What essentials do you need while running?
Recently, during one of our (many) long emails threads, the Chicks got to chatting about the must-haves for training runs and races.
Which naturally lead to us talking about how we carry said essentials because the little pocket in the back of our pants or skirts can only fit so much, like a singular key or some cash.
See that little pouch on Brooke? That’s the SPIbelt and it’s what quite a few of us use to hold our stuff. It’s like the mom of running gear – shove everything at it and you’re good to go!
A runner’s spin on the “dump your purse” pictures, we decided to dump our belts.
Some of us, like Brooke, don’t need much.
While others need everything and the kitchen sink!

Mer’s non-minimalist approach. She has an order of placement too; the money is always tucked in the very back.
And still others want more…
SPI stands for Small Personal Item belt and what we love about these are that the material stretches to fit quite a few items. The belt snaps on and off easily and holds the pouch to you snug, so nothing is bouncing around. Additionally, SPIbelt sells toggles so you can attach a bib to the belt.
We picked our SPIbelts up in 2011 (at the Philadelphia Marathon expo) and have been happily using them ever since! The SPIbelt saved Mer’s phone during a tropical storm run.
After we emailed (ahem… fanmailed) SPIbelt to tell them of our love for their belts, they contacted us and offered up an Original belt for a giveaway to our Scooters! Super stoked? Yep, us too!
Check it out and let us know in the comments what essentials YOU bring along on a run. And hey, if you want us to dump our purses too, let us know in the comments and we can probably work that up for you.
The entries for this giveaway begins 5/30/2013 and completes 6/4/2013. An Original SPIbelt will be mailed to the winner so that person will need to provide their address when contacted. The color of the SPIbelt will be chosen at random.
I swear by my SPIbelt! It is the absolute greatest thing. I hate hate hate carrying stuff in my hands when I run (how my mom holds her cell phone AND the dog leash, I have no idea) and I don’t really like wearing an armband, either. This little pouch of wonder is like Mary Poppins’ bag, it holds EVERYTHING you might need (though I have yet to see if a hat stand actually fits… that Mary Poppins is a tricky broad).
So, yeah. That was me gushing about mine. They’re awesome. Just thought I’d throw my two cents in (I convinced Kimberly to get one last weekend, too).
I love you, Kyle! It seriously IS the Mary Poppins bag with its stretchy material. (If we could just get those wine bottles to fit!) I got it before my first ever road race and have worn it ever since, with much love.
Bahahaha. I love you, toooooo! I feel like the wine bottle is a challenge that we need to work on. Because… well, just because!
I don’t go out the door without it. Such convenience.
Honestly, before the wine bottles, I’m thinking we are going to need to get some ice cream topping materials in our SPIbelts. Sprinkles, maybe some whipped cream. Oh, the possibilities…
Yes! It’s the Mary Poppins bag for runners. You are brilliant Kyle! How does Kimberly like her belt?
Ice cream toppings! what a brilliant plan. That’s happening.
I don’t know that Kimberly’s used hers yet, but I’m just going to go ahead and say that she loves it, because I know her life. Or something.
You’ll notice that we all answer for each other. Totally approve of that.
I would carry fuel for my body and probably a cell phone, especially on the long run!
Yes! The fuel is very important. What kind do you usually go with?
I don’t own a SPIbelt. I do have a friend who was trying to get me to get one this year at Bloomsday, but I didn’t. Oh well! I take a lot with me though on runs, with very little room! I carry gels, keys, phone, ID, Money, Debit card. Water from time to time. It’s a tough life, but must be done!
Ah, so now you get to try your hand with our giveaway. Meant to be?
I carry GU, chapstick, yummy trail mix, chomps, sometimes gloves, a headband and/or my sunglasses. I am amazed at how much stuff I can cram in there!
GU is always in mine; as soon as I use one during a race or training run, it gets replaced. What are “your” flavors? I always go with Vanilla Bean, Chocolate Outrage, Espresso Love, or PB.
I would definitely have my ID, some cash, and my phone. Great giveaway!
I used to shove my ID in there, before I got a Road ID. Now I figure that’s enough (mainly because I’m afraid of losing my id).
Good luck!
True. I need to invest in a road id for sure
I love mine… especially when I forget my husband’s cell phone number. In my defense, he just got a new cell phone within the last year.
Okay, maybe I should commit that to memory.
Oh my! That made me laugh pretty hard.
Love it
Nothing tops Josh trying to stuff wine into the SPIbelt!!!
Agreed! We’ll have to work on that the next time we’re together.
most definitely. I have some small shooter bottles…
Those would definitely work.
