This IS the Race I’ve Been Dreaming Of

In June, something big happened and I forgot to tell  you guys about it. I manged to score an entry into the Disney Star Wars Rebel Challenge in January. I’ll elaborate on my excite in a sec, but I have to let you all know that it wouldn’t have happened if not for Mer. She’s always our superhero!

I tried to remain calm. At peace. I failed.

I tried to remain calm. At peace. I failed.

You know those times when  you have everything all planned out so  you can get your entry submitted before the race sells out in mere moments? You have all your info in a Word document so you can quickly cut and paste it all into the online form (thanks for the tip, Cam). You set reminders on your phone to buzz 15 minutes before noon EST just in case. And then, your pesky job gets in the way by sending you to an all day training class where there will be no internet access.


Mer to the rescue! I frantically emailed her and told her of my impending enforced internet deprivation on registration day and she, because she is the most wonderful person ever, said she’d help me out. And because this wasn’t her first Disney registration rodeo, she got me in! Thank you so mucho, Mer!!!


I could barely contain myself!

The best part is that Cam also got in, so we get to run it together! This is the best because Cam is one of the funnest people I know, and I think she loves Star Wars as much as I do. Rest assured, we will be in costume, and the costumes will be awesome! I seriously cannot wait to partner up with Cam on this one.

Love these chicks

Love these Chicks!

Why is this race sooooo important to me? Well, for two reasons. Firstly, I am a lifelong fan of all things Star Wars (except Jar Jar Binks). I saw The Empire Strikes Back in the theater in 1980 when I was 4 years old and it was all over from there. I take great pride in the fact that I’ve seen all of the films in the theater ever since, and yes, I already have my tickets for The Force Awakens.The geek in me really wants those medals, partly because they’re pretty, and maybe partly to flaunt them at the Denver Comic Con next year. What can I say, I’m a scoundrel.


No one will play my game with me anymore. 🙁

I am also a huge Disney fan. I’m Team Sleeping Beauty because Prince Philip actually fights for her and Maleficent is the biggest bad ass in the Disney villain pantheon. I’ve wanted a princess makeover since I saw Amy, Bernadette, and Penny get one on The Big Band Theory. (I found out later it’s only for kids. Oh, Walt, you cruel tease.) And yet, I’m 39 years old and I have never been to Disneyland or Disney World. Needless to say, I’m beyond excited that my first experience at Disneyland will be the Rebel Challenge where I’ll get to run in costume with a great friend.

Best. Email. Ever.

Best. Email. Ever.

So I’m training. I’m thinking about what to make for my costumes. I’m freaking out that it’s less than 90 days away. I can’t believe I’m finally going to Disneyland! I can say that now for real!


Do you have any tips for a first time Disney racer? Are you running this race too? Do you need help distinguishing between Star Wars and Star Trek (because I can so help with that)? Let’s chat!

2 thoughts on “This IS the Race I’ve Been Dreaming Of

  1. Yay for a Disney race – and you’re first time going to the park! You are going to have such a blast since it’s the 60th anniversary going right now!! If I can swing it, I want to get back there again before it’s over. The night parade and fireworks show is AMAZING. Let alone…oh…everything else!
    Getting to the the starting line is also much easier, as you’re going to walk from your (presumable) hotel to there, so no buses needed like in Disney World! This basically means you get to sleep in a little long, which I enjoyed. 😉
    I can’t wait to see your costumes, you’ll do great!

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