In Pictures: Disneyland Half Training, Day 1!

In my post last week, I asked for advice on half marathon training programs and got some amazing advice. Which, let’s be honest, I was totally expecting because you all are the shizz. So, thanks to your advice and specifically to Juliana for hooking me up with a runDisney plan that is perfect for me, I set out Tuesday night to conquer Day 1. I put Bug to bed at 7, laced up my sneaks, and hit the city streets!

As a runner (I use that term loosely) (for now), I love and hate training in San Francisco. Quite obviously, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Truly. I couldn’t ask for better scenery. But the f&%king hills, you guys! Oy vey. My runs are usually planned around avoiding the steepest ones, but inevitably I always end up having to climb at least one. Still, my run last night was more of a fast walk, so the hills were conquerable.

And because San Francisco is so stunningly gorgeous, especially last night when it was in the low 70s at twilight, I had to snap some pictures and share my route!

Ready to rock with Weezer!

Ready to rock with Weezer!

Excuse the blurriness of the above picture. I took it fast because I was afraid a neighbor was going to catch me selfie-ing.

Forget Weezer, Britney was the name of the game.

Forget Weezer, Britney was the name of the game.


These are the kind of hills I like: the ones that go down.

These are the kind of hills I like: the ones that go down. But seriously, look at this steep-ass hill. 

Runners! Hello, fellow runners!

Runners! Hello, fellow runners!

I love these houses. They could be mine for a mere something-million dollars.  I like to dream whilst I run.

I love these houses. They could be mine for a mere something-million dollars. I like to dream whilst I run.


Now, I will admit to making a pit-stop at two places: Walgreens, so I could get some water, and Bob’s Donuts, to pick up a donut for Mister Jess. I was wondering why he was so eager for me to go running until he said, “Hey, while you’re out…” But I am so committed to my training that I didn’t even get a donut for myself.

How stupid awesome am I?

Mmm, donuts.

Mmm, donuts.


A hill going the wrong way.

A hill going the wrong way.

Another hill going the wrong way. What's with all of these up hills?

Another hill going the wrong way. What’s with all of these up hills?

And finally, after about 40 minutes, I arrived home safe and sound from the streets of San Francisco.

Celebrating with my friend, the creepy cherub.

Celebrating with my friend, the creepy cherub.

I even had enough energy for a Katy Perry dance party in the elevator. Gotta love those endorphins!

My next run is tonight – another 30 minutes – and then Saturday I’ll run 2 miles. While 13.1 still feels incredibly daunting, I’m excited to have a plan in place. I’m ready to rock it!

Do you have a favorite route you run? Do you prefer out in the world or indoors? What’s your favorite donut? Tell me about it in the comments! 

8 thoughts on “In Pictures: Disneyland Half Training, Day 1!

  1. You know how much I love your city. I miss riding the bus and sliding down the seats. 😉

  2. So with all your practice on those insane.. i mean hills, you will just own Disney. I train on flat then the two overpasses at Disney I always feel have magically turned into Splash mountain and I am going to never make it up there., You got this! Excited for you 🙂

  3. So glad to hear that I helped you out with a training plan! You are definitely on your way to Disneyland half. I am going to pick up the training plan in June when the mileage increases.

    and I definitely prefer to run outside and have my standard 5k loop by my house that is my favorite. My favorite route for longer training runs is the Rose Bowl as it is a standard 5k loop and has restrooms so I don’t have to carry a lot with me on runs (can always stop by my car) and don’t have to worry about bathroom breaks.

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