Hey all, Scooter here from Elf on the Shelf! I was tickled pickles when my good friends, the Scoot Chicks asked me to do a guest post for their blog. Naturally, as a newbie elf runner I have something fun and exciting to bring to the table.
You all know us elves for sitting on shelves, and doing wild and zany things like the ol’ Toilet Papering the Tree trick and Ice Skating on the Dining Room Table.
But all work and no play makes Scooter an angry little elf. That’s why this year I decided to take up RUNNING. I mean, a crazy amount of my Facebook friends have been talking about their mileage and sharing maps of their runs, so I had to get in on the action so that now I can share all MY training on Facebook too.
(Defriended Jingle soon after this – I don’t need that type of negativity in my life!)
I started running last December after helping Santa eat all those cookies that he picks up along the way. 2013 was my first full year of running. When I start something, I go BIG.
All the medals! All the races! (Okay, fine, these aren’t all mine. Some are Candy’s. Most. Most are Candy’s.)
I learned just how therapeutic a long run can be and furthermore, I perfected the art of a selfie elfie! All my Instagram friends and I share our awesomeness on the regular.
Who needs an ice rink when you can have an ice bath? Brrrr, it’s cold in here – there must be some elves in the atmosphere!
I learned how to rise and run effectively (by setting TWO alarms, of course!) and how to foam roll those pesky IT bands.
I discovered my favorite post-race treat.
Of course, I had to do a Color Run. See that smile? It really IS the happiest 5k on the Planet.
Finally, I discovered a whole world of support from my friends and from the online running community.
Now it’s time for me to get to “work” as a shelf elf. Thank goodness I had an incredible year of running so I don’t feel too bad about sitting on my doot for this month. And helping Santa with those cookies again. But come January? It is ON.
Scooter’s day job includes sitting on shelves, avoiding the hands of children and creeping out many adults. His night job is part magic, part ninja. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Candy.
Hahah this is too funny! We have an Elf on the Shelf (Snowflake) in my kindergarten classroom and sometimes I forget to move her! The kids are hardcore about this Elf…I had no idea!
I. Love. This. Awesome!
Did you sneak in a “Bring it On” reference?
I’m not sure I can handle how cool you guys are
Way to move it Scooter!
This is amazing. I wish Dash(our shelf elf) was this cool!
I can’t wait to read Candy’s blog!
Scooter, if you run into my friend Carlos please send love!
Oh my god, this is amazing! Best christmas post I’ve seen yet
This is soooo hilarious and my new very favorite Elf on the Shelf post. The support group signs and the ice bath were hilarious!!