Madtown presented by SSM Health – Madison, WI

Use code “RAVENSAVE” for 10% off (excludes kid’s race).

5/25/2019 – Soldier Field 10-miler

Use code “BRSOLDIER19” for a FREE ITEM!

5/26/2019 – Vermont City Marathon – Burlington, VT

Use code “BibRave10” for $10 off!

June 2019

6/1-2/2019 – North Olympic Discovery Marathon – Port Angeles, WA

Use code “BibRave629” for 5% off!

6/2/2019 – Run for the Zoo – Chicago, IL

Use code “BIBRAVE” for 10% off!

6/2/2019 – North Shore Half Classic – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRNS19” for a FREE ITEM!

6/8/2019 – The Governor’s Cup – Helena, MT

Use code “GovCupRave19” for 10% off!

6/22/2019 – Grandma’s Marathon – Duluth, MN

Use code “BIBRAVE10” for $10 off!

6/22/2019 – Big Foot Tri – Lake Geneva, WI

Use code “BRBFT19” for a FREE ITEM!

6/28-30/2019 – Missoula Marathon – Missoula, MT

Use code “BibRave19” for $5 off!

July 2019

7/20-21/2019 – New Jersey State Triathlon – West Windsor, NJ

Use code “NJSTBR10” for 15% off.

7/24/2019 – Life Time Torchlight 5K – Minneapolis, MN

Use code “RUNWITHFIRE19” for 10% off registration!

August 2019

8/11/2019 – Oaktown Half Marathon – Oakland, CA

Use code “BROAKVIP” for 10% off.

8/17/2019 – Madison Mini-Marathon Half Marathon & 5K – Madison, WI

Use code “BIBRAVE5” for $5 off.

8/24/-25/2019 – Santa Rosa Marathon – Santa Rosa, CA

Use code “SAVE10″ for 10% off!

8/25/2019 – Fort2Base – Fort Sheridan, IL

Use code “BRP19” for 10% off (effective 2/1)

September 2019

9/6-8/2019 – San Francisco Giant Race presented by Alaska Airlines – San Francisco, CA

Use code “WERUNSF19” for $10 off!

9/8/2019 – Run Mag Mile – Chicago, IL

Use code “BIBRM19” for a FREE ITEM!

9/14/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series  – Great Lakes – Lake Geneva, WI

Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!

9/14-15/2019 – Nautica Malibu Triathlon –  Malibu, CA

Use code “MALIBUBR10” for 10% off.

9/21-22/2019 – Surf City 10 – Huntington Beach, CA

Use code “SC10BR10” for 15% off.

9/29/2019 – Chicago Half Marathon & 5K – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRCHIHALF19” for $10 off the Half, $5 off the 5K.

9/29/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series  – Cape Cod – Falmouth, MA

Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!

October 2019

10/6/2019 – Bucktown 5k – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRBT19” for a FREE ITEM!

10/6/2019 – Freedom’s Run – Shepherdstown, WV

Use code “BIBRAVE5WV” for $5 off!

10/11-13/2019 –  jetBlue Long Beach Marathon & Half Marathon – Long Beach, CA

Use code “LBMBR10” for 15% off.

10/19/2019 – Pumpkins in the Park – Chicago, IL

Use code “BRP19” for a FREE ITEM!

10/19-20/2019 – Urban Bourbon Half Marathon presented by Jim Beam – Louisville, KY

Use code “BourbonRave2019” for 10% off (starting Feb. 1)!

10/19-20/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series  – Amelia Island – Amelia Island, FL

Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!

10/19-20/2019 – Detroit Free Press/Chemical Bank Marathon – Detroit, MI

Use code “2019DETROCKS” for 10% off!

10/19/2019 – Kansas City Marathon – Kansas City, MO

Use code “BIBRAVE2019KCM” for 15% off!

10/20/2019 – Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo – Durham, NC

Use code “BCRFBR10” for 10% off.

