I’ve been hearing about ENERGYbits for months, but I really wasn’t sure what to expect.
I knew the bits are 100% Spirulina algae – and a power food with more than 60% protein. In short, it means consumed ENERGYbits quickly turn to glucose after taken…. And as a result give you a steady stream of energy sans chemicals.
I knew they were completely natural – organic, vegan and gluten-free. All of which really appealed to me since so many seemingly healthy products add chemicals or sugar to the mix.
And I knew people raved about them.
Enter the ENERGYbits social media team, who were kind enough to provide me a sample to try and a second sample FOR ONE LUCKY READER! (More on that below.)
My sample tin contained enough bits for two tests.
ENERGYbits in my hot little hand
I decided to test two scenarios – a long run and at the start of a potentially long work day. After all, these would likely be two scenarios I’d be using said bits.
I tested both out last week, and I wasn’t disappointed.
A serving size of ENERGYbits is about 30 tabs. Each bit is a speck smaller than an Advil. They went down pretty easily for me when chased by water. I split them into two handfuls.
On the run
I swallowed a handful of bits at about 30 minutes before my long run last weekend, a hilly 6-miler in Mendon Ponds Park in suburban Rochester, NY. Since this was my first attempt in swallowing bits before exercising, I was a little concerned they might not stay down. (They did, for the record.)
I knew I’d need a little extra oomph as I ran Saturday since I tackled rolling hills with my running pal Traci and a large community running group. For me, it was the first week of my fall marathon training plan, hence the short mileage.
We headed off and I felt great. I was chatty, which as my running pals know, is a sure sign that I am feeling strong.
As we hit the halfway point of our route, I was still feeling fantastic! I was strong, steady and on a mission. I actually passed our group’s pacer twice. He politely reeled me back in with some wit and a smile.
Once finished, I was still feeling good. Yes, of course I felt like I ran 6 miles, but I felt as though I could keep running. Since the skies were about to open up, we drove back home. And the skies opened up moments later.
I had an abundance of energy though, so I ran errands!
On the job
I ate the bits at the start of what ended up being a rather long work day. I’d love to tell you I has super strength and laser-like focus all day, but I’d be fibbing. I DID however, not feel tired or interested in a second cup of coffee. I also didn’t snack all morning. I felt very full, which is not my norm.
Ask my colleagues, I’m a snacker.
So… score two for the bits.
A tin of bits, hanging on my keyboard
I was pleased with my test experiments and am definitely planning to buy more ENERGYbits. The lone drawback is the price. It’s $115 for a bag of 1,000 tabs. That said, that settles out at 33 servings of bits for about $3.50 per serving.
When I do the math it seems way more reasonable.
Plus, discount codes are aplenty. For a 10% discount, type BLOG into coupon box at checkout.
Still too rich for your blood? The company offers a sampling program. Just reach out to them via Twitter and tell them of your interests (and that the Scoot A Doot chicks sent you). Or send a note to Jonathan at jlevitt AT ENERGYbits.com and he’ll share the details.
The giveaway
One lucky reader will receive a sample tin of ENERGYbits. Just click on the Rafflecopter image below to enter.
Scoot a Doot’s ENERGYbits giveaway begins 7/2/13 and ends 7/10/13 at midnight. Winner will need to provide their name, address and email to us so we may pass it along to ENERGYbits.
What do you eat for fuel before a long run? Have you ever tried eating algae? Tell us in the comments!
ohhhh i have never heard of these!!! i have never tried eating algae….. i generally stick to goo on long runs or SKITTLES nom nom nom taste the rainbow
It was my first time eating algae as well but it went pretty smoothly. I’ve always used GU in the past too but am curious to try something else…see if it makes a significant difference? (and I LOVE skittles! I never thought to run with them, does it fare well?)
Yes!!!! Ziplock bag them and they are easy to pop in your mouth and you don’t need water to wash them down! They are the best
Love it! YUM
Since gels make me sick, I plan on giving ENERGYbits a test run for sure. The price was initially a bit of a put off until you broke it down and did the math for me
I wish you could’ve seen me with the calculator Heather. it was hilarious! And definitely reach out to them via email. They may provide a free sample pack. And who doesn’t like that?
I’m training for a sprint distance triathlon and am just starting to need to find foods I can eat along the way. I’m interested in giving these a try!
Excellent! Best wishes on the giveaway Heather!
