Jay and I are quickly approaching 11 years of wedded bliss. There’s a lot we have in common, the core being that we are both nerds. We totally and completely geek out over things that we are passionate about. For example, we were both at the Veronica Mars movie Friday night, giggling and chair dancing. (Okay, maybe I was the only one chair dancing.)
Some things he geeks out over, I just… I don’t understand. Like Lord of the Rings. Let’s not even talk about the fact that I didn’t see Star Wars until he forced me to watch it in my late twenties. Or his reaction when I fell asleep while we watched.
To be fair, the pendulum swings the other way as well. I geek out over running. And try as he might, he just isn’t at the same level of Running Geek as I am. Bless his heart! That’s why when he actually signs up for a race and seems slightly excited for it, it makes me even more stoked. Think puppy with peanut butter.
I’ve participated in the Haddonfield Adrenaline 5k for the past three years; the first year I was fairly new to racing and he was there for emotional support, last year he joined me on the course for his first ever 5k. This year we decided to stick together so that I could help him PR.
This race is in its 9th year and the reason why I think it’s an area favorite is because of one simple fact- it’s a race for runners, by runners. The Haddonfield (Moorestown/Mullica Hill) Running Company has been in business for 17 years and hosts the event; they know what runners want.
Close parking – CHECK
Packet pickup both prior to and on race day – CHECK
Fun/fast course – CHECK
Party after at the store – CHECK
Another party that evening at a bar – CHECK (not that we were there, but parties are always a good time!)
Since it’s a favorite among the area residents, we always see a good handful of people we know at this race. It’s not uncommon to post “Who’s going to be at the Adrenaline 5k?” on Facebook and have resounding YESES come back at’cha.
It was a bit rainy prior to the race which was a surprise and we all watched the clouds overhead to see what Mother Nature was going to throw at us. However, she was just playing around this time. Probably because she knew it was Megan’s 40th birthday!
Close to 9am, Jay and I moseyed on over to the starting line, waving to our fast friends and placing ourselves toward the back of the pack.
The game plan was pretty straight forward, we’d run the first straight away and then switch to 1:1 intervals for the remainder of the race. I decided to ditch my watch and just go with what Jay felt comfortable with, taking my cues off of him for pace.
Promptly at 9am, the race started and we crossed the mat around 1:06. From there, I followed Jay. The first half mile or so, I hung directly behind him so that he could weave and find a comfortable spot in the pack. The race is through the local town which is super cute, so I spent a good portion of the run checking out the houses and waving to the residents along the route.
We took advantage of the down hill (that comes before the uphill in this race) and Jay grabbed a quick drink of water around 1.8 miles. There’s one uphill and it comes just before the mile 2 mark. I wasn’t sure how Jay would approach it but when I tell you that he FLEW up that hill, I’m not exaggerating. He seriously pushed and it was crazy impressive!
As we wound our way back to the main road and the final stretch of the race, I could tell that he was ready to be done. During these times I tried to push the pace on the walking intervals so that he wouldn’t slow down too much.
There were adorable little girls giving high fives in the middle of the street that helped make that last stretch more fun (I was having fun the entire time but I was trying not to be too rah-rah cheerleader). You can see the finish line about a quarter mile down the road and it definitely helps the morale to know you’re nearly done.
Once we were about a tenth a mile away from the finish, Jay was ready to push hard and finish strong. Right around this time, our friends were along the route, cheering as we went by! We crossed the finish line, he stopped Runkeeper and realized he’d hit a personal record, cutting his time by nearly a minute.
Brandi and Sean found us and we got a couple of post-race snacks (they had an assortment of bagels, bananas, oranges and water) before heading over to the Running Company store for the post-race party!
The store hosts an ah-mazing party, with food from the local catering company, Apron. There was an incredible sweet potato salad that was called Born to Run salad that was so good, it would have made Bruce sing. We chatted with friends, snacked on food, and drank beer (yes, at 10am). And since we were there, Jay and I got our long overdue running shoes.
All in all, an incredible time, as expected! We’ll be back and maybe, just maybe, I’ll turn Jay into a full-fledged Running Geek.
What do you geek out about? Ever run with a friend (or a husband or a wife) and “help” them PR? Did you see Veronica Mars? (Because we should TOTALLY geek out together over that.)
Meredith – this is so awesome! You helped him PR by over a minute?! You guys make a great team
My husband and I have only done one other race together. He has a bad knee and doesn’t love running enough to ignore it like the rest of us, lol. I’m a running geek as well. Anything fitness related. I have no desire to be an instructor or trainer – just a student forever!
Thanks Michele! I think that he had the motivation and just needed me to lead him in the right direction. I’m sure he can further shave his time – I wonder if he’ll sign up for more 5ks before next year’s race in order to try. (I keep holding out hope that I’ll convert him to a capital letter Running Geek.) I totally ignore the aches and pains – I think that makes us dedicated, whereas he thinks it makes us crazy.