10/20/2019 – First Watch Sarasota Half Marathon – Sarasota, FL

Use code “BRSARASOTA19” for $10 off half and relay and $5 off 10K!

10/26/2019 – Healdsburg Wine Country Half Marathon (Destination Races) – Geyserville, CA

Use code “HEALDSBR10” for 10% off!

November 2019

11/2/2019 – Mushroom Cap Half Marathon – Kennett Square, PA

Use code “brmushroom19” for $10 off!

11/1-2/2019- Zooma Women’s Race Series  – Texas Wine Country – Fredericksburg, TX

Use code “ZOOMABR15” for 15% off race events!

11/10/2019 – Madison Marathon – Madison, WI

Use code “BRMSN19” for 10% off the half or full marathon!

11/28/2019 – North Shore Turkey Trot – Highland Park, IL

Use code “BRNSTT19” for a FREE ITEM!

Gear Discount Codes

Zwift – Use code “BibRave15” for 15% off the cost of the Zwift RunPod at Zwift.com. It is good for 1000 Pods.

Food Groove Mission – Use code “BIBRAVE15” for 15% off an entire order. One use per customer.

Go forth, save money and run happy! Happy Valentine’s Day!

sNOw Problem

Disclaimer: I received free entry to 305 Half Marathon race as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

I knew it was too good to be true. Here in New Jersey, our mild winter has shifted right into the cold weather we are used to having this time of year.

Not only did we have snow over the weekend but this coming weekend’s forecast predicts not one but TWO more snowstorms headed our way.

No, thank you.

What’s a girl to do? Oh, that’s right, have a warm weather contingency plan!

As Ash alluded to in her post, it was not very difficult to talk me into coming to Florida to run this race. In fact, I think she just said, “I’m considering the 305 Half Marathon in Miami with BibRave.” That’s all it took; I immediately started looking at travel plans.

My parents live in South Florida so it’s very convenient for me to fly down there and stay with them (And they love having me – even though I’m not bringing my kids along.) (…I think).

I’ll be down there for a long weekend and back in time for family activities up yonder way. I’m hoping that I get the chance to visit with some of my Florida family as well. Even though it’s a short visit, I have a ton of extended family down there.

Registration was quick and easy through Athlinks. I’m automatically added to the start list, which is pretty cool and I’m looking forward to getting my results through them as well. Always nice to have things organized in all one spot.

Of course this means that I probably need to start getting some more long runs in. I’ve been running every day between 1-4 miles. But I’m thinking a couple of longer runs will only help matters when it comes to a half.

Ashley and I are ready to PR in fun with this one and with a generous 16 minute mile pace, I’m more than confident in our abilities.

This was the last time we ran a race together but we didn’t actually run together. It’s been a hot minute!

Want to escape to the warmer weather too? You can use the code BIBRAVE305 and take $10 off the half or $5 off the 5K!

Are you a fan of snow or would you rather be basking in the sunshine on the beach?

Zwift Runpod – Interactive Treadmill Experience

Disclaimer: I received a Zwift Runpod at The Running Event to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

It seems that there are two types of runners in this world: those who HATE the treadmill and those who don’t.

While some people find the treadmill to be monotonous, I’m actually a big fan of the treadmill. I’m not sure why I don’t consider it the “dreadmill” like most people do – maybe it’s because I became a runner on the treadmill. From my very first mile to my first long run, it happened in my basement, on the treadmill.

Which is why I was beyond stoked to learn about the Zwift Runpod opt in through BibRave. Well, actually, my first thought was: What the heck is a Zwift Runpod? 

But as soon as I found out, I was really pumped!

Zwift was originally a cycling trainer program, released in 2014. At the beginning of 2018, Zwift introduced a running experience to the virtual game and it’s been gaining traction ever since.

There are a few ways to participate in Zwift’s treadmill game.

  1. A fancy Bluetooth treadmill that connects to the app. (I don’t have said treadmill, mine is standard regulation.)
  2. A Runpod which has Bluetooth to connect to the app. This is what was provided for the BibRave Pros who opted into this experience.

