I wanted to tell you all about the two yoga classes that my fit friends and I hit this month (Take that, Fit Club Fail!) (Spoiler: Neither one was Bikram.) but I am just crazy busy this week. Instead, I present to you some things I am doing and loving and thinking about right this second, along with some pictures. In other words, a completely self-indulgent blog post.
First- this arrived at my house yesterday.
We visited the tasting room for Thumbprint Cellars on our 5th anniversary trip to California a few years ago, and this Christmas, J gifted me with a membership to their wine club. This is chardonnay, and they even sent a bar of chocolate. It’s like they know me.
Second- it is Girl Scout cookie time and I am eating all the cookies. My friend sent me one of those cat meme pictures that says “ATE 4 BOXES OF THIN MINTS. NOT FEELING VERY THIN.” That cat is my soul sister, you guys. I mean, really- could those cookies be any more delicious? And the scouts are just too cute to deny-
Alright, so that is my adorable kid. (You may think she is channeling Vanna White here at our cookie booth, but that is really her Elsa pose. She does it for all photos these days. Don’t you want to build a snowman? And buy some cookies?) I’m her troop leader, so I really can’t say no, but next year I am buying two boxes and donating the rest to the military. Remind me, okay?
Our council is one of the test councils for the Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread and I bought a bag for one of you! I’ll be posting a giveaway for that soon.
Third- A Fresh Market opened in my city and it’s a Very Big Deal. I popped in last week to check it out and took home this bag of popcorn-
Which might taste better than Boom Chicka Pop. LE GASP. But really. Black pepper! It’s delightful. (It has an odd smell though, which I can’t figure out because the ingredients are normal, non-chemical-y things. But still. Tasty. Just don’t stick your nose in the bag. Which would be a weird thing to do anyway.)
In non-food related things that I love this week, my daughters are now proud owners of Nike sneakers.
They’re very excited to be “matchies” with me, and now beg every day to go for a run. I know I gave birth to them, so I have to think they’re adorable, but really. SO ADORABLE.
More on the topic of running- Tonight, I get to hang out with THE MOTHER RUNNERS. Well, not “hang out” so much as listen to them talk about running at a local fitness store. But yay! I love their books and the way they inspire women, and well, I’m also looking forward to the swag bag.
And finally, this weekend is the Glass Slipper Challenge! Sara and I are working on our matching costumes (we’ll be dressed up as the same character that our daughters did for Halloween this year. That’s all I’m sharing for now.), and I’m making plans to see Vic and Heather. There will be lots of squeeing, hugging, merriment and pictures of it all.
I’ve been doing my long runs with my friends, Sara and Dorothy, and this weekend will be Dorothy’s first half marathon and Sara will most likely PR in both races. Even though I won’t be setting any personal records, I’m really excited to see my friends reach their goals. As much as running is a solo sport, it can also have the feel of being on a team. We’ve all worked hard, and we’ve done it together. On Sunday, I’ll be as happy for them as I would be if it were my own personal victory.
On a completely superficial note, I cannot wait to have that shoe medal. Because SHOES.
So…favorite wine? Favorite Girl Scout cookies? Favorite expensive health food store snacks? Talk to me! Who is running Disney this weekend?
I have a box of Thin Mints stashed in my desk drawer at work and it’s very hard to control myself. They are SO GOOD. One box- that’s all I allow myself and I tell myself it’s for a great cause, right!?
Karen! I hope I spy you and your crew this weekend! Would love to get a picture and give you a hug and squee over bridal things.
It’s for an awesome cause, but we bought 12 boxes and they were gone in about 12 minutes. What this “control” you speak of?
ohhhh my gosh thin mints…. I HAVE GOT TO HIDE FROM THE GIRL SCOUTS…. spring time is not safe for me to be out and about.
They’re just TOO GOOD. And my new favorite are the Thanksalots, which, of course, have the most fat, calories, etc.
Thin mints used to be my fav till they came out with Caramel delights. Fortunately for me, I have grandsons, they do not sell cookies.
Your daughter is adorable, I love popcorn & cookies. Wine is always a plus. Shoes, we all love shoes, even attached to a ribbon around your neck. More fun for you at a Disney Marathon, plus seeing friends is awesome.
Best yet you live in a state that does not get snow every other day with delayed openings or cancelations keeping kids home from school!!! You Win
Thanks, Mer’s mom. I think YOU are adorable.
You should be down here! Sitting on a beautiful beach, sipping a glass of wine and eating a Caramel Delight or two. (Or the box, as one does.)
I cannot resist a thin mint cookie if they are in my house, so I usually don’t buy them. I also love samoas. =)
Two of the best! J and I finished an entire box of Samoas in ten minutes last week. YUMMMMM.
MMMM thin mints. So amazing. Haven’t had one in years!!
Good luck with the racing this weekend! Wish I was there, but alas… I’m stuck up here in the land of wind and snow.
I wish you were here too! Thanks, Lisa.
Yay I’m on my way to Disney right now and I’m so excited!!!! It’s my first half and while I am slowly becoming more and more terrified about the heat down here (come on Florida, it’s February!) I am just so excited to be running it! If you see a girl wearing insane shiny mermaid tights with a fork in her hair make sure to say hi!
Good luck, Kristen!!!
It’s pretty hot right now. It won’t be too bad at 5:30 in the morning, but the humidity can be stifling even if you’re used to it. Time to start hydrating. (on the plus side, you can take selfies by the pool and be the envy of all your friends!)
Fork in your hair, even! I love it. Sara and I will be dressed like PNK sorority monsters. Maybe we will see you!
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