“I love me some me.”
That’s one of my trainer’s favorite sayings and while I don’t go around saying it all the time, I can certainly relate.
I am my own biggest fan.
I have to be! When I put myself first and take care of my own needs, I’m a more pleasant person to be around. I’m more motivated, happier, and I know that I can accomplish what I set out to do.
Which is why while I am my own biggest fan, I am ALSO the biggest Momentum Jewelry fan!
Oh yes, I love me some Momentum Jewelry and have ever since I received my first Motivation Wrap several years ago.
I think it’s safe to say that I’ve picked up quite a few more along the way.
I wear these daily – during training runs, sessions with the aforementioned personal trainer, races; any day of the week that ends with -y!
The Motivation Wraps depend in what situation I’m in and what message I need that particular day, while my Foot Note and Necklace are pretty much standard every day wear.
Now while I love me some me, I also love me some YOU. One of the things that is so great about Momentum Jewelry is that while you’re inspiring yourself, you can also inspiring others. These pieces are conversation starters, as well as wonderful gifts to pass along to friends. Just ask my fellow blogger cohorts, they’ve all been privy to my obsession.
Which leads me to the next big thing… their #sharetheSPARK campaign! For the next two months selected Momentum Jewelry Ambassadors will be sharing these brand spanking new designs with people who need a little extra spark.
you got this! and NEVER GIVE UP
I am so looking forward to sharing these with people I think might need a boost and also following along with the hashtag on social media. It’s going to be incredible!
Oh, I did mention a giveaway, didn’t I? I’m going to hang on to the #spreadtheSPARK wraps for now… however, I did a little Momentum shopping recently and picked up these Foot Notes. We are actually in our blogaversary month here at Scoot a Doot and for blogaversaries, you love on the people who love on you!
SHUT UP LEGS! and YES! you can
One lucky winner will be able to rock these adorable Foot Notes. The giveaway will be running from today until Friday, 2/19 and I’ll be emailing the winner, as well as posting on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If I do not hear back within a 24 hour time frame, a new winner will be chosen.
Good luck! I love me some you!
My mantra is Keep Moving Forward (also I Never Look Back Darling It Distrscts From The Now…but that’s too long for a bracelet lol)
I love the shoe messages. Just what I need some days. I want ones that say, ‘but, oh, what if you fly?’ for those doubt-filled days.
I don’t have any momentum Jewelry but I think my saying would have to be “You can do this”!
I don’t own any Momentum Jewelry wraps, but I do like the saying on the new wrap – you got this! I often tell that to myself on hard runs
I like “Live fearlessly” and “Relentless.: I don’t own any Momentum Jewelry.
I don’t have any, but I love “She believed she could, so she did”.
I love all of these! I’m all about them! I really like the ones for your shoes, for those days when running is hard and you can look down and see your encouragement!
I currently don’t have any of their jewelry but it looks awesome! I have a few running mantras, one I got from my coach is “when you’re legs are tired, run with your heart”. Love it
I’m all about jewelry.
My mantra is Run Happy (stolen from brooks) but since I run to keep my depression/anxiety in check it works really well!
I feel like I need “shut up legs” for my first marathon in April
My mantra is never give up
I have 1 momentum wrap “make it happen” but my mantra, at least during marathon training, is PR or ER I write it on my hand every run to get ready for race day.
I’ve been wearing my “just breathe” bracelet to work every day this year. It’s been a tough start to 2016 and I love the reminder!
Hard Work. Dedication. Never Give Up.
Shut up legs! is great. hahah
I love these wraps! So motivating!
My current mantra is “just breathe”. It is applicable in so many situations.