A Great Run

Please don’t take that literally. This is a picture of my driveway.

There is NO running going on here.

There is NO running going on here.

The ‘great run’ I’m referring to is my time blogging with my chicks here on Scoot a Doot. It has been an amazing two years, truly. But for me, the run is complete. This post is my foot clearing the proverbial finish line. (Ironically, this might be the most I’ve ever written about running!)

Scoot, for me, has been a place to talk about things that matter a lot to me: the struggles of obese athletes, the hunt (an eventual capture) of cute, plus sized activewear, some of the truly dark moments of my weight loss journey. I have gotten an incredible amount of support here, wonderful people sharing their stories with me, and of course, I’ve loved being part of this incredible blog with my dear Chicks, who are among the best of my friends.

That being said, what writing about my weight loss journey has not helped me do is actually lose weight. I type this post today, at my highest weight ever, and unable to find anything to say about it. I have so much work to do, deep down in my soul work, if I am to ever change this part of my life. And I am so ready for that change. But, as much as you have all been so wonderfully supportive over the past two years, and as much as I will miss that interaction, I can’t keep talking about my journey. I need to stop talking, and start doing, and I need the doing to be done privately. I have this intense need to turn my focus completely inward, to really look at where I am and where I want to be, and to take that next step on my own.

Basically, it’s not you, it’s me. (It really is me, I swear). And you know, I’ll still be around, posting pictures of my food on Instagram (@just_bec_) and whining about the current state of Scandal on Twitter(@just_bec_), as one does.

So, I don’t want this to be a sad post! I want to celebrate the good times I’ve had here, and look brightly toward tomorrow and all the wonderful things that are in store for me! And I want to give you all great big hugs, and we can drink champagne and dance and throw confetti around!

Because endings suck, but they have to happen to have new beginnings, and new beginnings are awesome.

In short (too late, as always), thank you for the last two years. Thank you to every one of you that reach out to me and shared your stories with me. Thank you for making me part of your community.

There would never be enough words to thank my chicks. Luckily, they already know how much I love them.

It has truly been a great run.

<3 Bec

6 thoughts on “A Great Run

  1. Bec,

    I will miss reading your blog posts. Your humor, candor, and outlook on life brought a beautifully full perspective to Scootadoot. I wish you all of the best luck, and kindness to yourself, on your journey. Of course, I get the occasional privilege of chatting you up in real life, so I am one of the lucky ones. 🙂

  2. I truly and totally understand the need to move forward, sans blogging experience. We love you completely and if you ever have the urge to write, about anything, you know you’re always welcome here. <3

  3. Pingback: Another Great Run | Scootadoot

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