Scoot a Doot’s 6th Blogaversary (+giveaway!)

We are so pumped to be celebrating 6 years of Scoot!

We’ve got a vlog, we’ve got our four pillars: fitness, food, friends, and fun… AND we’ve got a sweet, sweet giveaway! Watch the video to see what’s in the prize pack for one lucky winner (trust us, you’ll want to win).

After you watch us chat with you, click on the image below to enter! We’ll check to make sure the entry is legit and then announce the winner via social media channels on 2/6/19: Facebook, IG stories, Twitter.



36 thoughts on “Scoot a Doot’s 6th Blogaversary (+giveaway!)

    • Thanks so much, Katie! We appreciate your support. Good luck with your upcoming move – we know your family will do GREAT!

  1. Did my comment not appear?! I don’t see it. I said “Hellooooooooooo Meatball. I have no suggestions for your blog because I love everything you do. And your purple hair.” (I added on the purple hair part to my second attempt to post a comment….because I really do love it.

  2. 6 YEARS! How amazing is that ?!?!?! A little something no one knows about me: I come here for personal, professional, and fitness motivation. Not the cheerleader kind of motivation. Your blog reminds me that regardless how far I am from my “other” home, I can still feel close to my friends. It reminds me that even those that love fitness struggle and that’s OK, as long as I keep moving forward. It reminds me that I balancing something I love (running, outdoors, etc) with something I have to do (work, clean, parenting…yeah I said it…parenting is a job) will always be difficult and that’s OK because no one is perfect. But EVERYONE is awesome! Bloggers, I thank you for the time you invested in Scoot-a-Doot. Much Love!

  3. Congrats on your anniversary! I’m always on the lookout for cross-training ideas, new recipes (lower-er carb?), and new product reviews. Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Happy Blogaversary! 🙂 I’d love some food along with the running! I’m a little biased because I’m studying to be a Registered Dietitian, but the only thing I love reading and talking to be about as much as running is food 😛

  5. Congrats on 6 years and happy Blogaversary! Awesome prize package to celebrate, very exciting! I’ve been wanting to give Injinjis a try for awhile now.

  6. Happy 6 years! I love the 4 pillars. I recently discovered your blog and social media, and I love your voices. Keep it coming!

  7. Happy 6th blogaversary! I’ve been following you on Instagram for awhile, but never actually visited the blog. It’s good to put all your names and faces together! I loved the vlog. I can’t believe Kyle moved from Virginia to California. That would be a culture and climate shock! And who doesn’t like chocolate?! I’m not sure it’s my favorite vice. That would probably be coffee. But I am crushing on fresh mango right now. I just wish it was easier to peel and eat! Friends are the best and I just assumed you all lived in the same place, so I learned about that today. As for the giveaway, I have never tried any of the products you’re giving away! Thanks for the chance to win some new items! Keep up the positivity! My Instagram is indyanna_essential_life if you’d like to check it out!❤♀️

  8. I sure would like to see some reviews of “home gym” fitness items. Ones that cost under $40, so not like a whole gym.

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