Fall Running, Florida Style

College football season begins this week, and for me, that means one thing: shopping. You all know I love to shop for running clothes, dresses, shoes…anything, really. (Even groceries.) My husband, as you can imagine, isn’t so fond of my affinity for spending money on fashion. But I’ll tell you a secret- if it’s in his team’s colors? If it’s to wear to the game? Suddenly, it’s okay. Gold sandals? “Of course, babe.” Black and white peplum top? “I don’t know what that is, but sounds good.” Golden yellow t-shirt? “Go Knights.” (And also, go yellow!)

On Monday, I went to the mall in search of some shorts to wear to this week’s game. I knew it was a long shot because I’ve received the latest J.Crew and Anthro catalogs. My coffee place is serving pumpkin spice lattes. I’m aware that in most parts of the country, it’s Fall. Still, I hoped. Until I spied the tables of corduroy skinnies and cardigans. Lace sweatshirts and jeans. And a lone sale rack with two pairs of shorts- not in my size or my color. Sad face.

I’m not sure why stores do this to Floridians. I’d like to wear lace and polka dot cardis, skinny jeans and boots. But we’re still feeling highs in the 90s. It’s soaking hot, as my daughter would whine (she’s already learning that we Floridians love to complain about our weather).

The soaking heat- emphasis on soaking- was quite apparent yesterday, as I scooted my doot on a mid-morning run. I know that some of you are already enjoying cooler temperatures, and some of those same folks are headed down here for Disney race season. I’d love to help you survive running in Florida. Here are some tips:

1. Accessorize. Hats and sunnies are your friends! I reached out on Instagram for sunglasses recommendations and ended up with these. Cute, a snug fit and my eyes are protected from the sun.

2. Chug-a-lug! Coconut water, Gatorade, nuun, old fashioned H2O: whatever you choose, make sure you drink up, and often. I’ve tried a couple of handheld bottles but the Amphipod is my fave.

3. Wear sunscreen. Find a good one that won’t run into your eyes (and let me know when you do, okay?). Protect your skin, prevent wrinkles and those weird tan lines from your sunglasses.

And speaking of tan lines…

4. Sport a tech t-shirt.
It covers more skin than a sports bra or tank, so you won’t end up with a funny tan. I like this one because it’s a sweat-wicking fabric and super breathable.

5. Watch out for Gators. Obviously not at Disney, but if you’re running near a body of water down here, well, look out for them. When I say, “Go Gators”, I mean “Go away.”

Do you live in a warmer climate? What advice would you give for running in hot weather? Do you know where I can find some yellow shorts? And go ahead and shout out to your team here too. Go Knights.

6 thoughts on “Fall Running, Florida Style

  1. I live in southwestern Ontario, Canada and we have a “warmer climate” for about two months of the year, yesterday it was 87, with a humidex that made it feel more like a hundred while I was out running!! There is a special kind of bandana you can get (can’t remember the name) that you can soak in ice-cold water before a run and then wear around your neck, I understand this helps. lol I have neon yellow Pegasus’ and a neon yellow shirt but have seen yellow shorts nowhere. Go, Knights, Go!! (London Knights, that is…!)

  2. We’ve got some ‘Canes over here! Whoosh, whoosh!

    We are so excited for the season opener on Friday night. I’ve got my orange and green and Mr PugRunner is making wings. And we are going to one or two games, this year, which makes me so happy! In fact, the only bad news is that the super-cute tank I got for game days is now too big for me and I can’t return it. Boo. I guess it’s a good problem to have.

    I live in Florida, so yes, I’m in a hot climate. It’s hard running here, and my advice is to take it nice and easy, stay hydrated and avoid the sun as much as possible. No idea where to find yellow shorts, though.

    • Haha, you can tell I have daughters when I tried to figure out why you would wear fairy wings for the game. (My train of thought was literally, “Oh cute! Hmm. What do fairy wings have to do with the Hurricanes…” But I get it now. Yum.)

      And hi, neighbor! I try to avoid the sun too but sometimes I end up running in the afternoon and that’s just miserable.

      I bet you’ll look adorable in the tank. Maybe you can tie it in the back? My little has started looping a rubber band around her t-shirts (like we did with those little t-shirt clips waaaay back when) to get a snugger fit. Such style at age 5. Thanks for commenting!

  3. In Philly today it was super humid and I had to say no to a run because it was so hard to breathe! I don’t envy you at all. I’m running the Disney Princess Half in February and I’ve heard that it can even be hot and humid in the middle of February, is that true?

    As far as yellow shorts go – maybe check online? Some places may still have them in stock? I’m not sure if Old Navy carried yellow ones, but they always have super colorful stuff!

    Oh and as for college football – Hail to Pitt! (our colors are navy and gold so I feel your pain on finding yellowish stuff to wear!)

    • I should totally check old navy! Thanks. Anthro had gold shorts on sale last week for $10. The style wasn’t good for my body type, but if you’re interested in some gold, check there. 🙂

      I think February is the coldest month in Florida, however it’s sporadic. One day it’ll be in the 30s, the next could be 80. Layers are your friend.

      I ran Princess two years ago in a skirt and tank- it starts so early though, I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Vic and I will be there this year too!

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