Well, it was a pretty humdrum weekend for most of us at the Scoot A Doot blog…
If you follow any of us on twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you know that 4/6 of us were at Disney for the Wine and Dine half marathon. For me, it wasn’t a PR, but it was right around what I expected to run- 10 minute miles- for a chip time of 2:11:33. I’m pleased and now I’m plotting. But more on all that later this week.
Yesterday, I celebrated seven years of marriage with my mister. (I use the term “celebrated” loosely, as we basically cuddled together on the couch with some wine, once lunches were made and children were asleep. That’s the stuff that wedded bliss is made of.) Saying “I do”to this guy was the best decision I’ve ever made. He makes me laugh, he listens to me rant about politics, he buys me pretty shoes. He’s the best dad, he’s a supportive partner, and sometimes he even does the dishes without being asked. He makes me crazy happy.
Today, I’m sharing some pictures from our family photo album.

Married! One of my faves from our wedding day.

The night our little miss was born and we became a family of three.

Christmas is a lot of fun with kids. This was our holiday card picture the year our second girl arrived.

Our fifth anniversary trip to Sonoma and Napa. We love wine almost as much as we love each other!

Gooooo Knights! Football season means race training for me and football for him.

After running the Tangled 5k at Disney in 2011.

Family silliness after our oldest’s pre-k graduation.
Married? How do you celebrate your anniversary? If you got married pre-pinterest, would you want to do it all over again just for the planning fun?
Red wine? White wine? College football or NFL? Talky in the comments!
Love it! We celebrated our 10th anniversary by running our first ever half marathon! I don’t want to plan a wedding all over again, but I would pick a different dress if I really had to do it all over. Red wine for sure. And, LOTS of it. College football (go, Buckeyes! go, NIU Huskies!) – YES! NFL (go, Bears) – YES!
That’s awesome! I’m slowly working J up to a half; so far he’s done a 10k. I’m dropping hints about Broad Street IF we don’t get into the Nike half.
I don’t think I’d plan another either; pinterest drives me crazy enough just for birthday party planning. Wheeee! Lots of wine. *fist bump*
Happy Anniversary! You guys are too cute. <3
Thank you, Lisa! I thought of you when I posted this- our talk about how the internet sees only one side of things. I think we’re pretty cute in real life too though.
I’ve never met your other half, but I’m willing to bet that you’re right.
Happy Anniversary! It sounds like you had the perfect one! Pinterest helped a little but we relied a ton on our planner, without her we probably would have eloped (just don’t tell my parents!). College football all the way – they have talent and still love to play at that point!
Emily, we totally snuggled and then neti-potted together, laughed about it and went to bed. Midweek dates are hard, yo.
I had a lot of fun planning our wedding but there’s a lot more pressure now, I think, to have everything look a certain way and a bit of competitiveness about it. Darn Pinterest!
College football here too. So at least I have my guy on Sundays. Thanks!
B! These pictures made me tear up a little! Especially the one after A was born. That’s one of my very favorites ever of you guys! Love and miss you all so much. Can’t wait to celebrate 6 years with my boy here in a few weeks.
Happy anniversary! I just blogged about my 2 year engagement-versary (which was today!) and how crazy it is that I’m finally married! I actually used pinterest to help plan my wedding and it was a TERRIBLE idea! I was like “Oh look at these pretty homemade chalkboard menus!” and “I can totally buy some wooden letters for our monogram and wrap them in twine to look like that!”. Fast forward to 2 days before the wedding when I was screaming at my mom and crying over those stupid twine letters. People kept commenting on how awesome the letters were on the escort card table, but I wish I’d never pinned that pin! Style Me Pretty also made me go DIY crazy. Those weddings are beautiful!
I love this post B. And I love all of the pics of your beautiful family
Thank youuuuuu!
I seriously love your family. I’m so glad that we all got to hang out together, even if it was sans Josh! Next time we’ll have to get him in on the action. A little 10 miler, perhaps?
Love you all!!!
Hahaha, I sort of hope we get to do that instead of the other thing! Funny how that worked out.
I love all of you! Come back soon. Or I’ll come there. Or we’ll have Scootercon somewhere.