Additionally you’ll need iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, or Mac/PC to run the Zwift app and Zwift Companion app, if taking part in group runs.

I received the Zwift Runpod just before leaving for The Running Event in Austin, Texas in November so I didn’t have much time to play with it before then.

However, the folks from Zwift hosted a Welcome Reception for the BibRave Pros at The Running Event and it was there that I got a full understanding of the capabilities of Zwift.

Four BibRave Pros in attendance at The Running Event were chosen to run in a Zwift BibRave group run. The rest of the virtual people participating in the 3.1 mile group run were BibRave Pros across the country (and maybe even the world – we have a few Pros in different countries).

At this event the treadmills were Bluetooth enabled. As you can see, Chris and Brenda have iPads in front of them, which were hooked into big screens so everyone in the room was able to see the game.

The four runners took turns on the treadmills, making their way through the virtual world of Watopia along side of the other BibRave Pros.

We had the opportunity to chat with the Zwift representatives and ask questions. They suggested calibrating the pace of yourself, the treadmill, and the Runpod so that the game could get a sense of metrics.

It was so much fun to cheer Vanessa, Brenda, Chris, and Lindsay at the event and see how the app worked. It’s gave me a good sense of how the virtual running world worked and I looked forward to trying my own Zwift Runpod out once I got home.

We had a BibRave Tempo Run workout scheduled for mid-December but I wanted to get used to the app so I tried out the Zwift Runpod a few times prior.

Unfortunately, I had trouble with the connectivity of the Runpod at home. I was able to calibrate it but then mid-run my avatar would stop running and either stand there or stretch.

I wasn’t sure how things would go during the 2.62 BibRave Tempo Run but I planned to at least start with the group and try.

While I was running during the Tempo Run, the same thing happened. I jumped out of the Companion App and over to the regular Zwift App to see if re-calibrating would help but when I returned to the Companion App, I was locked out of the run.

Waittttt for me!

I was bummed that the BibRave Run was a bust for me but more determined than ever that I would get this to work for me. Type A personality shining through, I know.

The Zwift app has a figure 8 course that you can jump right on or you can choose a session that you’d like to run. I decided to try different things with the Runpod, including switching it from my left shoe to my right, making sure that it was facing a certain direction, and also focusing on shorter runs.


While my runner stopped a few times, I was usually able to get her back moving again by stepping off the belt and back on.

With all the stopping and starting, it doesn’t give me a true sense of time it takes for a workout so I don’t feel like my pace is “true”. Over the past three days I ran in “NYC” for a half mile, did an “easy walk/run” session, and did “The Hills Are Alive” workout.

I was two hills down, one to go during “The Hills Are Alive” when the pod lost the signal. Frustrated, I called for my engineer husband because I thought he might be able to assist me in figuring out what to do.

We took the Runpod off my shoe and found that it was blinking red. We switched the provided lithium CR-2032 battery and I was able to finish my workout.

Speaking of my husband, I was telling him how difficult it was to see everything on my phone screen while running. Staring down at the tiny screen perched precariously on the ledge of my treadmill wasn’t cutting it. He was able to hook it into the HDMI TV I have over my treadmill. This is a game changer!

There is chat capability with others on the course but I’m in no way skilled enough to run and type.

In summary, I love the concept of the Zwift Run app and I really want to get it working consistently for me. Once I do, I’d like to plan a few virtual runs with fellow BibRave Pros (or anyone else who has a Zwift account). I have so many friends that are not close by in proximity but who I love running with and this would be a great way to run “together.” If you want to give it a try, code “BibRave15″ to get 15% off the cost of the Zwift Runpod from Zwift.com.

I’ll keep you all posted on how things go as we head into 2019!

