Registration opened today for the inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon, to be held Saturday, Oct. 10 2015.
Competitor Group, which operates the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series, last week announced the return of the road race. The 13.1-mile course replaces the former RnR Brooklyn 10K, held from 2011 to 2013.
Early registration to tackle the new course comes with a discounted prerace fee of $55. And please note that because registration is steeply discounted, discount codes like mine – RUNNINGWITHVICTORIA – won’t work during the prerace sale (but it will once the race is full price – which will likely cost more than this special.)
I’m excited for the big day as I love fall in NYC. The crisp air, the changing leaves and this just happens to be my birthday weekend! And yes, I will likely be there as part of the Rock ‘n’ Blog ambassador program.
The race begins in Prospect Park and includes out-and-back jaunts along Eastern and Ocean parkways, before runners complete the final three miles in Prospect Park. Click here for the course map. Like other RnR races, this Brooklyn course will feature live bands along the route and a concert at the finish line. The concert headliner has not been announced.
More than 17,000 people are expected to participate in the new half marathon, according to the Rock n’ Roll Marathon Series. In comparison, nearly 20,000 people competed in yesterday’s NYC Half Marathon.
Have you run in NYC? Have you completed any Rock ‘n Roll race? Would a new course in Brooklyn interest you?
I just finished the NYC Half and signed up for RNR Brooklyn this morning! I just worry about parking in BK race day. We had a lot of trouble with that when they had the 10K a few years back. When coming from outside the city it can be a challenge. I’m also signed up for RNR Montreal so I should qualify for a “Heavy Metal” and a “World Rocker”
Congrats on the NYC half! that race is absolutely on my bucket list as I have heard such great things about it! And yeah for becoming a world rocker with the Montreal race too. I’ve never raced there, but went a few years back. Its a great city
I just signed up for RNR Brooklyn. This will be 3 RNR events this year!
I am also going to do the NYRR Staten Island on Sunday to make it a back to back weekend of running. It is fall break at the university so I will still have time to stay in NYC and enjoy!
Go Karen!! I hadn’t realized they were back to back race days. That should be fun!
I’ve ran a few races in Queens, NY and also in Central Park. I love races in NYC and am already signed up for the Rock ‘n’ Roll Brooklyn Half.
Awesome! Outside the marathon, I’ve not run in Queens but oh how I love to run in Central Park! Good luck in Brooklyn!