Scoot a Doot’s blogaversary (and a giveaway)

What a year our first has been!

The Scoot a Doot chicks have known each other for years – decades, even – and last winter came together to share our love of fitness, friendship and life.


We’ve shared the joys of our children, including two handsome newborn sons.  We’ve also shared the loss of one beloved family dog, and the addition of several new fur friends.

We’ve celebrated new beginnings, such as new jobs, new relationships and new challenges and goals. We also shared how sometimes we fell short.

Together, with many of you, we raised more than $2,000 to fight childhood cancer as Team Scoot a Doot logged more than 1,750 miles last September for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Million Mile Run.


Together we watched the unthinkable unfold in Boston last April, as bombings abruptly ended the 117th running of the nation’s oldest marathon.

Together, we encouraged each other to do our best, even on days when we felt our worst.

The good, the bad, the unfiltered. We are blessed to share our lives with you, our readers and friends.

As a thank you for reading, we want to share a few special treats for our anniversary giveaway.

Giveaway 1:


We adore PocketFuel and have a great working relationship with them within our first year of blogging. When we reached out to them about joining in on our blogaversary giveaway they were eager to join forces!

In addition to the ten packets of PocketFuel we’ve also got an awesome pink tech t-shirt (large), compliments of .

And, of course, because we like to spoil you all, we picked up some things to go along with this giveaway! A Sparkle Athletic visor, frame and Cinderella picture, and Scoot a Doot t-shirt (x-large).

But wait, there’s more!

Giveaway 2:


image from

We picked up these Oiselle Podium PJs (medium) because they are super comfy and way cute.

Giveaway 3:


image from

Are you ready to run? These Swirlgear shorts (large) are perfect for warm weather running.

So what do you have to do to enter? Simple! Click on the pics below to get to the Rafflecopters for each giveaway. Cool? Cool.


Click to enter giveaway #1


Click to enter giveaway #2


Click to enter giveaway #3

These three giveaways end February 23, 2014 and we’ll announce the winners next Monday! Thanks again for a terrific year and we’ll see you real soon.

What have you done that you’re proud of this past year?

68 thoughts on “Scoot a Doot’s blogaversary (and a giveaway)

  1. Fun giveaway! Congrats on your anniversary! What am I proud of in the past year? Definitely training and running my first half marathon! I like to celebrate a special anniversary with a new charm for my pandora bracelet or a new Alex and Ani charm!

    • I like your style, Megan! Those Alex and Ani charms are great! And congrats on your first half-marathon! Which one did you run and what did you think? Way to go on such a big accomplishment!

  2. My daughter turned 3 on Friday, I ran my first Spartan Race on Saturday, and we had my daughter’s birthday party(with bounce house!!!) on Sunday! It was an AWESOME(and exhausting) weekend!!! Happy Blogaversary!!!

    • I feel like this entire month has been Feb break here with all the snow we’ve been having. 😉 Hope it’s going well over there!

  3. Happy blogaversary! My first runaversary is in two months, and you all have definitely helped me on my way. Excited to see what’s in store for the next year.

  4. Happy blogaversary, Chicks!!
    In the last year I double the number of races I ran!! Now I’m waiting to see how 2014 unfolds!

    • Thanks Anne! Best wishes with the giveaways! (isn’t number two fab? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Oiselle!)

      And have fun this weekend at WDW! Brooke and I will be there as well! Perhaps we’ll see you? Either way, best wishes with the GSC! 🙂

    • I am SO DONE with winter. Thankfully it’s currently raining here and it’s washing some of the snow away. BE GONE SNOW! And best of luck to you, Jen.

  5. I was actually asked this week to be part of New Balance’s 2014 marketing campaign, and I get to model the shoes and apparel and get paid for it! I work at a running shoe store, so this is huge!

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