Zwift BibRave Pro Reviews: Matt, Jenn, Steph, Mai, Lissa, Lisa, Andrea, Tedrick, Corey, Jen, Jessica


Holiday Traditions (Running and otherwise)

What I like best about the holidays are the traditions that come along with them. This year, as I’ve done for the past few, I joined in The Light Run.

Although it nearly did not happen.

My son, Lucas, and I registered for this way back at the beginning of October. At only $14 (and the request for unwrapped toys), this untimed fun run is great and supports local charities.

That said, I think both Lucas and myself were feeling a little overwhelmed with all the stuff we’ve got going on. He had a few tests in school coming up, a band concert to rehearse for, and he was voicing his concern about getting it all done. (He is his mother’s son, for sure.)

Rather than getting stressed about it, I asked him what he would like to do. Between you and I, I wasn’t really feeling it but I also didn’t want to SAY that to him. This is a good hobby that we both share so if he wanted to run, we’d run.

A few years ago it was bitter cold and there was a 5k route and a 1-ish mile route. That year we ran the shorter route. He asked if we could recreate that this year and of course, I was happy to oblige. Since it was a fun run, there was no added pressure about what we did or did not accomplish.

While the rest of the runners went off straight at the beginning to do the first larger loop, we peeled off on our own journey. We were completely solo but thankfully we’d printed out directions and there were signs along the way to mark where we needed to turn.

Soon enough we came to the main event, the Hagerty Lights display. Lucas loves it, I love it, and naturally Santa and Mrs. Claus love it too. Santa asked Lucas what he wanted and when he told him he was asking for a weight set, Santa actually took some time to talk to him about weight lifting and making sure he makes smart choices. It was very sweet.

Notice how I say that everything is our favorite? Um, yes. We just love to love and it’s easy at to do at this lavish display.

You can tell how much hard work and effort this family and their neighbors put into hosting this free show each year. They have an area set up for donations so I made sure to bring money (and a little extra, because I’ve forgotten during past years!).

Once we finish our quick jaunt through the streets of Pitman, Lucas and I both agreed that we were really happy we decided to do it. No regrets!

Creating new traditions is always fun too. I’m currently doing the “no rain dance” because tomorrow I’m volunteering at the Elf ‘n Coca Run representing Healthy Kids Running Series. I’ll be handing out medals at the finish line of the kids mile race and I am very excited for that!

Tomorrow evening we are going on a train ride through a light show with my extended family. This is a new to us activity as well but I’ve heard good things so we’ll see what it’s all about.

And next weekend (right before Christmas, omg), Rachel is coming back for round two of baking with the Daniels! Will my cookie design reign supreme over all the land? We shall see!


What are your favorite holiday traditions?

TRE Influencer Day

Disclaimer: I received a travel and hotel stipend and swag from The Running Event as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews! No further compensation was given and as always, all opinions are my own. If something was given for review purposes, it will be disclosed.

The Running Event is a huge convention for the running industry. Brands and those involved with anything running related, from nutrition to medals to recovery to gear (just to name a few) converge in Austin, Texas for this week-long show. Closed to the general public, this is a chance for vendors to explore new products and prototypes, hear from innovators and inventors, and connect with others in the field.

Besides new products and prototypes, there was something else that was brand new to The Running Event this year was… ME. The coordinators of The Running Event partnered with BibRave to bring 20 bloggers/social media influencers into the exhibition hall for TRE Influencer Day. I was lucky enough to be chosen to explore The Running Event and it was beyond awesome.

Group A for awwwww, yeah!

The BibRave Pros were split into two groups of 10 with official Team BibRave tour guides, Andy and Steph. We were on a tight schedule with plans to visit 10 booths within a two and a half hour span throughout The Running Event. The (Vooray) swag bags we received at the Welcome Reception had goodies and gear from Addaday, Altra, Arcanum, HandfulVuori, CEP, Incrediwear, Zwift, Brooks, and Nuun. These are the brand we visited on the expo floor.

