Giga-what? (and a giveaway!)


Okay, so what are some things you know about me? I get really bored, really fast with exercise and I live in the Arctic Tundra. If those two came to mind, you know me pretty well, and you know that only one of those things is an exaggeration. (Hint: I don’t actually live in the Arctic Tundra, but IT FEELS LIKE I DO).

Winter can be a tough time for working out. It’s cold outside, it gets dark early, there is often weather to contend with and the living room is pretty darn inviting.

But you could do the working out IN the living room! I’ll admit, when Fit Approach (#sweatpink) asked for people to review Gigabody, I was stoked. I have an abundance of workout videos, but I’m always looking for fresh blood…errr… sweat.

But, maybe you don’t have, or want, a bunch of workout DVDs hanging around. Maybe you’ve scoured your On Demand listings and found that there is only one yoga workout and it’s for 5 year olds. Maybe you’re just not sure what kind of indoor workout you want to do.

Gigabody, guys. It’s where it’s at.

A gigabody subscription is under $10 a month, and you get access to a ton of videos, with all different kinds of workouts.

You like Barre? Try the Ballet Body workouts.

Is Zumba your thing? Body Boom Club is a blast!

Looking for something totally new? Bombay JAM. (This is my new jam, pun totally intended. A Bollywood inspired, cardio dance party? Yes. Yes, please).

Where can you do the workouts? Anywhere you have internet access. I loaded them on my Kindle Fire and took to shaking it in my bedroom while the family was watching TV.

So, I give Gigabody a very enthusiastic, booty shaking, thumbs up. If you want to check it out for yourself, we’re giving away a free month membership!


*The Gigabody membership was provided in exchange for a honest review. The opinions are all mine.


3 thoughts on “Giga-what? (and a giveaway!)

  1. This sounds great! I would love to try it! I have been SEARCHING for a good yoga workout in my living room, and have been wanting to try these other ones..ballet, zumba. This sounds perfect! I’ll keep my fingers crossed lol.

  2. Hmmm… Good question.

    I really like Insanity, but it just takes too gosh darn many minutes! Yoga is awesome, but I wish I could make it like 85 degrees in my living room and sweat it all out! I suppose my favorites are actually a couple from the Yoga Booty Ballet series that I got pretty into a few years back. I should probably try them again next time I decide I can’t leave home because it’s cold…

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