My Run Streak: By The Numbers

The streak is complete! I repeat: The streak. Is. Complete. It’s been a doozy of a holiday season. I really need a nap. And a massage. And a pedicure. Can I sleep during the massage and pedicure?

35 days of running and most of it was fun, if not a little exhausting. (or maybe the tiring part was having all of the children home for two and a half weeks?)

I’m not really a numbers girl, except when it comes to running, so let’s break it all down, shall we?

Number of miles run- 100

After finishing my final miles of the streak and Dorothy's and my first miles of the new year! Bring it, 2014.

After finishing my final miles of the streak and Dorothy’s and my first miles of the new year! Bring it, 2014.

Number of times I ran with my entire family- Just once, on Thanksgiving morning. Coincidentally, the coldest day we’ve had all winter.

Number of times I ran on the treadmill- Twice.

Number of times I ran with three kids in tow- Four. My oldest rode her scooter while I pushed the other two in my Bob stroller.

This girl! She might be my new favorite running buddy (sorry, Sara). Her scooter PR is 3 miles.

This girl! She might be my new favorite running buddy (sorry, Sara). Her scooter PR is 3 miles.

Number of times I ran in a new location- Twice.

Number of times I ran with someone other than my regular running partner, Sara- Eight. “Want to go for a run?” became a regular part of my conversation.

Number of times I ran in a dirty sports bra- Three. Maybe my New Year’s resolution should have to do with doing laundry?

Number of times I ran while suffering from stomach flu- Three. Gross.

Number of times I surprised myself- Twice. First, that I could actually run a decent long run more than halfway through the streak. My legs were sore, my body was tired and still, there I was at mile 9, asking my friend Dorothy if she wanted to do more.

Second, I met another friend for 4.5 miles late in the streak and was able to hang with him at a 9 minute mile pace. I haven’t run that fast since before Wine and Dine! It felt great and made me realize I need to push myself more often.

Haven't seen these numbers in a while!

Haven’t seen these numbers in a while!

Number of times I ran on a full stomach- Once. Uch.

I logged my run into Daily Mile every day, but never tallied my miles until this past Monday- at which time Meridith received the following panicky text:

“Finally counted up my miles so far. 86.3. I want to shoot for 100 but that is completely unrealistic. Dammit. I wish I’d counted sooner.”

Followed by: “Eff. I am seriously trying to figure out how I can do 14 miles in three days. I shouldn’t have counted.”

I knew Monday had to be short because I had to run with the kids- and my oldest can only ride so far on her scooter- so I quickly found childcare and running buddies for the final two days and decided to go for it. My legs were tired (trainer Jen made me do about 500 squats earlier that morning) but I knew that the closer I finished to 100, the more those missing few miles would bug me.

My friend Danielle met me for a four mile run on Tuesday and towards the end she told me she felt good enough to do 2.7 more, knowing I had plans to meet Dorothy on Wednesday for the final four. I could have cried. (Okay, I admit it. There actually were a few tears shed.)

Running this streak showed me that I can run even if my legs are tired. That I am ready to push myself. That I can do anything if I set my mind to it. And finally, that I have some wonderful friends. Fit friends are the best friends, whether they cheer you on via text message, run with you while on their vacation, or push themselves farther to help you reach your goal.

Maybe next year I will do a streak with the plasma car.

Maybe next year I will do a streak with the plasma car. Who’s with me?

Now I’m ready for the next challenge- The Glass Slipper Challenge, to be specific. But first, I’m going to put my feet up for a couple of days. I’ve earned it.

Streaker roll call! How did it go?

Do you have a good schedule for laundry? I’m asking for a friend.

18 thoughts on “My Run Streak: By The Numbers

  1. I really think that I might keep going with this streak – I know you think I’m crazy but I figure there are worse habits to have!

    As for laundry – when you figure out something, let me know! You know, for a friend.

    • I don’t think you’re crazy! You’re amazing.

      I considered continuing the streak until Valentine’s Day for one whole minute. But it’s time for me to focus on something else. Never say never…maybe I will do it next holiday season.

  2. 100 miles!!!! YAY, so awesome! You even ran through the flu, that’s what sidelined me after day 8. Great job, I’d say you deserve a couple of days to put your feet up. Excited to see you next month!

    • Thanks, Heather!

      Yeah…yuck. I mean, obviously it wasn’t too bad, since I did get up and run, but it wasn’t good either.

      I am so excited! Was just thinking we need an email to make some plans.

  3. Such a rockstar! Also, I’m realizing that we’ve never run together, even though we’ve run in the same race twice. We must remedy that!

    Congrats on finishing your streak – so amazing. And also, your girlie is a scooter master! 3 miles? So awesome.

      • I’m sure you will be! I hope to be as speedy as I was last year haha. I’m a bit off my game right now. I blame the weather.

        I sure do! There are a few great options around the time I’m there, I think. I would LOVE to do the 5th Avenue Mile, but it’s the same weekend as the Philly RnR half, so I’ve got to decide. There are also a couple of others I have my eye on. We should do one!

  4. Way to stick with the streak and completely rock it! I’m terrible with Laundry its usually just a forced rest day when I run out of clothes and replace workout with do laundry.

    • I know what you mean! I always know it’s time to wash the kids clothes when they run out of jammies.

      You should streak! Runner’s World does a summer streak too, I think. I enjoyed it though I’m not sure if I’ll do one again.

  5. Great job! I started a few days early, but have ran around 180 miles. Not exact, but close to that. I’m continuing the streak for now since I enjoyed it so much! But I need to learn how to embrace one mile “rest days.” I’ve been skipping those and my quality of runs is suffering from it.

    • WOW! That’s awesome.

      I did a lot of 1.6 and 2 milers because those are easy loops near my house, but I noticed that most of my runs were slower. Some of that was due to pushing the double jogger but even on my treadmill days, I wanted to stay at a very easy pace.


  6. Congrats on 100 miles! I also totally loved the streak and I’m sad it’s over…I may actually go for a quick treadmill run right now. Also, I totally ran with a dirty sports bra a few times (for my shorter runs!) and I feel like that’s just part of run streaking 🙂

    • Haha, I sent Meridith a text earlier about how I felt super lazy today because I didn’t run. I’m definitely taking my two days of rest before my long run this weekend though.

      High five to you! We did it!

  7. Yay!!! I am so excited you made it, and to 100! Kick butt!

    I will openly admit I run in dirty sports bras fairly often. All my favorites are reversible, I take that to mean if I run for less than an hour I can wear it again, on the other side. Judge me, I’m okay with it.

    • Hahaha, I love it.

      I mean, I only wore them again after the 1 milers. But still. No judgement here!

      Thank you! I’m still on a high about the whole thing because it was hard as hell to fit it in some days.

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