It was a great opportunity to learn more about their products, designs, and visions for each brand. Hearing the passion and excitement from each of the brands presenters made us understand the vision and thought process behind the products.

Throughout the month of December I’ll be putting these products to the test and sharing my own thoughts and opinions about them. But for now, here’s a small peek on the extremely cool morning at The Running Event.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is not something I knew a lot about prior to TRE. The buzz regarding it has been great so I was interested in learning more about its benefits and how it can be used during workout and recovery.

At TRE we met Lindsay of Arcanum. We learned her personal story about her autoimmune disease and how activated hemp assisted in her recovery. CBD oil can be used pre and post workouts, aids with sleep, and even helps to combat anxiety. I was interested to learn that she uses the Sarco Breeze as moisturizer on her face to help with redness and acne.

Arcanum means mystery within and in this case, it’s the activated hemp.  But don’t worry, I won’t be keeping my thoughts a mystery regarding Arcanum. I’ll be sharing my thoughts on the Arcanum Sarco Breeze, Sarcho Freeze, and The Quill in the upcoming weeks.


As with anything in this world, there are wants versus needs. For me, a good bra is a need. I have a generous “handful” and it was great to hear from the ladies of Handful bras and apparel. One of their original goals was to make a sports bra NOT have the dreaded uni-boob. Well, they have succeeded!

From there they’ve added more to their line, including this Flippin’ Awesome Tank which they demonstrated at TRE.

Along with the Y-back bra, the lady BRPs also received leggings from them in our swag bag. While we visited their booth they also gave us each a sweet Handful hat, which I’ve been wearing non-stop since I got home.


California founded company, Vuori was founded with the goal of making technical clothing for workouts that would transition to casual wear. The brand started with men’s clothes; however women began to gravitate toward wearing them and they saw the want for it, they expanded to include a women’s line too.

We were encouraged to feel the materials and check out their clothes. Incredibly soft and modern/stylish. I have my eye on the Halo pullover.

I always find it interesting to ask what the brand name derived from because I think it says a lot about the vision of the brand. In this case, Vuori means mountain!


Hooray for Vooray! These gear bags had me at hello. The goal of Vooray is to offer great bags and a price point under $100.

The folks at Vooray were very receptive to ideas, asking for input and opinions on the spot which was awesome. I especially like the bag above has a ventilated shoe pocket for stinky shoes after a workout.

Our swag bag was the Vooray ACE Backpack (you can see many of us wearing it in top picture) and they also gifted us the Active Fanny Pack while we were there. I know that both will get a lot of great use!


Next stop on our tour was to Addaday, which many associate with their massage rollers and therapy tools.

However, the first thing we learned about was their new full leaf runner’s tea! The importance of keep the leaves full, not crushed, is that to preserves nutrients. We were able to sample the tea and also get packets to try at home, which I’ll share more about in my upcoming review.

In our swag bag we received a muscle roller, which particularly rocks because my hamstrings have been tight lately. The Addaday booth also had a sweet set up with chair and foot massagers. I think we would have been perfectly content hanging out there all day!

Alas, there was more to see and do at The Running Event so we were on to the next!


While some of the products and brands we were introduced to were ones I’d not been aware of previous, I’m not new to Nuun. It’s always been a tried and true for me and I usually grab a tube when I visit my local running store. I was looking forward to trying the samples but I didn’t really think I’d be hearing things I didn’t already know.

Boy, was I surprised!

Just as a quick example: I learned about the different types of Nuun (caffeinated has the colored cap, while non-caffeinated caps are write) and the Immunity boost (which I’d heard about from Ash’s review but hadn’t yet tried myself). Obviously I’ll be sharing a lot more information once I’ve tried them all in my upcoming review. Also, at their suggestion, I’m planning on trying Nuun warm and maybe even a Nuuntini. Fancy!


Incrediwear is another new to me product that I’m really excited to use during my workouts. It always says something when you hear directly from an athlete that has had great success with products. World class sprinter, Manteo Mitchell, shared his story of breaking his leg during the 4x400m relay at the 2012 London Olympics. Despite the break halfway through his lap, he finished the race and helped his team get a second place victory!