Way to go, Jay! Way to go, Mer! So fun racing with you guys, as always! Agreed…Adrenaline 5K is one of my favorites, too. Of course, that might just be because I can walk to the race from my house. ha!
Yes, the fact that you can walk from your house is definitely a bonus! I’m so glad that you felt good enough to race (and a SPEEDY one at that). I wish there were more in Haddonfield, although I definitely wouldn’t complain if there was a race down the street from my house either. Oh wait, there is. On the 4th of July. IN THE SWELTERING HEAT.
So awesome for your hubby and so great that you got to run together! I ran wine and dine with my husband a couple years ago. He slowed down to race with me. Looking forward to hopefully being a little faster at Dumbo so he doesn’t have to slow down as much.
I can’t talk Jay into anything more than a 5k – I tried to woo him with the Avengers half and he wasn’t having it AT ALL. I think it’s fun to run with him (even if we were listening to our own music and not really chatting all that much).
Way to go, Jay!!! Rock on!
Thanks Keri! He says to the same to you, of course!!!
Ah that is awesome, yay PR! How fun!!
My husband is in the military so he is super fit and runs 8 miles as a “after work treat” …smh. So when I suggested doing a racecation half marathon as a deployment reward when he got back in 2013, he stuck by me my whole pitiful slow first half marathon. I definitely would have quit if it was not for him next to me
As an “after work treat” – I’m dying right now! I absolutely love that he helped you through your first half marathon. I’ve tried (more than once) to talk Jay into a longer distance but he’s not buying what I’m selling. Yet. I’m not giving up.
Haha hopefully one day! It is such a great memory.
And I am glad I could share ;-).
Awesome job to your hubby. My hubby is a runner but we try and do one race together, he slows down for me and I go as fast as I can, ultimately we don’t finish together but I try and so dose he
Trying to definitely the best. I am faster than he is but I don’t feel like I am by that much (especially since I’ve been on the injured list lately). It’s great to share the experience together though, I’m hoping for more in the future.
Yay to both of you!! You guys are the best couple ever, and Jay’s a lucky man.
Thanks Lisa! xo We are pretty big fans of each other!
Awww I love this! I really want my husband to get into running more – we ran the Ugly Sweater Run together but it was untimed so I’m hoping we can transition to a timed 5k soon! Congrats on his PR!
Yes! We did the Ugly Sweater Run together too but it was untimed… and short (and I’m still sad we didn’t meet there!). This race is a really great local one that uses chips and has good stuff all around. I really like a race where I show up and feel like I’m at home, you know?
I love when races are well organized and run well by runners! I felt the same way about the Runner’s World Festival in Bethlehem. Of course that race would be put on well. It is so nice that you run with your husband. I finally talked my husband into doing a Disney 5K as his first. There will be no PR involved though, just fun! Congrats to your husband for his PR!
Thanks Meranda! Isn’t it nice when race organizers know what the people like? It definitely SHOWS! I definitely want to do the Runner’s World half at some point – I’m wondering if I can swing it this year. Which Disney race are you doing next? I’ll be in DL in August.
ohhh this is a fun post lol im giggling at the fact that you slept through Star Wars- Mr.Speedy loves NASCAR and has tried to get me to watch it…. but I’m sorry, watching cars go in a circle causes me to nap.
YA FOR A PR for the hubby! That is awesome! I could never help Mr. Speedy PR but he certainly help me.. maybe. If he tries making me sprint with him or pick up the pace, a lot of times I get frustrated b/c I’m like dying and he is like ‘this is so slow, la de dum.’…. so not sure if we could ever figure out the assist relationship!
This food at this race- I want some. Also the birthday shirt- amazing.
I haven’t tried to watch NASCAR but I know there are many people who totally geek out over it and… well, I’m with you. But I’m sure it’s exciting. For Mr. Speedy.
I really let Jay lead the majority of the race, I looked to him to see how he was feeling during the walking intervals to see how much I could push him on that. I think he was hamming it up for me, honestly. I tried very hard not to be all “la de dum” while we were running because I’ve been on the helpee end of things too.
The food was SO GOOD. OMG. And yes – Megan and her shirt ROCK.
Hooray for the fun 5k and the PR! And this is such a great event for so many reasons! I’m glad you both had a great run and enjoyed the after party
Thanks Vic! It’s such a great race, as you know.
OK, so I was out of town last weekend and was stoked to get tickets for Veronica Mars this weekend only to find out that it is not playing anywhere near me. The closest would be over 100 miles from her. What?!?! I am completely bummed out now.
Oh and congrats on the PR!
Oh no!!! I do know that they have it available on iTunes – maybe that’s an option for you? We got the digital file because we donated to the kickstarter program.
I’m actually hoping that they open it in theaters nationwide soon so that more people can see it. We had to travel about 40 minutes to see it.
Thanks for the congrats!!! xo
Ohhhh, I’ll have to check iTunes when I get home! Like immediately! I went to donate and they had closed it the day before. I was so bummed. I wanted to tell people that that movie wouldn’t have been made without me.
Definitely check out iTunes! May the force be with you!!! xo