Perfecto! You know it’s happening…
I think the SPIbelt could just become a minibar of sorts. Let’s be honest with ourselves.
SPIbelt equals minibar. Totally. Yes! You are brilliant!
I struggle with how to carry important stuff with me when I run, so an SPIbelt sounds great.
Sometimes I run with my phone in hand but I’m always scared I’m going to drop it. The SPIbelt is a huge help!
I carry chapstick, a couple jolly ranchers, my phone, some cash, and an ID
I’m glad I’m not the only person who needs chapstick. My lips get incredibly dry when I’m running – probably because I’m breathing more through my mouth than usual. Without the chapstick, I wind up with bloody lips. And that’s attractive to no one.
I have this tank top with a shelf ‘bra’… it’s useless for keeping the girls in line, but it creates a nifty pocket over my sports bra. This is where my phone and key ride when I run.
I can’t imagine that would be comfortable at all! Isn’t there pokeage???
lol surprisingly, no! But it doesn’t do much to draw attention AWAY from my chest…
I would carry my chapstick, sport beans or GU, my ID, and perhaps some money, if needed!
Awesome giveaway!
I always carry money because I figure “What if I want a snack?” I like snacks.
Best of luck, Carie!
I won’t enter the contest because I have my own SPI Belt already, but I will second (third? fifteenth?) the “SPI belts rock!” sentiment. Most of the time, though, I don’t carry anything at all on runs. Crazy, right? I have a RoadID bracelet, and if I need to take a key, I tie it to my shoe. My skirts all have pockets, so if I do need a phone, that’s where it goes. I guess I usually wear a SPIbelt in the winter, because my tights don’t have pockets and I usually need tissue in the winter. =)
Yay! Thanks for the awesome testimonial, Diana! They DO rock and so do you.
I would carry my phone, keys, ID, cash(if needed), and maybe some fuel for the run!
The keys are always what get me because as much stuff as you can shed, that’s a pretty important one. I usually only carry my spare car key. Good luck!
I’d put keys, money, and my phone in my SIP belt.
All good things to have on you on a run! Good luck in the giveaway!
I would keep phone, key, ID and some cash (if needed). These seem great for races when you may have limited/no easy access to your stuff and can have it right on hand (or hip for that matter).
Precisely! That’s why I got my belt too! Now I’m constantly shoving my phone in, taking it out ( so I can take pics for the blog of course…)
I’d use it to carry fuel, my keys, and my phone!
Excellent! What’s your fuel of choice Laurel?
If I could actually get it away from my husband, I would wear mine :). He takes it all the time. I add my ID, keys, and usually a chomp or 2 to get me through my runs.
Ha! Men. Maybe you will win one of your own? Then you would have his and hers SPIbelts.
I would carry phone, fuel and ID, and my housekeys.
This looks awesome for races!
It totally is! I love that you can attach toggles for race bibs too. Keeps you from having to poke pesky holes in your tech shirts from safety pins.
Wow! That’s awesome!
It really spares the shirts. Especially if you are forgetful like me and sometimes wash your tech shirts with the bib (and pins) still attached. Ack!
I may have done that with my favorite shirt!
oh that’s the worst! I just did it last week. Kicked myself later. sigh
Hammer Gels and Chapstik – SPIbelts are the best!
We agree! Good luck in the contest
I’d have my house key, an ID, maybe a few bucks, and a chapstick! Great giveaway
Thank you! Sounds like you have gone the minimalist route, like Brooke! Good luck
I carry my phone, cash, key, and a teeny scalpel or pepper spray (I like to be safe).
Safety is a must!! Good idea Kristy! (Just be careful with that scalpel! Eeek!
Sounds awesome since Im freaking out about what to do with my car keys next month, Im doing a race alone and I feel bad asking my friends to come because it’s at 6:30 AM on a Sunday
I tend to take my single key off the keychain and put it in a zippered pocket or my belt. It’s good to have the key Ina secure place! Good luck in your upcoming race! When/where is it?
Good idea, thanks! Im doing the Pasadena Half Marathon June 30 and Im so nervous, its my first half!
You’re welcome! And best wishes in your first half! Pasadena is beautiful! A friend of mine got married there a few years ago! Are you feeling ready?
Thanks so much! I’ve worked up to 11 miles but for this first one my plan is to pace myself and not die. If I sign up for more I’ll set more legit goals haha.
You’re welcome! You are definitely ready to go the distance if you peaked your training at 11 miles! Can’t wait to hear how it goes! Keep us posted please!
will do!
Credit card, cash, key and phone. I love winning things.