Afterward Manteo was looking for something that would aid in his recovery. Incrediwear has done that for him and he’s passionate about their products. It was great to hear him speak about the brand.

While I don’t currently have any injuries, I’m looking forward to using Incrediwear products during my training and recovery. I’ve already checked out the Sport Socks during a recent run and they were great!

CEP Compression

CEP Compression was next and while I’ve worn compression socks before, I really had no idea about how and why they worked. The pressure from the compression accelerates the removal of metabolic waste as well has assists in keeping you stable while running in addition to reducing swelling.

The products are made in Germany by Medi. Medi is the brand that make compression for medical purposes while CEP is their athletic branch.

We received compression socks and Merino wool socks to try during training/recovery and I’m looking forward to trying them. In the past I’ve always fought to get compression socks on however I learned a little trick called the toe pocket so I’ll be trying that with CEP Compression!


The next stop on our TRE tour was at Altra. I’ll admit, this is a brand that I didn’t know too much about prior to visiting their booth. I think that the idea of zero drop shoes was always something that made me nervous, mainly because I didn’t know what it was or how it would pertain to me.

I was also very interested to learn about the Fit4Her technology which caters specifically to the female foot. We were able to see a number of different shoe styles as well as see a few of the new colors coming out in 2019.

Compared to what I usually wear they are super lightweight. I got a pair of Escalante 1.5 (Silver) to try and I’ll keep you posted on my thoughts when I hit the road.


Our final destination on the official BibRave/TRE tour took us across the expo floor to the Brooks booth. I’m well-versed with Brooks apparel  but I’ve never run in their shoes before last week!

I’ve considered getting Brooks shoes in the past but have always wound up sticking with the shoes I’m currently in for fear of change. However, I was given a pair of Brooks Ghost 11 at TRE (some of the other ladies were given the Adrenaline GTS 19).

I’ve been wearing the Ghosts for my runs and training sessions since then and they’ve been working really well for me. More thoughts on those and the LSD jacket coming soon!

Final Thoughts…

We learned about Zwift the day prior at the Zwift Welcome Reception so we didn’t spend time with them at their booth however I did get the chance to wave as we passed by at the expo. We had a bit of time after our TRE tour to stop look around and stop at a few booths along the way. Unfortunately, Kim and I had to get back to our hotel to check out so we didn’t get to stay too long but it was fun to swing by StuntPuppy, PROHairTie, Untapped, MUD, and Boco Gear.

What stood out to me the most at each brand we visited was their intense excitement and love for their products. The passion for their products stand out and it’s clear that this is how they get better and evolve each step of the way.

Before we said goodbye to our group, we had to take the obligatory group selfie!

I love these people.

Thanks BibRave and TRE for the amazing experience! Let’s do it again in 2019!

Want to read more about The Running Event? Check out the BibRave Pros blogs:

Jessica, Vanessa, Kim, Teddy, Mai, Nicole, Mark, Jenna, Corey, Amy, Ryan, Gina

BibRave + The Running Event = A HECK OF A GOOD TIME

Disclaimer: I received a travel and hotel stipend and swag from The Running Event as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews! No further compensation was given and as always, all opinions are my own. If something was given for review purposes, it will be disclosed.

Picture this: You’re traveling solo to the new-to-you city of Austin, Texas. You get off the airplane and your eyes bounce around the airport, in search of the color orange.

The faces you’re looking for are ones you’ve never seen in person (save for a few, whom you’ve met previously at races); You know them from social media posts, Twitter chats, and the occasional conference call. You’ll be spending the next two days with these people and it’s a bit nerve-wracking.

And then there they are, beacons of light in orange, wearing their BibRave hats and shirts and huge smiles.

In that instant, you know that you’ve found your family.

