Anyone who knows me knows that I love the 10k distance. Therefore, when I first started catching wind about the additions of 10ks to the already awesome runDisney weekends, I got excited.
Cam, Vic and I ran the Tinker Bell half this past January in California’s Disneyland and it’s a race that holds a special place in my heart. I met some really cool people at the 2013 meetup and I hope to make my way back to the West coast to run Tink again at some point. (Jess, next time, you’re doing it too!)
So today’s announcement from runDisney about the 10k to the Tinker Bell race weekend lineup was happily received!
I know that some people might think it’s crazy to fly across the country for different races but this is honestly what keeps me going, it gives me purpose and reason (especially when a training run isn’t going the way I’d hoped).
If you want to check out more about the Tink Half 10k, definitely hop on over to runDisney’s blog post regarding it. I’ve already said that I can’t swing getting myself to the Glass Slipper challenge in 2014, which I’m super bummed about. Maybe I can get out my pixie dust and fly across the country for the Tink Half/10k? Hmmmmm.
Let’s chat about runDisney races! Which have you done? Which do you want to do? I’ve been fortunate enough to take part in the Princess half (2012), Castaway Cay 5k (2012), and Tink half (2013). Coming up? Wine and Dine!
I have signed up for Marathon Weekend’s 5k, 10k, and the half – not quite dopey but deffinately the Sleepy. Doing the Tink 10k would give me the coast to coast in pink…hmmmmmmm
HAHA! The Sleepy, I love it!
You’re doing Marathon Weekend??? I NEED TO BE AT ALL THESE EVENTS! I *think* you need to do a half to attain the coast to coast. So maybe the Tink half? It’s an awesome course!
I’d love to! If I had the time and money, haha. One day…
BUT! At least we get to Wine and Dine!