Sometimes I think I need them to get through my University studies after a long day of work/family/running but using them for the half training I am doing would be sweet too!
There are definitely days (when I cover major breaking news) where I don’t have any chance to eat. This would totally save me! Those all sound like great uses
Did you say that there are 30 pills to a serving? I would be worried that it would take me forever (and a gallon of water) to get those down. I’m not a great pill-taker. I have been curious about spirulina for a while though. hmmmmmm
Yes, the company suggests you take at least 30 pills before exercise. I was worried about swallowing them (read: gagging down) too but I wasn’t hard at all. I did it with two handfuls and several mouthfuls of water. Not a problem
I get the most energetic after lunch but could use a boost at the very end of the day when its actually gym time.
A little boost is always nice, yes? I drag a bit after lunch too, and could definitely use a pickmeup
I’m actually the most energetic after a run. I could use some of the most extra boosts right in the morning.
The early bird catches the worm! Best wishes on the giveaway!!
Did you chew them, what did they taste like? That might be a dumb question.
its not a dumb question at all! I didn’t chew them, I swallowed them with water. I may try chewing one (just to see) once I order a new bag. I’m curious too….
I can tell you that they do smell a bit like algae.
I usually just eat a banana. Since I started drinking Nuun I haven’t had to refuel on runs of 8 miles. However anything longer and I usually have a cliff mocha gel with caffeine with water. I would love to win the energybits. I do think they are a little pricey so winning some would be a great way to try them!!! I am always looking for something that is better and natural to use on runs!
In my past training I always ate a banana or PB toast before long runs. They seemed to work well for me- some days better than others. Am curious to see if the bits might step up my game. Time will tell! And yes, a sample tin is the best way to try them out
I usually fuel for long runs with Honey Stinger chews. Gels give me the icks, and I tried Clif Shot Bloks, but they upset my stomach. I’d love to give the bits a shot!
My running partner Gary loves the Honey Stinger chews. I just bought some to try out as well. (and I’m not a huge fan of Cliff blocks either. I ended up using them while hiking. They were fine, just BIG)
I generally only have trouble with energy in the late afternoon and early evening, and those usually aren’t times that I run or work out. But I do struggle with being hungry frequently, so I snack a lot (greek yogurt, bananas and other fruit, healthy snack bars) throughout the day. These definitely sound interesting as a way to keep hunger at bay while also getting protein. For my long runs, I’ve only tried gels so far, but I’m doing a lot of experimenting to see what works best for me.
I’m a snacker too but it sounds like you’re a much healthier snacker than me! (hellloooo, vending machine fritos! my downfall.) Best wishes on the giveaway Ben! and good luck on your run tomorrow!
Most energetic? Usually right after a workout! I’m just wound from the adrenaline. So for me, that’s mid-morning by the time I’m done. Least energetic? About 2-3 in the afternoon, before I get my nighttime second wind after dinner, much to my girlfriend’s chagrin
Hooray! Was great chatting with you last night as well! Good luck on the giveaway!
I am usually most energetic after my morning coffee (there is a two hour window with lots of energy). I would love to try these on a long run especially for the two marathons I am currently training for. Great giveaway!!
Oh yes, I am with you on the coffee. I love coffee way more than I should ever admit. Which two marathons are you training for (and wow!! impressive!)
I am usually really good late in the evening and horrible first thing in the AM
My sister’s that way too! Good luck on the giveaway!
I need the boost in the morning. I’d love to be a morning runner, I’m just not…
There are definitely days when I hit snooze…. several times! Best wishes in the giveaway! And Happy 4th
If they are 60% protein, they don’t quickly turn to glucose. That is actually the benefit of a protein source over a gel. Not sure where you got that information
Directly from the folks at EnergyBits.
Here’s the link: (top paragraph) http://www.energybits.com/index.php/athletics-fitness
I’m the lead energietic in the morning! I literally feel like a sloth all day until evening…when I need to be sleeping!!!
Understandably! Best wishes on the giveaway and becoming #poweredbybits!
I’d be interested to see how they do for my 14 mile saturday runs.
Me too! I’ll be trying them out for 9 miles this weekend
good luck in the giveaway!
Never tried algae before but I want to try new options, the caffeinated gels are messing up with my tummy. I am trying out the cliff gels non caffeinated RAZ and that has been good so far.
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