As a BibRave Pro for the past two years, I’ve had so many awesome opportunities. However, I’ve got to say, this opportunity was the granddaddy of them all! A trip to Austin for The Running Event and the chance to meet 20 fellow BibRave Pros and 5 members of Team BibRave, the staff that includes Tim, Jessica, Julia, Andy, and Stephanie.

Once I received word that I’d been selected to go, it was a pinch me, I’m dreaming moment and that sentiment continued throughout the course of two day adventure!

We didn’t have anything “official” on the agenda until the Zwift Welcome Reception that evening but it’s clear to see that you can’t keep Pros apart. After arriving and meeting up with Kim, Chris, Brenda, and Mark, we took an Uber to our hotel. Once getting settled we decided to have lunch at Moonshine.

It started with four of us and after sending out a quick text to let everyone know where we were, we ended with 14!

From there a few of us branched off to take a quick tour of the city. I’d never been to Austin before but from the brief time we took walking around, I know that I must go back!

Don’t Mess with Texas or Casey, Mark, Chris, Gina, me, Tedrick, and Kim!

After our quick walk about town (and visit to Voodoo Doughnut, natch), we headed back to the hotels and got ready for the Zwift Welcome Reception.

Zwift is a virtual game that you use on the treadmill. For those attending the conference, our representation were the “chosen” four!

A run was set up with our other Pro friends and they all “met” up in the game at 5:45 for a 5k run. Cheering them on was so much fun. Give me a pompom and let me loose!



I was given a footpod from Zwift (the device that connects you to the virtual game) and we’ll be doing another BibRave virtual run on December 18th so I’ll be able to give you my full review on that in a couple of weeks.

Earlier in the week, Team BibRave announced the winners of The BibRave 100, a comprehensive list of the 100 best races in America, voted on by runners. Benjamin the lion is The BibRave 100 mascot and we were excited to see him in attendance! Of course my roomie, Kim, and I had to take a picture with the lion of the hour!

The welcome reception is also where we received an incredibly generous amount of SWAG from companies at The Running Event.

Holy moly, it was honestly like Hanukkah and Christmas morning all rolled into one. And maybe my birthday too.

My eye doesn’t know where to go first!

Following the reception we went for barbecue dinner and then finished up the evening at the Brooks Party. A good number of us wore the Brooks LSD Jacket that we’d just gotten and soon realized just how reflective it is.

Jessica, Kim, and myself

Can we say awesome? That’s a lot of reflection! Check out the picture above and see if you can spot the same jacket without the flash.

Due to the early morning wake up (3:30 for Kim and myself) we decided to head out early from the party. However, just before we left, we got to meet Des Linden, this year’s winner of the Boston Marathon. What a great way to wrap up day 1!

The following morning we were up before the sun, as we prepared for a 6:30am BibRave group run. It was such an awesome experience running around Austin in a big orange pack. I might sound a little bumpkin-y here but city running is certainly different than running here at home.

Thanks to Larry Castillo Photography for the amazing shots during the group run!

Kim and I even ended up twinning in our Skirt Sports Temper Tantrum print and BibRave shirts!

Team BibRave had a great spread of food set up for us after the run, which was so awesome and appreciated. We grabbed our bagels and ran back to the hotel room to grab a quick shower and get ready for TRE Influencer Day!

TRE Influencer Day was so epic, I covered it in a separate blog post. Click here to hop over!

From Philly to Austin, With Love

Whoa whoa whoa. How is it November 28th already? This month has been filled with running, food, family, running family, more food, and lots and lots of Philadelphia pride.

Over the past 10 days, I’ve spent about half of them in Philadelphia.

It kicked off on Friday, November 16th at the Health and Wellness Expo for the Philadelphia Marathon weekend. I chose to run the Rothman 8k this year so I had to get into the city to grab my race packet.

Time was NOT on my side because I (stupidly) scheduled a doctor’s appointment for my son that afternoon. So rather than enjoying the city and visiting Reading Terminal for lunch, I took a train in, ran over to the Convention Center, grabbed my stuff, and ran back to catch the train out of the city… all within an hour. A new travel PR!

