I want to let you know that this will mostly be a picture post, because this race is just sooooo pretty. Also, I want to formally declare my love for Vacation Races, and this event in particular. VR, I LOVE YOU. If you’re reading this, pleeeeeeeease let me be an ambassador for your race series. Since I live within driving distance of six out of nine of your events, I would make an excellent representative because I plan to run them all in the near future. But my first love for your race series will always be the Rocky Mountain Half Marathon.
This was the second year I’ve run the #RMHalf. They even added an extra special challenge this year, the Elk Double, which consisted of a 5k on Friday night, followed by the half marathon on Saturday morning. Three medals for two races means I. AM. IN. Many of my fellow Skirt Sports Ambassador Sisters were also running the races, and created a team. Team WTF? Where’s the Finish? I was so stoked to run with a team; I usually run races all by my lonesome.

Packing for the big weekend and Coach Lily the Pug approves of my outfit selections.
In the interest of transparency, I want to state that in my (limited) half marathon experience, this group puts on the best races with the BEST Medals. Dare I say it, even better than runDisney.
I dared and said it. I retract nothing.
For proof, they had free smores and hammocks at the race expo. They had water, electrolyte drink, and Honey Stinger Gels at EVERY half marathon aid station, and at three of those stations, they also had bananas, orange slices, and porta potties. VR really takes care of their runners!
I was excited to try my new Skirt Sports skirt with bib magnets built in for the 5k. I was expecting to have to adjust my bib as I ran, but nope! The magnets kept it perfectly in place and I didn’t have to put safety pin holes in my new skirt. I was winning at life!

5K Outfit: Skirt Sports Race Magnet Skirt, Electric Tank, Injinji socks, NB Shoes

At the 5k Start

Spirit of the Rockies: Anglers, Canadian Geese, and runners share the natural beauty!

Even the geese were cheering for us!
Here in Colorado, they don’t give out medals for 5ks. They just don’t. Not sure why, but maybe it has something to do with the commonly seen “140” oval stickers on cars. I guess folks here don’t really get behind the 5k distance. So, I’m VERY proud of my first and only 5k medal!
Ummm, so on a “related to the Rockies” note…my high school BFF lives a half a mile from the start line for the races, which was awesome, because I stayed at her house and walked to the 5k start. What wasn’t as fun was navigating the bear in the tree a few houses down from said friend’s house. I think he was sleeping, and he had the cutest bear butt. As long as that butt stayed in that tree.

You can see a casually hanging paw and adorable tail.
I found out later that team WTF? finished in FIRST PLACE for the 5k!!!! No thanks to my slow arse which finished in 38 minutes, but yeah! So I got 2, 5k medals and I cannot even. I had to get the gold 1st place medal from my WTF? team mates the next day, but I was stoked!! Then it was time to rest, fuel, sleep, and get up at 4:30 for the half marathon!

Flat Me for the Half: Skirt Sports Eclipse top, Cougar (Lioness) skirt in Free Love print, two pairs of socks; Injinji toe and PROcompression.

I only smile this early in the morning on race days. Trust.

Mountain valley mist rising as the sun rises in Estes Park

The weather was perfect, and the course is so gorgeous!

I saw an Elk whilst doing the Elk Double! Life is complete!
I always love seeing mile marker 6 because it means I’m almost halfway done!

In the middle of the dreaded looooooong (3.5 miles-ish) low grade hill.

*heart eyes*

This view is worth the altitude.

The course takes you right past the most haunted hotel in America!

Coming up on the finish

The cutest!

Just a few more steps!

Team WTF? Where’s The Finish

That bling, tho!
This was my big event for the season and there was no doubt in my mind that I’d enjoy the race, but the fact is I came away with a lot more than I expected. My goal was to push myself and I did. I shaved five minutes off my time from last year. But the best part by far was I got to know my Skirt Sisters better, and together, we placed in the race. That’s because #REALwomenmove. Especially together.
What is/was your big race this season? Do you runs with a team at races? Did you visit a National Park this summer? Let’s discuss below!
I know how much you love these races and I’m glad that this one was no different! The scenery is absolutely incredible and you know I love texting with you during the weekend for updates.
My goal is to eventually get out there again so we can do a VR race together! Alllllll the races!
All races are better with you! I would love that. I love your texts, too, they keep me going! One day, we’ll do a VR together, maybe Yellowstone or Grand Canyon…maybe??? Love you lots. <3
Hi Jennifer,
We are reading your write up and we love it! Thanks for being such a great ambassador for our races. While we don’t have an official Ambassador program for our events, Please send me an email so we can discuss future options should we create a program, I would like you to be on the list.
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Pingback: Race Recap: Vacation Races Inaugural Shenandoah Half 2017 | Scootadoot
Pingback: Race Recap: 2018 Vacation Races Rocky Mountain Elk Double | Scootadoot