Jog. Hog. Jog. Giveaway!

Here at Scootadoot, when we celebrate, we celebrate big.



Ron Swanson says it best, and we certainly don’t half ass anything around here. Certainly not things like our Blogaversary.

We’ve done it up big this month, with giveaways and race recaps and doing crazy things like jumping into a frozen lake. But now, it comes to an end and we’ve saved our best giveaway for last!

As you know, the Scootadoot chicks are big fans of running (duh). And we’re big fans of ice cream (double duh). But we’re really big, BIG fans of Uncle Dave’s Jog n’ Hog.


For the past two years, Team Scoot has been represented at Jog n’ Hog, because we are a group who just can’t say no to races that are all about having fun. And Ron Swanson’s sentiment still holds true. We definitely whole ass it when it comes to Jog n’ Hog.

I mean, what could be better than a race where you run a mile and a half, wolf a pint (or, if you’re ambitious, a quart – Whole Hog indeed), and then run another mile and a half? Nothing. That’s what. Nothing is better. Because it’s awesome.

In 2013, we amassed a great team an ran the miles and ate the ice cream (and didn’t puke). It was glorious.

The first time we were united. FOR ICE CREAM.

The first time we were united. FOR ICE CREAM.

In 2014, our team was smaller, but our will was not. Mer and crew took on the ice cream and the Pig with great success.

In 2015? Oh, you guessed it. We’re heading back to the farm. And we want to take YOU with us!


We need your help to eat all of this ice cream.

We want you along for the ride. Bring your sprinkles and your fudge and your iron stomach and join us in our race against the Pig.

That’s right!

Thanks to our good friends over at Jog n’ Hog, our last giveaway this month is ONE FREE RACE ENTRY (image I said that like The Count). AH AH AH.


Yes. Exactly like that.

We are so so so excited about this opportunity (the guys at Jn’H are pretty amazeballz) and we can’t wait to have one of you join us! (Or more of you, because even if you don’t win, you should still come run and eat ice cream and partake in the frivolity.)

So, click below and enter right meow for your chance to join Team Scootadoot in Yardley, PA on National Ice Cream Day this year. July 19. Bring. It. On.







7 thoughts on “Jog. Hog. Jog. Giveaway!

  1. Oh, I’m ready to whole ass the Jog ‘n Hog with y’all! Even if I don’t win…I’m still ready to whole ass it! Woopity Woop!

  2. I love everything about this post and I wish I could do this race with you. But, alas, they weekend is already booked for my FIL’s 80th bday. Exciting stuff, but I doubt there with ice cream. Womp womp

  3. YES!!! I totally want to win this! I’ve just started running and these racing fees are out of control! A free one would be nice lol

  4. Pick me! Pick me! I love nothing more than ice cream & running & am ready to attempt to conquer the whole quart! Fun times await!

  5. Best giveaway ever, but sadly I would not be able to come if I was picked. Running with all of you AND eating ice cream sounds like the perfect race. Did you know that I wrote a post about my obsession with ice cream? Yea, it is that bad! Someone will be a very lucky winner!

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