The race was on Saturday and started at 10:45am. I didn’t need to be up before the sun, which was nice but I was also totally thrown off by this turn of events. What train should I take? What should I eat? Who would I meet up with for the 8k?

Thankfully I got into the city with at least an hour to spare, naturally, so I took my time walking to the race village. Then I stationed myself in between the finish of the half marathon and the start of the 8k.

And nearly immediately found people I knew!

Larry and Amy from the Sub-30 Club were also running the 8k. Hooray! Larry is a pacer and offered to help pace me through the miles, which was awesome.

The 8k course is along the river, so it’s a standard Philly race in that respect. The distance makes it special though and it’s a nice way to be involved with the Philly Marathon weekend.

We did 30/30 intervals and he stuck with me through the entire race. I wanted to finish under an hour but with self-seeded corrals and the course being congested nearly the entire time, we finished at an hour and one minute. Ooof. So close, yet so far! There was a finish line for the kids race that faked us out, which was cruel but finally we crossed the actual finish line with smiles on our faces.

I did this race in 2011 and it’s grown up in the last 7 years. 2011 there was 1,460 runners, a cotton t-shirt, standard bib, and the knowledge that you ran the race as the awards for your achievements. This year there was nearly 3,500 runners, a tech t-shirt, personalized bibs, a beautiful medal (and the knowledge that you ran the race).

In between this and my next Philly adventure, it was Thanksgiving! We hosted this year and I think we might finally be seeing the light at the end of the leftover tunnel.

Since we were hosting, there were no Turkey Trots for us this year. Instead my son Lucas and I opted to take part in the #TotheStarbucks run.

I heard about this awesome, free event from Rachel and I was immediately drawn in because… well, just read part of the description of the run.

Join us for a morning fun run, the Saturday after Thanksgiving! We run (or walk! That’s ok too!) we have fun, and then we eat some donuts outta a trunk (oh and there’s Starbucks nearby if that’s your jam!) the route is TBA but always has a short 2.5mi and Long 5min distance. 

A given, am I right?

Through the years of running in Philly and going to City Fit Girls retreats, I’ve met lots of people and many of them were at the #ToTheStarbucks run. My son started out running with us and nearly immediately took off to run ahead. I knew that he was in good hands because these were all good folks and I’d meet him at the Starbucks, of course.

Let’s review. A run, handmade medal, donut, photos, and being cheered on. CAN EVERY DAY BE LIKE THIS?

Not to be outdone by Saturday, on Sunday we went to (you guessed it) PHILLY for the Eagles/Giants game. I grew up in central Jersey so I was mostly surrounded by Giants fans, including my dad.

However being in south Jersey for nearly half my life, I now know the “error” of my ways. My son is an Eagles fan which means that we are all Eagles fans. My first game ever was as insane/fun as I expected it to be. And the Eagles WON (it was looking a little dicey at the beginning).

I’m sure it’s not a surprise that I’ve got more Philadelphia fun on the agenda for 2019. My first scheduled event is the first weekend of April, I’ll be running the Hot Chocolate 5k, representing Team BibRave!

Speaking of BibRave, I’ve got some exciting news to share!

Tomorrow I’m off to Austin, Texas for The Running Event‘s TRE Influencer Day! This is an amazing opportunity that I’ve been given (along with some of my fellow BibRave Pros) as a perk of being a BRP.

I’ve never been to Texas before and this will be a short, jam-packed trip. I can’t even properly articulate how pumped I am. I’ll work on that before tomorrow since I’ll be sharing a lot of information on Instagram Stories and maybe I’ll even try my hand at the live feed (gulp, I’ve never done that before!).

What are you looking forward to in the next day/week/month? Have you been to Austin before? Anything I MUST do? I can’t even promise I’ll have the time to do it but I’ll try!