The chicks here at Scoot A Doot all know each other pretty well. There are a lot of emails, texts, phone calls and Heytells that go back and forth about everything from blog business to what we ate for lunch. (Admittedly, there are a lot about lunch.)
But, we wanted to let you guys get to know us better! And who better to interview us than… well… US!
So, for the next six Fridays, we’ll be posting some Chick-on-Chick interviews. You’ll definitely hear some stuff about health and fitness and what motivates us. But you’ll also get to find out more fun stuff about us! And heck, if there is anything we don’t cover, any burning questions you’re just dying for us to answer, just ask.
We’ll pretty much talk to anyone. About anything. We’re a chatty lot.
So, here is our first installment!
Bec on Meri
Since all this sillyness was my idea, I took on matching up our interviewer to our interviewees. It was completely random, I swear. I have little slips of paper in my work wastepaper basket to prove it. But truth be told, I was pretty excited when I got matched up to interview Meri.
Meri and I have known each other for just over three years, and in that time, she has become one of my dearest friends. She never fails to lift my spirits, and she’s been known to ‘full name’ me on occasions when I really need it. Being that I’m in Massachusetts and Meri is in New Jersey, we don’t get in person visits nearly often enough, but we’ve both hung out with each other’s families and I can’t wait to see her and her’s again next Spring (if not before…universe, be kind).
Prior to this interview, I would have told you that there wasn’t much I don’t know about Meri. But I would have been wrong! So, without further ado (a.k.a. babbling by me)…
Bec: When was the first moment you really felt like an athlete?
Meri: Well, there’s been many moments when I really DIDN’T feel like an athlete, despite taking part in athletic events. However, with running, I think one of the coolest moments for me was when I did the Run the Bridge 10k and I was able to call my time, to the minute before we ran the race.
It was my first 10k ever and hillier than any run I’d ever done (the Ben Franklin bridge from Camden into Philadelphia is essentially one giant hill, btw – I don’t think I was really cognizant of that fact when I signed up). Vic, Brandi, Sean and Kate were all running too and as we split up at the start line, I said, “Okay, I’ll see you at a 1:10/1:11 – cheer for me!” And sure enough, that’s exactly when I ran across the finish line (and they were all cheering for me).
To know my capabilities and push myself through those hills was a really fantastic experience. That’s definitely as real as it gets.
Bec: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Meri: Ice cream.
Bec: I didn’t know this. I mean, Meri and I share a love of ice cream, but I think I would have said oatmeal. Meaning I thought Meri would say oatmeal. I would definitely not say oatmeal. I would say ice cream.
Bec: Do you have an ultimate health/fitness goal, be it a specific weight or something you want to be able to do? What is it?
Meri: You know, it’s funny because when I started running in 2011, I was 30 pounds heavier than I am now and I was very number focused. As I’ve lost weight and became more fit, it’s become less and less about the number and more about how I feel.
I’m 10 pounds heavier than I was last summer but I’m okay with that. My goal is to be healthy and fit, but I also have an obsessive personality so finding the balance of all of these things is numero uno important. My self confidence has never been higher and I know that when I put the work in and focus on my goals, good things will happen.
Bec: Tell me about your dream ‘girl’s weekend’.
Meri: Mount Airy Lodge. Where all you have to bring is your love of everything. I still have dreams of the champagne shaped hot tub. And all my best girls, of course.
All kidding aside, I want to do Campowerment! 2014?
Bec: I don’t even know what Campowerment is but I already kind of want to do it!

Bec and Mer and one of our best girls, Jenn, exploring Salem, MA. It’s no Mount Airy lodge, but we had a great weekend!
Bec: What is your biggest challenge in being a healthy mom to two (adorable) boys?
Meri: My boys are adorable, aren’t they? Biggest challenge would be getting everything done. And having time enough at last (aka to read).
And laundry. Always laundry.
Bec: Laundry is my world. *eyeroll*
Bec: Best Boy Band of all time? And favorite member of said Boy Band?
Meri: Of ALL time? The Beatles. Don’t tell me they’re not a boy band – they were THE boy band.
But if we’re talking more recently, the N’SYNC. And JC. I still love him on ABDC. He’s blowin’ me up with his love. Yep.
Bec: I love this answer. So much.
So, that’s Meri in a nutshell. (Let her out! A nutshell is very cramped!) Next week, we’ll have another chick-on-chick interview. You’ll just have to tune in to see who!
And if you have questions for Mer… or me… or any of the chicks… pop them in the comments. We love hearing from you guys!
Great idea, girls! And Meri, you are awesome. I think if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be chocolate. <3
Oh how fun! I can’t wait to see the rest of the installments.
Pingback: A little ‘Chick on Chick’ action- Part 2 | Scoot A Doot
Pingback: A little ‘Chick on Chick’ action – Part 3 | Scoot A Doot
Pingback: More “Chick on Chick” action: The Jess Chronicles | Scoot A Doot
Pingback: “Chick on Chick” – Episode V – All Eyes on Vic! | Scoot A Doot
Pingback: The final “Chick on Chick” – Cam Takes Center Stage | Scoot A Doot