And we love you! Good luck mom2,
My keys, cash, and my license or some other form of ID
Excellent! Best wishes on the giveaway!
Keys, GUs, cash or CC, and my ID
Good plan! What’s your fave GU flavor? Orrrrr are there any flavors you loathe?
Key, cash, phone, gel and garbage. I CANNOT bring myself to toss stuff on the course. I just can’t. I forget to empty my belt after a while and it is filled with trash o_0
P.S. Tell Josh that is what Camelbacks are for.
I love that you aren’t littering.
it must get darn full in there though!
Josh was on a mission, but we will pass on your fantastic suggestion! Next time we will try to fit in some tiny wine shooters, oh yes, it will happen!
I got a SPIbelt almost two years ago, and I love it! I usually only put my keys in there, unless I’m running long, then I’ll throw in my chews. I usually carry my phone in my hand, but if it fits in the belt (haven’t tried yet), I should probably start putting it in there.
P.S. Mine is polka-dotted. I get a lot of comments about it.
Polka dotted? I love it! Can you tweet us a picture?
And yes, a phone totally fits in there
I would be happy to!
Can’t wait to see it!
polka dots are the best!
keys, phone, gels and nuun!
Great choices. I am itching to try Nuun. What’s your favorite flavor?
Love my SPIbelt! I use it for my phone and candy haha.
What kind of candy???
Love my SPI belt and what runner doesn’t have a spare of everything running! I keep my phone, gels, ID card, money or credit card, key and my chapstick!!!
Amen! I love having spares – especially since you never know when you might need an extra.
Good luck, Lisa!
I would use it for my key and GU’s!
They’re just the right size for GUs. (And they stretch to fit a zillion. I should do an experiment on how many would fit…) Good luck!
Nothing fancy: phone, keys & fuel.
I also have a giveaway on my blog for anyone readying… http://mrscrashmattb.blogspot.com/2013/06/modify-watches-celebration-giveaway.html
Sometimes simple works best! Good luck, Jill! And I’ll check out your giveaway.
My SPIbelt would carry my phone (duh), my inhaler (iron lung), and my snacks (gotta have those).
Definitely all good things to have! Especially snacks because I love snacks – what would you bring?
GU and my new iPhone which I only have 18 days until I get but who’s counting?
Nice! I just got my new iPhone for Mother’s Day and it’s awesome! I’d be counting too.
I try to keep it simple; phone, keys, id.
I try to keep it simple too… it just never quite works out that way. At least when I’m doing races. But for training runs, that’s basically what I’ve got in there.
Best of luck to you!
I would put my phone keys and gels In my spibelt
All good things! May the odds be ever in your favor, Alice!
I was half way thru making dinner after a run when I realized I was still wearing my SPIbelt, now that’s comfort!
That is AWESOME! SPIbelts are great for condiments. A little salt, a little pepper.
I would put my cell phone, keys, and occasionally some gels in my SPIbelt!
Yes! That all sounds about right to me. Good luck, Meaghan.
My phone …. guess I should think more about this… =/
We need to run together again and you can carry my stuff too!
I have never used a spi belt. But they sound great. I usually bring my bigger belt with water bottles but would love a smaller belt for runs when I don’t need water.
I’ve been using it since I started running and I adore it! Thanks for entering, Natalie.
I wish I could fit wine in a belt! But I’ll settle for some bacon and peanut butter. And maybe a huge glass of wine after? J/K…Kinda!
HA! Peanut Butter flavored GU? Justin’s Nut Butter? I’m not kidding!
Good luck!
My SPIBelt would get an ID, EnergyBits, keys (house & car), and my iphone!
Those are all good things to have along for the run! Good luck, Jen!
I love my SpiBelt. I always have my IPhone and keys. If it’s a longer run, I put ShotBloks as well.
Agreed! I’m a big fan of mine too!
I’m with Brooke! I carry an old ID and my iPhone.
I just bought a SpiBelt a couple of weekends ago. LOVE it. I got the more waterproof one. I keep $, ID, chap stick, keys and my Advocare Rehydrate Gel in mine. :0)
Phone, shot bloks, and chap stick for sure
Oh, and keys! I hate carrying them!
I would put myBurt’s Bees, id, phone, money, and maybe some GU energy gels in my SPIbelt.
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Don’t know how I missed this post. I have a flip belt and love it. Similar idea but it holds more stuff. Just what I needed, right? Luckily, I have somehow avoided turning it into a black hole like my purse…..
Yes! I’ve heard good things about Flipbelts too.
I try so hard to only bring essentials in the belt.